TPF Slimathon

I made a post here detailing what i have been doing.

As for how I have been coping, well last week was hard because I was not at work all week so the temptation was there to eat more hence my slow weight loss. I must admit I am struggling at the moment due to various stresses I am trying to deal with all at once, but I won't stop now that I have come this far.
You sound just like me. The problem areas you highlighted are where I've been falling over too. Snacking on the wrong foods, eating late at night, and more importantly, portion control.

So what weight are you now? By my reckoning you should be at a similar point to me. If you are, we could use each other as motivation :)

I'm 18st 5 as of yesterday.
I'm down to 18st 9 as of yesterday morning.

i'm hoping for a good week this week though (y)
Can I offer a word of warning to people on here, be very aware of what effect the shorter days will have on your motivation.

I find it's easy to find the time/inclination to go our for a walk etc when the evenings are nice and light, however as the evenings start to draw in my motivation to get up off the sofa and DO something also retreats!

I think being aware of this effect is half the battle. :)
(y) @ Braeden.

Then I think I'll use you as my motivation if you don't mind mate :D

Sammy, I'm the opposite. I'm a night owl by nature, so I expect my motivation to increase.
I love going out for walks when its dark......
Marcel, I've been following the Slimming World plan as I find it sensible - I can eat loads and not feel hungry, and I can still have stuff like chips & chocolate :D and go out for meals without feeling restricted.
Being female, there are certain times when I really struggle as all I want is stodge and chocolate ;) My diet has certainly changed for the better and I'm eating very healthily, with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and trips to the gym when I can manage to fit it all in a day!
Sammy, I'm the opposite. I'm a night owl by nature, so I expect my motivation to increase.
I love going out for walks when its dark......

Ah, I'm a morning person. I don't want to be but I tend to wake up at about 7:30 each day and have to get up as I'm usually wide awake within about 15 minutes. :(

Missus can sleep for Wales, the bugger! :D
My missus can sleep for England! (Or Wales, or any other country for that matter). I really do envy her, because she can go to bed at whatever time she pleased, and within minutes of shutting her eyes, she's away with the fairies.

Me? I need to be almost comatose and falling asleep on my feet before I get into bed, otherwise I just cant get to sleep.

Even though I'm a night owl, and I love it. I really do wish I was a morning person. I can get up for sunrises and planned events should I need to though.
One of my ex bosses, she was an early bird. She used to get into work at about 5am bright and breezy and get loads done. Id love to be able to do that.
I love the early morning, when no one else is around, the sun's coming up...fresh pot of coffee or mug of tea is on, birds are singing, I've just had a shower, and I'm getting loads of things done before anyone wakes up....One of my really great feelings :D

However, due to me being a night owl, I don't get to bed until late (I'm one of those who finds it really hard to get an early night :( Wish I could tho)...which means if I get up early, I'm falling asleep come 9am. lol
I picked up on this thread late, lol! I'd been dieting seriously the first half of this year and lost 5 stone. I've taking a well earned break and am just starting back on it again. Only another 2 stone to go....
Thats fantastic mate.

What was your start weight / current weight? etc?
I'd love to join in this thread, but I've just reached my target weight!

On May 7th this year I was 220lb and most of that was around my belly...With the thinning hair, i was in danger of becoming a stunt double for Homer Simpson!! :p :p

Anyways, since May I've dropped down to 170lb and I thats fine as if I loose anymore people will start sending me food parcels!

People in work have asked how I managed it or which diet I'm on, but really its just down to one thing and thats eating less!

Now the *really* hard part will be keeping the weight off!


just when you thought this thread had gone away... its jumped right back at yer, so are we all doing well??
Well I'm doing better than I expected.

I *was* 18st 7 at some point in this thread.

I weighed myself the other week, 18st 5 and a 1/4 (I think).
Then down to 18st 3 1/2
Then on Sunday, I was bang on 18st :D

Going to the gym more (at least twice, sometimes 3 or more times a week), and I've cut out the crap (mostly).
I lost a stone and a half and now its just stopped dead for 2 weeks.
I think its down to excercise now. :bang:
Ahh seems like you could have Plateud Janice.

However, your body could simply be taking a break, so to speak.

Keep up the good work, a stone and a half is fantastic!.

I try to live by the simple rule, if calories in (food), is less than calories out (exercise), then I'll lose weight.

Also, your body can get used to a 'routine' so changing your habits slightly may kickstart it into action again :)
Also, your body can get used to a 'routine' so changing your habits slightly may kickstart it into action again :)

Right....I'll start eating cream cakes and see if that does the trick! ;)
I'm going to give slimming world a go, I've bought the (e)books from ebay, never been one for going to meetings and public weigh ins and stuff - sue did that with weigh****chers, but I want to give something a go where I can eat as much as I want as my apetite is the biggest problem.

Go go red and green days :D
Hmmm I'll look into that, I know why its doing it though :D

He he.........I love it!

By the way... well done Darksaber...its the start of the dieting that is often the hardest...getting going. Well done you. (y)
Well I'm 6 weeks on my new way of life and I've already dropped a whole size. I don't know my weight as I feel that doesn't help me. But putting on a shirt that hasn't fit in a year has just made me beam! Yeah me!
Remember as well that is you are exercising regularly you may be building muscle which weighs more than fat(IIRC) so even if your actual weight doesn't go down you may actually be getting less fat and more toned/musclely. so don't despair if the scales don't go down!
I need to get my finger out, my dad has said he will pay for my monthly gym membership so hopefully that will get me on the road, I stopped going to the gym before cos i couldn't afford it and gradually with changes at work etc and eating badly put back on all the 6+ stone i lost!!

Time to start again.

**might it be worth making this a sticky so we can easily keep up to date with each others progress**
I seem to have hit a wall recently.

My weight is going down instead of up which is a good thing, but not by anything like the amount I would like.

I have a lot of things going on at the moment which won't be helping - especially as I tend to eat when stressed (and there has been a lot of stress recently), hopefully I will get past it and start losing weight again soon


Weight as of Monday am: 260.5 lbs - 18st 8.5 lbs - 118.4 kilos

Start Weight: 287 lbs - 20st 7lbs - 130.45 kilos

Total lost: 26.5lbs - 1st 12.5lbs - 12 kilos
weight loss tends to even out after a while, the first few weeks/month always gets the best results as your body reacts to it's new routine. after that it should be a progressive loss as your body learns to cope and control with the calorie intake and exercise increase.

It's often noted that this transition period leads to the breaking of a controlled diet because the dietee becomes depressed at the poor results and resorts to food.

Take heart, you've done a great job so far (y)
ppp - I know what your saying - I joined weight watchers 2 years ago and, in the space of 6 months, lost over 2 stone - I went from 14 stone and a bit down to 12 stone - then I stopped trying as hard.

Its taken me 18 months to gain again what I lost. Today I weigh 14 stone again and I'm determined to shift at least a stone by Xmas - I know I can do it cos I've done it before.

And its not clever - eat less, exercise more!

Watch this space I'll check in from time to time!
My annie has been a awful eater ever since i've known her, we decided to take her to a nutritionist to see if she could offer some sort of help regarding her poor appetite.
The main thing she insisted upon is changes to what you eat, more fruit, fresh veg, and assorted nuts/ seeds ie : sunflower, pumpkin etc.. and especially oilly fish such as mackerel, tuna, sardines etc

we have now started down this road, and annie is eating us out of house and home, but no crap, and she has actually lost weight too (unlike me)
Had a BUPA check up today for work - all okay apart from weight :(

Body Mass Index 28 (should be between 20 and 25) :(

Cholesterol (sp?) 6.1 :( should be 5!!!! :eek:

Its back on the weight watchers diet for me my friends!!! :D

Watch this space!!!!
Don't agree with BMI, basically says that if you're this height you should weigh xyz. What about build? Muscle weighs more than fat etc?

I have a BMI of 27 yet you'd be hard pushed to find much fat on me. I think it may be due to having a very dense head....
Ah well there is a slightly different measurement they also do which takes this into account and measures just the fat aspect (and at the medical they did explain exactly what you saying so you're dead right - treat numbers with care!).

Suddenly seen this thread and read through it, so I thought I'd jump in with a comment or two.

OK starting point 6' 1" tall and 180 Kg (heavy bones you know ;) )

Results from Monday's check up show Cholesterol at 3.8 and HbA1c at 7.2 (anyone else around here doing DAFNE or Novorapid and the like?)

I go into the gym every day, check the equipment is working and then leave. Once someone actually suggested that I use it, they don't work for me any more :wacky:

Oddly enough I think that my growing enjoyment of photography is going to help me loose some weight. Far more encouragement to get out and walk around looking for that perfect shot :)

That is exactly what photography has done for me. I used to come home in a bad mood and eat some chocolate or a biscuit. Now if it has been a bad day I tell my husband I need a 1/2 hour and take the camera out. Not only is it healthy walking and not eating the junk but I don't feel bad after for eating all the crap.

Have just gained all the weight I lost at the beginning of this thread. :(

Then I get depressed at not being able to wear what I want, but only what I can get into and I eat more junk.

Is it easy if you stay slim from when you are young. It seems that once you get too big once it will never stay off for very long.
I cant imagine myself losing it and it staying off.

Is it all a state of mind too? Once I get down, I just eat. Even if I was slim there are things that bring me down... and Id just eat and back it would come again.

HOWEVER I'm not going to be defeatist. The reason I have posted this is because if I do this in private it will be far too easy to give up...but if I put it on here I will have to announce my lost weight and it will give me more incentive.

Im getting my mountain bike out today and going off for a spin... so... here we go on the route to a new slimline, and hopefully happier, Janice !! :D (y)