Transit of Venus

My mate uses Baader Solar Continuum Filter. Could look into getting one.
Not sure how much it helps as i've never used one.
You need to use solar film or a proper solar filter on the front of your lens, even when using the continuum filter.
Welding glass or ND filters will not do the job or protect your eyes when lining up the shot.

NEVER try to view the sun without proper eye protection.

Baader solar film is available from most astronomy retailers for around £22 a sheet.
Here's how to make a filter that will stop you from frying your sensor or your eyes....LINK You'll need a long lens - 400mm really is a minimum.

Find somewhere with a clear view of the North-East horizon and no clouds. I've got the former covered at my chosen site on the Downs, but I'll just have to hope for the latter. Get there at around 04:30 on Wednesday morning and be ready to shoot when the sun rises at about 04:50 (depending on where you are). You'll have about an hour to try and get a decent shot or two.
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