Trip to America, What Equipment ?

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Hi there,

In just under 15 weeks im going doing a trek across America Now this will be my first ever proper trip with my Camera and I really dont want to waste it.

My Equipment is as follows:

Nikon D3100, 18-55mm Lens, 55-200mm Lens and a 35mm f1.8 Lens. I also have 2 16Gb class 10 cards and a slower 8Gb card.

I am going to buy 2 spare batteries and an in car charger, but what I am stuck with is filters and a small light tripod and a nice little bag for the camera

Has anybody out there done such a trip ?
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Also I forgot to add, I really dont want to spend to much money on filters or extra lenses as I am thinking of upgrading to an FX camera as I can see this D3100 getting damaged while doing 3 weeks camping.
It's only going to get damaged if you don't look after your gear! But if you're worried, Some camera armor wouldn't go a miss for extra bit of piece at mind. Insurance also! Would be silly if you didn't get it.

As for lenses, Maybe a CPL and some square filters? Get them soon and have a play about with them.
I have done a fair bit of travelling in the states, I would take the lot but if space was limited I would leave the 55-200 at home. I would also consider hireing or borrowing somthing very wide to add to the landscape photos you will be getting with forground interest.

I took a gorilla pod with me on my last trip and it was used once, all the other times I would rest the camera on somthing like the car, fence posts or bins. ok they may not be so many bins about in the national parks when you out walking. Your covering some distance and will see some incredible places so make sure you have plenty of cards and batteries always charged. Thankfully for you the route misses out the boring bits above new orleans nothing but farms and fields.
Hmmm, I'd suggest getting a 18-200 or similar to just do the lot.

Too much time can be wasted faffing with lenses and filters - just keep your eyes open!

I speak from experience - had a great trip to NY but got really irritated by never having the 'right' one mounted.
If you upgrade your dx nikon to a full frame it will mean selling most of your lenses to buy full frame lenses , depends what you're planning on shooting , iv'e just started carrying a 35mm to capture most of my shots
The 18-200mm looks like a very nice lens, but it all depends on if I upgrade to an FX camera as the 18-200 is DX only. Cant buy filters until I decide on a lens.

Looking at the amount of Fx lens on the Nikon website, Im actually just thinking about sticking to a DX camera.

The 2 lens I use now are the ones you can get in the kit with the camera. Id use the 35mm for when in towns and in NY and stuff.

I still need a camera bag, I will have to research that as I dont want one that is to big. Carrying that around the grand canyon will be a pain.

I think I will buy a ND10 and ND4 filter (Round versions) a CPL,another 2 16Gb cards that I will no doubt never use again and another 2 batteries that I will never use again. a 18-200mm lens them gorilla pods look ok actually, I will have to check weight as I only have 20kg luggage I think.
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If you upgrade your dx nikon to a full frame it will mean selling most of your lenses to buy full frame lenses , depends what you're planning on shooting , iv'e just started carrying a 35mm to capture most of my shots

Thats the good thing about where I am at the moment. I have not invested much in Lenses yet. Really all I want is a 35mm, a <18mm lens, and 18-200 or 300mm and a 105mm Macro. So before I buy I need to decide on FX or DX. FX seems limited unless I get a 28mm-300mm which I think with the cropping somebody said is like a 18-200mm DX.

Its a very hard decision as it is a lot of money and im still very much a beginner as you can tell by my flickr account and I am planning on travelling a lot over the next few years.
Hi, Just my 2 cents worth but if I where in your shoes I would buy any extra equipment over in the states if possible, WHY!!! have a look at the prices in Europe/UK then look at the USA prices and the exchange rate £ to $.
As long as you don't go OTT when you back customs should not be a problem especially as the equipment would be seen as being used.
I only have 1 and a bit days in LA before the trek starts, dont really think that I will have enough time to go buying stuff while there
The last time I visited the States (when I too was limited in the equipment I could carry,) I took a crop camera and the Canon EF-S 15-85 lens. I wasn't disappointed.
Don't forget the rebates are very difficult to get for non us citizens and you need to add taxes on top about 8%
Ahhh, I will just buy in the UK then. Atleast then I will have no suprises, the lens will hopefully keep its value If i want to sell it on IF!! hehe
Have recently come back from doing Vegas, Grand Canyon (not the near vegas end, near yavapai,) and San Francisco. 10 days and a lot of shooting.

Main point, shoot EVERYTHING in RAW. You won't regret it when you get back and find you've overexposed or underexposed bits in those once in a lifetime shots. I know it takes up far more memory, but it's worth it for trips like this.

I took 45gb of cards but found that shooting in RAW I was filling them up to quickly. I had little time to review and delete shots out there so had to use external memory. I had a 500gb external and laptop with me (which broke). I ended up using the hotels staff PCs and someone else in our groups to get the images onto the HD. Was slightly unnerving having all the photos on one disk, but I kept it well protected!

I'd advise a battery grip (not essential, but I find it more convenient than worrying about where my spare battery, the grip would usually give me enough power for a day) and 4 batteries per camera.

If I were you I'd considering beg, borrowing or renting a wide angle? Some (most by the looks of it) of the locations on your list might leave you wishing you had one.

Make sure your gear is insured and don't worry about it. It can spoil your fun. I took a silly amount of stuff out with me but not worrying about it getting stolen / broken let me really enjoy myself (when holding it over the edge of the Grand Canyon or having out near suspiciously murderous looking Las Vegas hoodlums. Only thing I was fussed about was the pictures I'd taken so far.
I shoot everything in Raw+Jpeg at the moment and I am not taking a hard drive, I will have about 70Gb of cards with me. Been looking at battery grips but they dont make a proper one for the D3100 so you have to use 3rd party.

I was looking for a Wide angle lens, found the Nikon 10-24mm but this is very expensive and the 10-20mm Sigma but the reviews didnt seem that impressive. Oooo just as I was reading this I have read a few reviews on the Tokina 11-16mm. I will have to think if i have the spare money for this. I ordered a 18-200mm this morning so if I buy what I need i will be looking at £1500 on camera items extra as I still need filters, batteries a bag and what ever else..
Nope, Cant find a decently priced wide angle lens. Id buy 2nd hand but im very wary. I dont trust these random people on the internet
Put a wanted add up in the sale forum. You'll fkns we're all like yourself, we care for our gear better than children :p
Maybe thats a good idea, my 18-200mm VRII lens arrived today. I am sooo shocked at how heavy it is, just hope it performs well now when I get to try it this weekend