Tsohost today


Seriously Likeable
KIPAX Lancashire UK
Edit My Images
Anyone using tsohost and mysql as mines down database that is

Customer support as usual is poor to useless :(
Yes, they changed servers about two weeks ago. I've tried updating the php to version 7 but when I do my website no worky so had to wind it back. I'm getting massive log files telling me php deprecated.
phoned support and aftre speaking to two diferent operatives am tole they have reported it and i just need to wait......

email support went ages ago so your not allowed that option

ticket raised 8 hrs ago and still no reponse on 24 hr support

website part works but now get

Query failed: Table ' /*********/counts' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

the level of support dropped a while ago.... also not happy that the free domain i got when signed up was suddenly dropped and they started billing me for it :(
my website was working at 8pm last night as i recieved a sale... so must have been working ok then ... i am on holiday so i havent touched anything :(
They were taken over a while ago, that's when the service went down the pan.
The parent companies kept getting swallowed by a bigger fish, now they are owned by godaddy. Most of the tickets I've had to raise with them recently the agent has had no clue and they only pass it up the chain when they are presented with a log file showing they don't have a clue.

They've probably done an update to one of their servers and forgotten to check how many websites are not compatible with the update, not bothered to check the status afterwards then denied doing any updates and it must be a fault with the website code (securely hosted on their server).
had a stressy day wiht them and my website still isnt working.. phone support was a joke.... three lots of chat support and the guy finally said sorry we are going to have to open a ticket as this level of suport cant handle it.... to which i told him i opend a ticket 14 hours earlier and nobody has answered yet

finally got someone higher up the chain apprently who looked into it then replied to the ticket saying all should be right now and to let them know if i needed anythign else

so i checked and it was exactly the same no change

so now there going to move me to a newer database server as i am on an old one.. i asked how long that would take.. that was 2 hrs ago.. no reply

now well over 24 hours my website has been unable to sell pics and everything same as was and not working..

9 years pro hosting... sigh
If you can access your site check the size of your logs file, mine was just short of 4GB so it was enough to stop the site working as I had exceeded the server capacity. I dleted the log folder and the site works fine, not a permanent answer though.
its the database mysql thats at fault........ fixed 15 minutes ago over 25 hrs since i first reported it and countless hours talking to support by various methods.... not happy
Well be warned they might try to attach *.uk domains and charge for them even if you didn't ask for it! I just had an invoice - I never ever accepted "free" .uk domain offer. All is cancelled now and OK but many people won't look and will get charged quite a bit if they have a few domains.

If you get an email don't ignore and triple check before deleting or forgetting.
Well be warned they might try to attach *.uk domains and charge for them even if you didn't ask for it! I just had an invoice - I never ever accepted "free" .uk domain offer. All is cancelled now and OK but many people won't look and will get charged quite a bit if they have a few domains.

If you get an email don't ignore and triple check before deleting or forgetting.

Interesting and FWIW

I use namesco for my register service and parking etc controls.

They "gave me" the .UK domains a while back and they have come up for renewal.......but my default setting for renewals is 'auto off', unless I have set it/them to automatic renewal.

I had the reminder email and frankly had forgotten that I had those extra domains. Went to my control panel and deselected the ones that were on no interest but was unsure on a couple of others.

So checked the costs and found that a 2 year was (only?) £9.99 . Oddly a 1yr & 3 years upwards were all in two figures, I got those two!

Sounds like real pain.:(

Now this can only be FWIW but have a look at Lunar Pages. I only use them in a limited simplistic way but as I recall they had (have) a good responsive support system and though they are West Coast USA based they have a UK based support service including s phone support number.

So if you want, have a look at/into them???

So if you want, have a look at/into them???

Thanks :)

tsohost where great when i joined about 9 years ago.. I believe these forums where on them.. are they still? But it has gone way downhill.. esp customer support..

unfortunatly with around 400 thousand pics on my website its just too big a job to move :( Gonne have to put up with the problems for now.. may reassess if it gets too bad..
Thanks :)

tsohost where great when i joined about 9 years ago.. I believe these forums where on them.. are they still? But it has gone way downhill.. esp customer support..

unfortunatly with around 400 thousand pics on my website its just too big a job to move :( Gonne have to put up with the problems for now.. may reassess if it gets too bad..

Just some thoughts.

That is one heck of a large 'gallery' base and would take time to copy to another host!

As you are needing that and your business relies on it and in the light of the current host issue, now maybe is a good time to bite the bullet and set up a parallel structure elsewhere in readiness for a switchover?
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Thanks :)

tsohost where great when i joined about 9 years ago.. I believe these forums where on them.. are they still? But it has gone way downhill.. esp customer support..

unfortunatly with around 400 thousand pics on my website its just too big a job to move :( Gonne have to put up with the problems for now.. may reassess if it gets too bad..

Is it wordpress based?

Still ways of moving it with little issue tbh. BlogVault's Migrate Guru could probably handle it fine.
unfortunatly with around 400 thousand pics on my website its just too big a job to move :( Gonne have to put up with the problems for now.. may reassess if it gets too bad..

Most good hosts will help with/do the migration to their server.
My sites were on the Cloud with TSOHOST and had nothing but problems with them from around February onwards. After countless calls, with some good help and some bad, they moved them all to C panel.

And here was me thinking the Cloud was the future!

Anyway 2 months on C panel with no problems (apart from taking around 2 weeks to migrate them all) and I'm just starting to get db problems again. Load of Runtime 1004 errors in the past few days.

I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth contacting them again only for nothing to get sorted.
Should be possible to clone the static content of the server first (all the photos) to the new host, migrate the rest of the site without the photos and local copy (within the host) the photos back to the directory. Migrating from one host to another should be a very quick process if done direct because you're using the backbone of the internet and not the capped speeds you'd get on a business/residential line.
Now I'm getting this baby every night
Screenshot 2019-10-02 at 14.09.27.png
I don't know if it has anything to do with pending renewal or else... It really makes me think about seeking direct alternatives. That and Zenfolio is also due for replacement with something else. I feel like a cornered rat with all this web tech right now.
Renew it yourself. I did that after mine started to show the same.

Will it go away then? I actually need to change plan; current one only has 500mb so will be no good very soon.
Some of my friends using TSO also complain about regular issues since they were purchased by Godaddy, Some of them have switched to my present provider WebhostUK
they are quit happy after the switch.
They are killing me... NO FTP today for any account starting with K :( kipax ...

and now for the second time there email system is blacklisted and I cant speak to my customers who have hotmail accounts :(

moving nearly half a million pics is a bit of a nono :( going to have to do something :(
They are killing me... NO FTP today for any account starting with K :( kipax ...

and now for the second time there email system is blacklisted and I cant speak to my customers who have hotmail accounts :(

moving nearly half a million pics is a bit of a nono :( going to have to do something :(

Consider sending email through mailjet. But even that doesn't guarantee hotmail and yahoo success. Hotmail kills half of the incoming mail; a total nightmare to deal with. I now text these clients when I send them email! Sometimes I need to text again "check your spam"!!!
It's hotmail I'm afraid.
Consider sending email through mailjet. But even that doesn't guarantee hotmail and yahoo success. Hotmail kills half of the incoming mail; a total nightmare to deal with. I now text these clients when I send them email! Sometimes I need to text again "check your spam"!!!
It's hotmail I'm afraid.

I have a POPUP on site now when anyone buys files to check there hotmail SPAM

But this was different...

Unfortunately, messages from [95.142.***.***] weren't sent. Please contact
your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block
list (S3140). You can also refer your provider to
There was an email from TSO about a week ago about some changes you need to mail server DNS configuration. That could fix it perhaps? They told me I need not do it since I use mailjet.

If you use an external DNS, you need to:

Add "include:secureserver.net" to your current SPF records, if you have one.

Super important: Don't remove the current SPF data - this needs to work up until the changeover.


tsoHost's SPF is: "v=spf1 ip4:"

To ensure that we can still send outbound mail when we connect our servers to Cloudmark, we have added "include:secureserver.net" to the end of our SPF record.

So our SPF record now looks like this: "v=spf1 ip4: include:secureserver.net"

What to do if you use an independent DNS provider...
If you use an independent DNS provider, you'll need to make this change with them.

If you only use tsoHost's name servers, you don't need to lift a finger. We'll update the SPF records for you.

I have a POPUP on site now when anyone buys files to check there hotmail SPAM

But this was different...

Unfortunately, messages from [95.142.***.***] weren't sent. Please contact
your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block
list (S3140). You can also refer your provider to
It hapened last week yes and again yesterday.. that email was from yesterday.. sick of it and as usual tsohost told me nothing :(

I send emails auto from my website a script I run when a sale is made so am reliant on there servers plus from here just using standard email.. its working now.. but how long before its blacklisted again... microsoft also has us blacklisted..
seriously I am seeing lot many complains of TSOhost support on social websites if you check.. you got to check for alternative provider with better hosting service.. my host is too good in terms of support and service.
Simply had enough... I recently renewed thinking i could put up wiht it... But email is now a joke.. support told me to stop using my PC client as thats causing the problem so went to webmail.. there webmail and its an older roundcube.. no email filtering or anyhting... I am on a PRO account and they tell me i need to move to a different account for a better service :(

Time to cut my losses :( .. I need a robust hosting that can take my half a million pictures and offer me a decent service ..
You could look at Krystal, they do a package for £99 a year which could be switched to using a cpanel migration if that's what you're already using on TSO. They claim unlimited web storage on that package for all related website content which yours would be, but you're potentially moving between 2-4tb of data which they might need a heads up for. Their support isn't perfect and we're actually looking to move away from Krystal for something with a bit more power, might be worth considering StablePoint but they are very restrictive on space, I don't think I could get away with taking out the reseller package myself and offering you 5tb of storage from it without it flagging up.
You could look at Krystal, they do a package for £99 a year which could be switched to using a cpanel migration if that's what you're already using on TSO. They claim unlimited web storage on that package for all related website content which yours would be, but you're potentially moving between 2-4tb of data which they might need a heads up for. Their support isn't perfect and we're actually looking to move away from Krystal for something with a bit more power, might be worth considering StablePoint but they are very restrictive on space, I don't think I could get away with taking out the reseller package myself and offering you 5tb of storage from it without it flagging up.

Cheers .. theres lots that claim this that and t'other... need someone who is happy with hosting. :)
I'd have a chat with both and see what they can offer, both have UK sales and StablePoint is run by the people who first started Vida/TSO before being bought out so they might have something custom they could offer and support.
I'd have a chat with both and see what they can offer, both have UK sales and StablePoint is run by the people who first started Vida/TSO before being bought out so they might have something custom they could offer and support.

StablePoint thats who I was looking for.. saw some mention of previoue tsohost but couldnt find it... THANKS :)

I have a promo code for them
I moved to them yesterday