.UK domains - worth it?

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When my kids were born I bought the domains. so FirstnameLastname.co.uk - same for me and the wife, while these have not been used, you never know if in the future you may want that. I got the .UK versions last time as they were free, but tempted to drop them now. After all, there are so many endings now. Am I missing something? Will .com and .co.uk continue to be the 'best' 2?
The best domain for you is probably a dot.name domain - FirstnameLastname.name;


The reason why I decided on a .co.uk (aside from being less choice it 2008) was that should they want to use it commercially, it would be better than the more personal ones? IIRC things like .com and .co.uk would be better treated by google??? Question is I guess, what is the relevance of the end part and does it make much difference?
i think the main advantage of .co.uk and .com is that they are instantly recognisable as domains so don't cause confusion on when publishing on business cards etc - some of the 'new' domains like .name are not so obviously domain names
The .name top level domain has (surprisingly) been around for over 16 years, and yet still seems unfamiliar. Perhaps that says something about whether it's worth keeping.
Back when the internet was driven by steam I registered myname.com.

Eventually let it lapse. It was useful for easy to remember email but my thinking was who would buy
from such an uncommercial sounding website?