University Tripod Redesign Project

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Hello everyone!

I'm a student from Scotland studying Product Design Engineering, and for my 4th year project I am redesigning the photography tripod with a focus towards a set up time of under 5 seconds. I'm also trying to make it more available to individuals with arthritis. I'm here for the research stage, so if anyone has any information on this sort of subject it would be greatly appreciated. I'm basically looking to see if people find their tripod as a bit of a burden at times, have you ever missed a shot because it took too long to set up, and if anyone here has arthritis in their knuckle joints PLEASE get back to me. I also made a quick 9 question survey but as I'm new here I don't want to post the link in case I'm breaking any ground rules, so instead I shall list the questions below and you guys can either get back to me via a comment on the post or message me privately. Just leave something noticeable next to your choices, or delete all other answers besides your choice, whatever is easiest. Thanks everyone!

1. What level of photographer do you consider yourself to be?
- Amateur
- Enthusiast
- Professional

2. Do you own a camera tripod?
- Yes
- No, they are not required for my type of photography
- No, too cumbersome
- No, unable to use one
- No, too expensive
- No, other (Please specify)

3. How long does it take to set up your tripod?
- 0s-5s
- 5s-15s
- 15s-30s
- 30s-1m
- 1m+

4. How long does it take to pack away your tripod?
- 0s-5s
- 5s-15s
- 15s-30s
- 30s-1m
- 1m+

5. Do you find it cumbersome to take out?
- Yes
- No

6. How much are you willing to spend on a tripod?
- Under £20
- £20-£50
- £50-£100
- £100-£300
- £300+

7. Wat genre of photography do you use your tripod for? (More than one answer if you like)
- Portraits
- Landscapes
- Night
- Wildlife
- Events
- Product
- Macro
- Still Life
- Street
- Other (Please Specify)

8. What is your biggest problem and if you could add one feature what would it be?

9. Anything else to add?

Thanks again everyone,

can I just point you to the forum Rules...

especially THIS BIT

Prohibited content
  • Piracy (of the internet kind), anything naughty or criminal. Market research, surveys etc.
  • Anything that makes you money (or goods) from our community (Referral links etc).
  • Anything else that just isn't nice.

(to be clear, normally,requests to "help you with your homework" are normally allowed by the forum admins,IF you make a request prior to posting via the "contact us" facility, and if there's no possibility of the project turning into a commercial venture at a later date.)
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