Critique Unusual hare image

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I took this thinking that Taz was off and I wouldn't see her again to a tracked her and when eye became visible grabbed a couple of frames, all but without much thoughts Stunning light rare for me with these guys and this came of the back of the camera. Funny old world didn't see this coming at all

_70F7078 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

Cannon 1Div 300f2.8is 1.4extiii

There are times when the subject is dead central but 'works' and this is one standout image ~ a cracker :)
There are times when the subject is dead central but 'works' and this is one standout image ~ a cracker :)

Very very kind Laurence alot of luck here in this frame yes center point to try to track her ,but it was a belting session. I had an hour with them a younger kid too, killer light it got better and I didn't completely stuff it.

I've got others I could take more credit for but here it was just try to track her incase,that "incase " is above mate ,frankly I'm a bit perplexed by it it's almost graphic sort of a reptitve pattern?? sorry,can't find the words buddy, It also sort of makes me think of motion blur yet if I recollect she stopped. when I took this
Ha she came back too bless her,she was barely visible as she moved if I'd have known she was going to return I'd probably not of even tried

so much luck all the graft sure that's maybe in the others but this one

luck buddy :)

been waiting ages to try and process some of these frames quite cool to actually be having a shot at it now.


Great image there. Lovely lighting.
Guys cheers for all the kindness, comments and likes. thank you !!

,I thought it would be a marmite shot actually that many really wouldn't like,It appears different. I'm honestly surprised

Frankly the whole evening was simply and utterly special,awesome light and for once me kids in it. Normally the lie of the land scuppers late evening light this was a seriously rare one for us. These long cut stems are where the land fell away from the combine, the start of a bank. All night they scuppered me I couldn't enter them for fear of for the noise if one snapped it was bone dry if I recllect correctly. I had to kids right infront of me ,but needed to move a few yards left. I just couldn't get the kids separated because of these stems,it would have also given me the light behind me .LOL Man I cursed those rape stems,it's pretty that those very stems same stems,that just kept some reality in what was essentially an all but perfect evening made this frame.

Real interesting the behaviours,Taz knew me but the second smaller leveret was very skittish,I'm sure the younger wouldn't have featured without Taz acting as some form of reassurance. she would mimmic the bigger hare all evening...Taz ate she ate Taz groomed she did,wonderful to see

The situation, those stems forced all these sort of "mirror",images,I would have moved to separate them but couldn't,but I came back with these frames of a kid copying a bigger leveret which we haven't got that many of. I guess we think of hares as being fairly solitary,it isn't so.

We had a magical spring last year with these beautiful curious folk,this night was right up there ,i've no real idea what we have yet it's huge ,so much time,but this night was out there good, You don't get these oft you wildlife guys know this. We might get a few seconds of wonder and grab sommit,but wicked light kids yards away, for ages, very very rare !!

One of those very very special fairy dust nights that we all hope will happen to us one day. Even when it went wrong it went right,the above essentially a fluke, a gift

I'll share some of the others when I can cheers again for looking

Stu we spoke once before on here, I can't remember when. I love not just your images but your whole take on things - your groundedness not least. It's all about getting beneath the surface. And I started to think - there could surely be a book in all this hare business. But what sort of book? I'm wary of coffee-table type tomes. Because they glamourise and gloss things. But maybe your prose commentary could be the counterpoint & anchor that roots it all?

No, I'm not a publisher, I can't help. I just feel that this stuff should be out there. But hang on, I have a friend ... Paul Morgan, Coch y Bonddu Books - who's taken stuff to press. Google him, and maybe give him a shout. Meanwhile, I'll email him if I can find his address and tell him that you exist - but he's not a member here, so how might he access your stuff?


PS - Ok, I get it, you've got stuff on Flickr. Trouble is, it's a bit of a ragbag and it lacks the words. The stuff you post on here seems far more focussed and expansive. Anyway ...
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Roger,I remember our conversation,you were incredibly kind then aswell !!!! I think some of it went over my head a bit.:D I believe that convo was on my hare thread.

Mate because I'm learning and literally have only just got a PC upgrade I'm only now at the stage of learning how to put that final polish on my images. So although I'm utterly driven and obsessed with my image making and want it to be more than just a hobby, i've not tried to publicize myself at all of of yet on line or elsewhere .Simply I felt I have to learn the basics first and tailor my learning curve to what we could manage financially. I do need to set something up,but simply have felt it's all a bit early to worry on as yet. .

So really that hare thread ( see here ) is the best Paul could do to find about about me and for him to see if he feels in some way what you do. I think he could still access as a non member but not contribute ??

I have made some early in roads into a book. While I feel I am utterly inadequate with words,and struggle like hell at times,I am aware some folks gravitate to them Ive previously written for a magazine or two actually so despite my own feelings I am sort of aware;)

Kiddo i've got one hell of a hare portfolio not bragging or nowt like that,just hard core balls to the wall honest hard won genuine images and thousands there of. Only really lacking snow and boxing images I suppose I'm not saying they are astounding or anything ,but they are there and finding similar on the web is not so easy. People also adore hares they are magical,there must be some finanical merit in some of these images

I'm not worldly wise certainly not web wise,so have been a bit cagey on what I share,so much image theft. Plus, I don't fully understand what the implications might be to a publisher of images that have already been all over the web. One might think he's going to want unique frames in a book that folks haven't yet seen????..

So for all these reasons I don't have a proper mechanism for a situation like this as of yet.sadly..

Mate thanks for this it's incredibly kind and deeply humbling, One day I don't want to be on some far away building site for 12 hours I'd like to earn my way doing this !! In this day and age that is all but a no chance senario,,words will have to feature for me ,I've always felt that even though I have a few personal insecuities.

How I'll ever be able to let a potential purchaser view images safely is something I'll need to address.

Yes I will make contact, Paul will know if the images are to his liking and if he feels there is a market out there somehow I'll make it happen, It will anyway that's for sure if I do it on my own it will happen. :) I would adore you having a word with him aswell if you can that would be incredible

Again huge thanks for the kind words, always worth trying

take care mate:)

Like that Stu, lovely light on it. I don't mind it being central, there could always be a case for more space in front of it but this just works. I'm loving your take on the hares, hopefully I can spend some time on the local fields this year, I've seen and photographed them plenty of times, but yet to establish where they are 'based' so to speak. Sometimes, I just hide and wait, on whatever wildlife might go by but hares seem to have a good population here as they make regular appearances.

Keep up the good work on these Stu, excellent stuff. (y)
Like that Stu, lovely light on it. I don't mind it being central, there could always be a case for more space in front of it but this just works. I'm loving your take on the hares, hopefully I can spend some time on the local fields this year, I've seen and photographed them plenty of times, but yet to establish where they are 'based' so to speak. Sometimes, I just hide and wait, on whatever wildlife might go by but hares seem to have a good population here as they make regular appearances.

Keep up the good work on these Stu, excellent stuff. (y)

Cheers dude good init I just pressed the shutter and this come out nowt to do with me buddy,:D I'm with you on the framing Dale and a bit downwards too methinks, a smidge more for her legs would do no harm. But honestly I'm glad she stuck her head up,I learnt here center just about sneaeked it. I'll 'ave some credit on some of the others Dale;) We had a look last night after having a moment with PS I was incredibly lucky this night,my framing was weak mate,it's an area up close when one's blood is pumping I have to work at. Mind they stand up on back legs and if not in portrait then something is cut then they go the other way and stretch longways and one is scuppered the other way,they are tricky sods all this in seconds . With a prime it's ok until they come over. !! Camera juggling.madness it is !!! But I need to frame better that's for sure

Dale if there is anything I know or can share to help you see what have been gifted too. with hares, just ask bro(y),I don't know nuffin but I'm repeating close after close.encounters with that comes a chance or two. Mate I'd love you to see these things and share them, as an image maker I can't share site info frankly i'm scared ***less.

We see almost all hare images of pretty much this classic alert pose or the much missed boxing,bit 'o' grooming sure. . But their behaviours especially the interactions outside breeding, kids an adults, teenagers, are fascinating. They are deep mate,not a thick old bunny:D Seriously,there is something going on behind those deep amber scared to death eyes.That "intelligence "means they are great to try and capture,It's like trying to grab thier spirit or some such nonsense ,Sounds nonsense but it isn't. !! Their eyes really don't say alot though unlike some subjects sure you can grab dozy and zonked out, they are a very interesting subject,. I'm not really knowldgeable about all the myths and folklore mate but they are a bit special I can see how it was aquired.

Mate spend as much time just walking and watching now as poss,you'll learn much now that will help later start where you saw them, watch where the farmers sow,where's the BEST grub;):) where is the best grub going to be as the next crop show? Be tight to hedges like a snail through a gate way,try to move in the shade,you wante to see them first,which can be slightly tricky:D

Although it might take ages to get to a hare I try to never let it see me as a standing upright human and then turn into a crouchy stalky thing Two fold if they don't know what you are and can't recognise you as human, they'll often come to you to find out what you are.There is nothing better in the world than a totally wild hare sauntering over for a lookseee Second by proxy folks want to eat hares,so if I never appear as human then maybe I won't make them tame for another human,fine line there mate,but what can one do. I spent weeks with those two kids ,but I couldn't ever walk up to them

all the luck

With you on all that Stu.

Sorry for gatecrashing but this is for you to see, the first one I saw a couple of years ago. I've gotten a few since, there's a thread here somewhere, think you've seen that too. Not a great image by any means but it means something to me.

I think this one was an old timer, he was lame and rough looking, or maybe he'd had a good breeding season. ;)

IMG_8628 LR5 CS6 JP TP (1 of 1).jpg
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Good breediing season:D Two other maybes molt and milky doe mums feeding oft look rough.Who knows buddy or the lameness. Ive often marveled that they all aren't lame,it's amazing how they move,

Nah it's cool mate, I like the image remember the others like the placement and the way the grasses work with the fella. Mind, you'll have more from ful frame now,the detail from that camera is amazing oh mate gate crash away I ain't precious here to have fun and learn:)
Good breediing season:D Two other maybes molt and milky doe mums feeding oft look rough.Who knows buddy or the lameness. Ive often marveled that they all aren't lame,it's amazing how they move,

Nah it's cool mate, I like the image remember the others like the placement and the way the grasses work with the fella. Mind, you'll have more from ful frame now,the detail from that camera is amazing oh mate gate crash away I ain't precious here to have fun and learn:)

Awesome comment!!
Oh wow. Good light, great detail in the eye and I love the out of focus stubble
Love it!! Very refreshing to see something different (y)
Oh wow. Good light, great detail in the eye and I love the out of focus stubble

Leigh Ann,Bikey ,my most humble apologies both !!! I saw your lovely words and either the usual insanity of my constant rush in life kicked( in I thought I'd replied), or of course I'm me me me and brain dead forgetful,either way I didn't even click a likey button to acknowledge:( , Sorry guys for me slow reply.... blummin idiot I am.:banghead:

Hey ho a good and honest idiot all the same. I can't claim all of this I did the graft put in the hours did the FC pressed the buttons ,but I know I didn't really "SEE" this image. To put it another way I didn't really realise how the camera would interpret what was in front of me. That's the art of all this beyond the fact it's a wild hare and some one I called friend( which is pretty cool in it's self and enough. really for me;) If she wasn't me mate she wouldn't have come back and given me all this I call it mirror stuff. little guy copying Taz,it's was seriously special this night really magical. As a wildlife image maker finding something different is no easy thing, This slightly mad stuff really interests me,but getting beastie and light isn't so easy especially with these . I hit a massive field the other day and got to them( to my surpirse it was hard though) not a spot I thought terribly possible,it'll be really interesting to play here ,with some late light and they are just starting to go really nutz:D. Ha I'm sorry I'm really excited boxing and this possibility is wicked

sorry for waffling

Knowing how the camera and lens sees things is a big ol learning curve,nice when the graft gives ya something free though huh:) But much to learn thanks for the lovely words again sorry both

I'm alright with ickle animals;) not so good in the real world:D
belucky both

wow, amazing capture (y)

Thanks Dave,special little thing she is, to me !! Ya know fields away from this spot, same place same population on saturday evening as a big old could rolled in and clobbered me light,I had a few moments with a very shaggy hare., When she heard the shutter,she came then heasitated went to leave, then came back. Markings for a very shaggy thing were remakably similar
I wonder!!
now to find her again........ and her kids

cheers again Dave,very kind should have framed a gnats lower;)
