Virgin Atlantic Suck!!!!

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I wasn’t going to rant about this but after a few days stewing I thought what the hey!!!! Reading back it’s quite long and wordy but the whole 7 and a half hours going home was sheer hell!

We went to Florida for Christmas and New year, While it was a great holiday, the one thing that let us down was Virgin Atlantic. :nuts: My wife and I were travelling with our three kids aged 7,3 and 1 (15 months to be exact). The journey out was fine, We were provided with a sky cot so the baby could get his head down and give us a few hours rest. The staff onboard were great and took a shine to the kids Apart from a broken coffee cup spilling on my lap and a broken entertainment screen all went well.(y):

The journey home was a night flight. We checked in and enquired about the sky cot again….we hoped the baby would sleep most of the way. ”Yep you got it” was reply from the manager at check in :D.

We boarded and found our trays were broken….all four of them.:thumbsdown:: Everything roled into our laps. We were advised by the staff to use the shelf for the sky cot during the meal service, Then 15 minutes later another member of staff told us off. For Pete’s sake we had a baby and four meals to manage and no seat trays. There was no consistency our understanding here.

We were offered the sky cot twice after take off but the baby wasn’t ready so we said maybe later. As people bedded down for the night, a flight “attendant” came up to us and informed us they had decided we couldn’t have the cot. :thinking: Why? The baby was over 12 months. However, he was under the size and weight limit written on the bulkhead.

Soon after a “manager” came to us, She couldn’t get our name right…Hughes? Smith? Jones?, She stood over us waved a piece of paper with the “rules” on in our face and was quite aggressive saying that she wouldn’t be giving us the sky cot no matter what our argument and that she’d be writing about us in her report.:rules: Bare in mind we hadn’t bee rude, sworn or shouted, the missus was in tears and the manager just wouldn’t stop barking rules at us…in the end we told her that if she wasn’t going to help, she should go away and leave us alone, she got the message second time around. :rant:confused:he even offered a baby bottle as compensation when the baby was known to have a milk allergy. :bang: One passenger offered to look after the baby while the missus freshened up and gave her a tissue.

So we struggled for 5 hours, the baby wouldn’t settle, we couldn’t settle and I expect the passengers around us couldn’t settle. Finally 2 hours from home (5am UK time) the baby fell asleep in the missus arms. 1 hour later BREAKFAST. All the lights went on and we were presented with hot coffee and Tea and hot food. Remember, the trays were bust. :mad: I had one child on my knee the missus had the baby. The missus was presented with a hot drink and food, Being in a skycot seat we had extra legroom and the seat belt sign was off, she lay the baby, still asleep at her feet, so she could hold her hot food and hot drink as we had no were to put them.

Well that went down like the Titanic. :eek: She was told to pick the baby up, She refused, there was no way she was going to hold a baby while hot tea and coffee was being passed around. Besides he was asleep and peaceful for the first time in 10 hours (we’d driven for 4 hours to the airport and he wasn’t happy then either).

A manager arrived and with a little more tact than the previous manager asked us to pick up the baby, while prodding him trying to wake him:nono:. Again we refused. We argued that if he was awake, he could walk around, sit or do what he liked, but as he was asleep he had to be restrained?, this was a problem for the cabin crew. In the end the manager said she’d have to report it, fine we said and she left.:argue:

10 minutes later after finishing her breakfast, the wife went to the loo and heard the cabin crew we talking about us. While she was in the loo they moved the trolleys around to block her path back to the seat while another flight attendant who had had nothing to do with our section of the plane set to work on me. It didn’t work:. Then, when the missus got back to the seat, we were called bad parents, told we would be met by the authorities at the gate and be barred from Virgin….Bring it on we thought:boxer:. 5 minutes after that the baby woke and we put his seat belt on, 20 minutes after that the seat belt sign came on.

On average I fly twice a week, In May when My father was on his death bed, Virgin let me down when I was trying to get back from the US before he died. In 5 years of flying, I have never seen a passenger spoken to as we were and frankly I felt Virgin have a clear anti baby policy. We flew Monarch to the Maldives a few years ago with our daughter when she was 1 year old and the airline gave us extra seats on the day free of charge.

There were no authorities at the gate, it was just a threat, :drama: The staff were inconsistent and in some cases rude and aggressive. :boxing: And if I ever have to fly Virgin again, it will be too soon. I thought about writing a letter of complaint, but what would it achieve?:hand:

So my advise, If you have a baby or an emergency Do not I repeat Do not rely on Virgin.

PS: I think I got some good photos on the holiday that I will get around to posting.
Write the letter, name names and generally give 'em hell. No-one should ever be treated like that as a paying customer.
Simmotino, I expect he flew out with Virgin as well, hence why the drop in standards over two seperate journeys is do disgusting. Mind you, that kind of service from any carrier is appalling...
I thought about writing a letter of complaint, but what would it achieve?

Always, always write the letter(y) Name names, give times and follow it through all the way to the top if needs be. For too long in this country we have had a culture of just putting up with bad service because "we don't want to cause trouble". Well it's about time we did want to cause trouble....and lots of it....until company's begin to realize that unless they give good service there will be a manure to fan interface and they will be on the receiving end.
And now that virgin have bought Travel city direct I cant see it getting any better with Virgins increased traffic to Florida, since they apparently bought the company name and not the new planes.

we have flown with virgin Atlantic twice to florida with small children and found them ok..just the usual cattle run as room and bad tempered parents and children.

We are going with Thomas cook this year but I would rather go with virgin..better the devil you know an all that but virgin have hiked thier prices too much...sorry that you had such a bad time with them.
Sorry to hear about that, I've flown over 50 times with Virgin and never encountered anything like that.

My Wife is a flight attendant and has been at Virgin for 9 years. She would be appalled to hear of what happened. We recently took our then 6 month old to Barbados and the sky cots are not great. Flying with a baby is difficult at the best of times so i do sympathise. The bulkheads say one weight and the actual skycots have been changed now and only allow for babies under 19lbs i think (which i imagine your baby was over). If there are not enough skycots then their is an infant sky chair, which is more like a car seat that fits on a spare seat. This is only available if the seat is paid for i think.

Did you happen to get any of the names - i know my wife would be very interested in getting some more information on these members of staff.
Simmotino, I expect he flew out with Virgin as well, hence why the drop in standards over two seperate journeys is do disgusting. Mind you, that kind of service from any carrier is appalling...
I'm well aware of that specialman

The point I was making was that, given the two quotes from the same post, the former would tend to suggest the latter is something of a sweeping statement.
I'm well aware of that specialman

The point I was making was that, given the two quotes from the same post, the former would tend to suggest the latter is something of a sweeping statement.

There's no reason to be facetious.

Some carriers are more child friendly than others, and in this case it seems like the Virgin airline staff were less helpful than they could have been.
There's no reason to be facetious.

Some carriers are more child friendly than others, and in this case it seems like the Virgin airline staff were less helpful than they could have been.
I'm not being facetious. The crew on the way out clearly knew how to handle young children on their flight. The crew on the way back clearly didn't.

Does that make all Virgin flight staff useless and Virgin Atlantic unreliable across their entire fleet?

Of course it doesn't.
Sounds like a really bad experience! I've flown Virgin a lot of times, to various places in the US, and it's always been a good experience. Not been there with kids, but I can't imagine why it would make a difference.

I would follow this up as much as you can, as if it's all true (and I'm disputing it!), then it's disgraceful.
Who did you fly out with?

Yes it was Virgin.

The bulkheads say one weight and the actual skycots have been changed now and only allow for babies under 19lbs

he is 14lbs, small for his age, and I have a photo of him in one on the way out with a good 6" to spare.

Then their is an infant sky chair, which is more like a car seat that fits on a spare seat. This is only available if the seat is paid for i think.

We didn't have a paid for seat.

Did you happen to get any of the names - i know my wife would be very interested in getting some more information on these members of staff.

No we didn't get names. To be honest We jjust wanted to get off ASAP.

You're not on your own! Have a look here .......


I am aware of that site yes.
I'm well aware of that specialman

The point I was making was that, given the two quotes from the same post, the former would tend to suggest the latter is something of a sweeping statement.

I'm not being facetious. The crew on the way out clearly knew how to handle young children on their flight. The crew on the way back clearly didn't.

Does that make all Virgin flight staff useless and Virgin Atlantic unreliable across their entire fleet?

Of course it doesn't.

The flight out was nothing more than I expected, Although I had to clean up after the broken coffee cup and dispose of the mess myself. The flight home was hell, Strangley, I recognised some of the cabin crew from the outboard flight although they were seeing to another section of the cabin. The problem was with the two managers and a loose canon (or was it Nikon?) of a flight attendant who chose to make personal remarks.

I had a problem in May when I was trying to get home before Dad died. The Royal Navy steamed a ship 300 miles at full speed to get me, a civilian engineer, ashore. Continental got me from the Bahamas through Orlando airport ASAP, Virgin took the money and left me stranded. Flying business class, Virgin lay on transport to and from the airport. Usually...I had to fork out over a hundred pounds for a taxi as virgin refused to get me home.
Does that make all Virgin flight staff useless and Virgin Atlantic unreliable across their entire fleet?

Of course it doesn't.

No....but then again thats not what was said:nono:

So my advise, If you have a baby or an emergency Do not I repeat Do not rely on Virgin.

The point he was making is that you can't rely on them to be consistent!
The point he was making is that you can't rely on them to be consistent!

I think that is what wound us up most. We were struggling with three kids defective seats and the staff just would not help!
christ thats terrible sorry to hear that...... if that happened to my parents i would imagine my day would go ape sh!t......
i say write to watchdog or something like that
Always, always write the letter(y) Name names...For too long in this country we have had a culture of just putting up with bad service because "we don't want to cause trouble".

This is so true, this country is absolutely s***e for service as far as i'm concerned, but you don't really realize this until you go to other countries and see how much they want your business and are prepared to bend over backwards to get it, i think i would give serious consideration to giving this story to "watchdog" although it may take over the whole program :) i despair sometimes at just going into a pub for a pint only to be greeted by some sour faced prat who looks at you as though you,ve asked them for the earth.
We fly to Florida Every year with Virgin. used there sky cots Once.. Never had a problem TBH. When my tv screen was broke i got a handheld portable and a folder full of the latest movies.

Sorry to hear you had a bad time. But they are not all like that. I personally wont fly with anyone else unless i have to.
Simmotino, wasn't meaning to sound arsey - just trying to help you catch up. You sure you don't work for Virgin Atlantic?...:naughty:
I've never had a problem with Virgin either but still you need to let them know. That service is not only terrible, its a shambles. The way they treated you on that aircraft was no way a paying customer should be treated. From the sound of it, you were doing your best to avoid confrontation and yet thats exactly what happened.

Contact Virgin and let them know of your displeasure ASAP.
Personally as someone who flies a lot I can't stand the sound of babies crying on a flight, stops me from getting my work done. If you've got kids go to Butlins.
If you've got kids go to Butlins.


Brocks, it seems that the flight attendant was not representing the company which she works for in a positive and customer-focused manner. I'd deffo write with a complaint and tell them how disappointed you were with the service you received from them.

Good luck
Personally as someone who flies a lot I can't stand the sound of babies crying on a flight, stops me from getting my work done. If you've got kids go to Butlins.

And if you've got work to do, get an office.
If you've got kids go to Butlins.

So can we take it that were never a child
B...your parents never wanted to take you anywhere if you were

A terrible ordeal to go through, especially with kids, granted it's not as awful as the story in the link Keith posted, but still disgusting. The worse thing is cabin crew have even more power these days, what with the terror attacks etc, and seem to be even jumpier. It's only so long before complaining your doffee is too hot gets you labelled as a terrorist.

EDIT: Sorry, shoul have said. YES! COMPLAIN! And if you're not sure you'll get anywhere with Virgin themselves then take it to their supervisory body, The Civil Aviation Authority.
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I would definitely make a formal complaint - it might take some time to compose a letter etc but i reckon its definitely something that should be brought to their attention. there's no way they should have treated you and your family in such a confrontational way!

Kev M - maybe ear phones would be a good investment?! c'mon - babies cant help it if they cry - its pretty much what they do! doesnt mean they shouldnt be allowed on flights!
Good luck with your complaint. If I may look into the future, you will be ignored until you take them to the small claims court, then they send you a token guesture that screws up your claim.

I agree that Virgin are great when they get it right, but when they get it wrong try to get over it by yourself. The 'Customer Services' department in Crawley is awful.

Kev M - maybe ear phones would be a good investment?! c'mon - babies cant help it if they cry - its pretty much what they do! doesnt mean they shouldnt be allowed on flights!

Babies shouldn't be allowed anywhere until they're adults, or older ;) :exit: