WAMT....what annoyed me today!

and only drinking coffee (about 6 cups) didn't help
Yeah, I know what you mean. If I only drink 6 cups of coffee, I don't feel too good either. About 8 or 9 is optimal.

Hope you're OK though.
Bloody Environment Agency...

Putting together a Standard Rules permit application for a client over the last three weeks, ring-up for the permit reference number on Wednesday and get an email back today with the helpful reminder that they revoked the Standard Rules set I downloaded three weeks (and have been working towards) on the 1st December. At least the EA officer I spoke to was on the ball enough to recognise it was a very recent change that would likely be missed with an ongoing pre-application.

Not helpful when one of the first savings the previous coalition government made to make regulation *easier* was to remove the EA and HSE update reminder services...
Finding that new iPad mini case has lost the auto wake/sleep function. That's another thing that I use everyday that has been removed. Sms forwarding seems to have broken under iOS 9.2 as well.

Washing machine blew trip as some twit had wired that socket up to the lighting circuit. It's had to move due to changing cooker.
The drunks in the street that woke me up in the early hours on one of the few nights I managed to drift off to sleep at a reasonable hour
The very disgusting and strong smell that so many people reek of these days, think its some form of chemical warfare agent disguising itself as fabric softener.

Lethal to asthmatics and just plain revolting to everyone else, recently bought a camera bag that stank of it too.

Even worse for me as it triggers my cluster headaches, what the flipping hell is it called?
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The very disgusting and strong smell that so many people reek of these days, think its some form of chemical warfare agent disguising itself as fabric softener.

Lethal to asthmatics and just plain revolting to everyone else, recently bought a camera bag that stank of it too.

Even worse for me as it triggers my cluster headaches, what the flipping hell is it called?

You have my sympathies. For some reason all perfumes make me feel horrendously ill sometimes to the point of vomiting, I can't wear aftershave because of it.
Not today actually but yesterday, listening to and seeing the abuse of NHS staff in A&E it's high time these people we forceably removed from and restricted from re-entering A&E I'd like to see them prosecuted and where appropriate imprisoned
Christmassy people.
Buying a new fancy pants Soldering Station - only to discover the same company sells it £20 cheaper through their ebay store!
Buying a new fancy pants Soldering Station - only to discover the same company sells it £20 cheaper through their ebay store!
Send/take it back and buy it again from their eBay store. Or better still, point out to them that you COULD do that, but it would be less work and less hassle for them if they just gave you the £20.
Send/take it back and buy it again from their eBay store. Or better still, point out to them that you COULD do that, but it would be less work and less hassle for them if they just gave you the £20.

I did the latter, awaiting their reply, might be a bit late in the day to hear anything now though!
Wamt HMRC asking to file something again electronically, and bingo their downstream payment processing systems kick in and take the payment for a second time. A very significant sum of money light before Christmas :eek: I doubt their interpretation of the direct debit guarantee will put it back those year. Grrrrr
And next year they'll muck up the refund and charge you again.
Wamt HMRC asking to file something again electronically, and bingo their downstream payment processing systems kick in and take the payment for a second time. A very significant sum of money light before Christmas :eek: I doubt their interpretation of the direct debit guarantee will put it back those year. Grrrrr
This wouldn't be their new super duper make it easier system I've been hearing about by any chance?
This wouldn't be their new super duper make it easier system I've been hearing about by any chance?
No don't think so :( but I await then collecting it again when they confuse debit with credit.
WAMT - Words With Friends. So 'lauter' isn't a word, but 'ATM' is?
Bloody yanks :p
WAMT - Words With Friends. So 'lauter' isn't a word, but 'ATM' is?
Bloody yanks :p
Just confuse them by saying their bloody atm issued live utterings :)
but I await then collecting it again when they confuse debit with credit.
I blame the education system myself... its all Maggies fault for taking their milk away when they were babies, this is their revenge :(
Sent a 21st present South yesterday morning by Special Delivery . You would not believe the grilling I got in the Post Office!

No - a 21st Birthday present was not good enough as a description [ last week I sent something else down and described it as a wee pressie , some small photography gear and the girl was happy at that ] I had to give her a full description of the blasted present - it was a Quaich .

Told the child's Mother it was on the way.

I've still not been told it's arrived but I have checked - and it was delivered at 08.52 and the signature is correct.

WAMT is trying to pay my water bill online. Try to sign up to do so only to be told that I already have an account. Manage to find out which e-mail account I used but can't remember the password. Go through the reset password routine to find that the password I used as the new one was the old one. Try to log in using the old password to be told that the password is incorrect. Tempted to take a load of coins to their office and make the farquars count it.
Tempted to take a load of coins to their office and make the farquars count it.
Sounds like a plan to me (y)
Not sure where their office is these days though! I have a feeling it's in Southampton and that's a bit far to go.
Not specifically me, but the copper 2 cars back, the twatt in a ranger rover with a police car up his arse blues and two's going,
the road is plenty wide enough for everyone to move over and the sweeney could come down the "middle" lane,
He was the only twatt that didn't move over.
It was only when we reached a roundabout a mile or so on, the plod managed to manoeuvre round it :rolleyes:

It was a shame plod was in a hurry, as the slone ranger could have done with being pulled to one side and had a word with.
WAMT is trying to pay my water bill online. Try to sign up to do so only to be told that I already have an account. Manage to find out which e-mail account I used but can't remember the password. Go through the reset password routine to find that the password I used as the new one was the old one. Try to log in using the old password to be told that the password is incorrect. Tempted to take a load of coins to their office and make the farquars count it.

Just so's you know, they can refuse payment that way.

Just sayin' :)
Just so's you know, they can refuse payment that way.

Just sayin' :)

AFAIK, as long as it's in £ coins and under the maxima for smaller denominations, they have to take it over a payment counter.
AFAIK, as long as it's in £ coins and under the maxima for smaller denominations, they have to take it over a payment counter.

50p - for any amount not exceeding £10

25p (Crown) - for any amount not exceeding £10

20p - for any amount not exceeding £10

10p - for any amount not exceeding £5

5p - for any amount not exceeding £5

2p - for any amount not exceeding 20p

1p - for any amount not exceeding 20p

If its a bill over £31 (not counting crowns) and you don't want to use pound coins.... Yer beggared.
And if you're using pound coins, where's the fun in that? :LOL:
Sodding projector has packed up. Keeps saying no signal when hdmi is plugged in fine. Tried 2 different items and taken out the hdmi switch and it still isn't working. No idea what the f is wrong with it. Tried both hdmi inputs. Still the same. Aaarrrfgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Just dumped an old lcd TV too. There aren't enough swear words in the dictionary to express my annoyance right now!
If its a few hundred quid its still mildly amusing :D

Did have a water bill for over £700 last year - managed to get it dropped down to £70 since it was a leak that caused the mahooooosive bill! The current one is around £75. Will do it by one of those weird paper things...
Did have a water bill for over £700 last year - managed to get it dropped down to £70 since it was a leak that caused the mahooooosive bill! The current one is around £75. Will do it by one of those weird paper things...
Well you can pay half, by the method Ruth @viv1969 suggests, Mrs Nod can pay the other half, by the same method, and write a cheque for the other 8 quid, job done (y)
Or give them a load of cheques - don't cost me per transaction but I bet it does them!
Or give them a load of cheques - don't cost me per transaction but I bet it does them!
That could also work :D