WAMT....what annoyed me today!

WAMY AC/DC Olympic Stadium / West Ham ground, gig tickets starting at over £80, fairly sure that's about £15 over what I paid for Wembley Stadium for this year. WRPMOY, finding out the tickets for the Manchester gig start at £55. WTF. ;(
Yup there are those moments, but hey look at the bright side; at least you are in the beautiful south :)
A blasted warning which flashed up so fast I couldn't read it properly [ car is a Freelander 2 Diesel ] telling me the system was going to shut down or......

Didn't have time to read the rest of the message .

Dealer says it's my battery and the only battery charger I have was used on cars some 10 years ago .
People who try and come into the store via the exit.. get oot ma way!

People who walk along in a packed shopping centre with their face in their phone... get oot ma way!
People who occupy a table before making a purchase

People who occupy a table and then proceed to eat/drink stuff bought from a different establishment.
Blimey, someone is grumpy ;)
Having my Honda 250 stolen and spending 25 minutes being sent round and around the Carole Nash insurance phone system, eventually got to someone who knew the claims office isn't available on weekends.
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Wamt sport personality of they year. Really? I mean what personality? Can't stand the boring Scottish git. Even Tim Henman has more personality than Andy. Ah well.
Wamt sport personality of they year. Really? I mean what personality? Can't stand the boring Scottish git. Even Tim Henman has more personality than Andy. Ah well.

Fixed that for you so it doesn't have the ever so slightly racist over tones
Fixed that for you so it doesn't have the ever so slightly racist over tones
Oh yeah Andy Murray, the bloke who is Scottish one minute or British the next depending on how the mood takes him. ;)
Fixed that for you so it doesn't have the ever so slightly racist over tones
Eh? You quoted him without changing anything? :/

And it's not racist (the Scots aren't a race) - if anything it's xenophobic, but it's not clear if the 'Scottish' bit was intended to be pejorative or just descriptive.
Eh? You quoted him without changing anything? :/

And it's not racist (the Scots aren't a race) - if anything it's xenophobic, but it's not clear if the 'Scottish' bit was intended to be pejorative or just descriptive.
Most definitely descriptive (y) I didn't want to spoil it fully for those who hadn't seen it yet by naming him outright.

Racist my arse, what an idiotic comment to make.
You arse is racist? What do you do, fart Fascist anthems? :D
Wamt sport personality of they year. Really? I mean what personality? Can't stand the boring Scottish git. Even Tim Henman has more personality than Andy. Ah well.

Oh yeah Andy Murray, the bloke who is Scottish one minute or British the next depending on how the mood takes him. ;)

I couldn't give a poop how boring he is to listen to, he's not boring to watch in action.
You can moan about him all you like, but he's the best British tennis player in generations.

Let's face it, Lewis Hamilton is a prick....great driver, but just as annoying personality wise.....yet no one would be whingeing if he'd won (BTW...no idea if he was even in the running).

It's not about sparkling personality, it's about professional success.
I couldn't give a poop how boring he is to listen to, he's not boring to watch in action.
You can moan about him all you like, but he's the best British tennis player in generations.

Let's face it, Lewis Hamilton is a prick....great driver, but just as annoying personality wise.....yet no one would be whingeing if he'd won (BTW...no idea if he was even in the running).

It's not about sparkling personality, it's about professional success.
Why do they call it personality then?
Why do they call it personality then?

Because by definition, they are a celebrity or famous person in the sporting world.
Nothing to do with a sunny disposition.
Because by definition, they are a celebrity or famous person in the sporting world.
Nothing to do with a sunny disposition.
Fair point; bloody English always complicating matters with the language.
Fair point; bloody English always complicating matters with the language.
The word Personality is derived from the Latin word persona, blame them. ;)
Wasn't it originally called Sports Person of the Year?
The word Personality is derived from the Latin word persona, blame them. ;)
Wasn't it originally called Sports Person of the Year?
That would make so much more sense (y)
Fixed that for you so it doesn't have the ever so slightly racist over tones
Last time I checked:
* the Scots are not a race;
* calling someone a Scottish git might help differentiate him from an English git, but this form of words does not connect his gittishness to his Scottishness;
* calling one Scottish person a git is making no comment about other Scottish people in general.

I think you need to go and lie down for a bit.
Last time I checked:
* the Scots are not a race;
* calling someone a Scottish git might help differentiate him from an English git, but this form of words does not connect his gittishness to his Scottishness;
* calling one Scottish person a git is making no comment about other Scottish people in general.

I think you need to go and lie down for a bit.

One could argue if one is a race then........?


They had the backing of a legitimate body to proceed...
Why, did you tread on them? :police:

:thinking:I was not looking at the floor and was half awake and in a hurry to the loo, I needed a wee:exit:, as I drank :beer:3 beers :naughty:late at night and as I am old and my.....WHO CARES why...... I just did and I felt pain like no other in the central part of my fleshy foot yer know the tender bit that never gets worn out but seems to be full of nerve endings....just for Lego to cause as much pain as poss........:mad::D:rolleyes::runaway:
:thinking:I was not looking at the floor and was half awake and in a hurry to the loo, I needed a wee:exit:, as I drank :beer:3 beers :naughty:late at night and as I am old and my.....WHO CARES why...... I just did and I felt pain like no other in the central part of my fleshy foot yer know the tender bit that never gets worn out but seems to be full of nerve endings....just for Lego to cause as much pain as poss........:mad::D:rolleyes::runaway:

Thanks for that Bill, but my question was to Trace :D
WAMT - Kitchen fitter failed to turn up yet again. Even after it was arranged he would be here today.
No Mr pedantic i didn't :p that would be lego men abuse .. i just meant it was hurting slotting the bits in let alone standing on one

It would only be abuse if the Lego men objected to being stood on. Some men apparently spend a fortune on women walking over them. ;)

:thinking:I was not looking at the floor and was half awake and in a hurry to the loo, I needed a wee:exit:, as I drank :beer:3 beers :naughty:late at night and as I am old and my.....WHO CARES why...... I just did and I felt pain like no other in the central part of my fleshy foot yer know the tender bit that never gets worn out but seems to be full of nerve endings....just for Lego to cause as much pain as poss........:mad::D:rolleyes::runaway:

For REAL, man size pain, tread on a 13A plug, prongs up... (OR, passing a kidney/bladder stone!)

WAMT was having to keep the driver's window down on Mrs Nod's car as I was taking it down to have its brake light switch replaced. In the persisting rain. :( Had Mrs Nod behind me as a mobile block for other cars but needed to let her know when I was slowing down! Nice and toasty on the way home though - window up and brake lights restored.
It would only be abuse if the Lego men objected to being stood on. Some men apparently spend a fortune on women walking over them. ;)

For REAL, man size pain, tread on a 13A plug, prongs up... (OR, passing a kidney/bladder stone!)

WAMT was having to keep the driver's window down on Mrs Nod's car as I was taking it down to have its brake light switch replaced. In the persisting rain. :( Had Mrs Nod behind me as a mobile block for other cars but needed to let her know when I was slowing down! Nice and toasty on the way home though - window up and brake lights restored.
I think I would have used our mobile phones to communicate and close the windows :)
Indeed, neither of the cars we were using has hands free.
Some in this thread may also wish to familiarize themselves with the law with regard to making racially aggravated comments be they the written word or verbally expressed.

Posting a rant in a thread entitled What Annoyed Me Today and making reference to a persons country of origin could be persevered as a racially aggravated comment

I will not be commenting further on this as I have said all I ave to say
Some in this thread may also wish to familiarize themselves with the law with regard to making racially aggravated comments be they the written word or verbally expressed.

Posting a rant in a thread entitled What Annoyed Me Today and making reference to a persons country of origin could be persevered as a racially aggravated comment

I will not be commenting further on this as I have said all I ave to say
It's because I am a foreigner isn't it? Jeez.