Warning! This gets addictive

just had another go tonight :LOL:

114.508 and I don't seem to be able to improve on that. :baby:
114.728 but I can't get on it now the sites not responding and I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms already.
i can't access the site too, anyone have any alternate links? i am quite intrigued and need to find out what the hell it is
I'm glad i've got loads of pics to process and a time scale to do it in or this game would be driving me as nuts as all of you :LOL:
112.6m was my record
99.998 so far, if its in the wrist action I think I must be out of practice !!
:shrug: :thinking: Wrist action.... what wrist action?

I give up. I'm crap :D
Do you know how to make it full window mitch :shrug:

Tried that but it did'nt make any difference to throwing distance.:shrug:

Been trying the new game and I am blowed if I can get past 144.06.
Dont know iff its easier, could it be that by now we have had so much practice ??
Yeay just got 62.81 :D This is too addictive lol