Warrington Studio Group Meet

I havent but looking at options for future sessions, so i could research this.

Any other sessions you would like to see?

I'd definitely be interested in "workshop" style sessions where someone who knows what they're doing (either pro or a forumite) goes through something "niche" (like pets, kids etc) - although I have no idea if that would be cost prohibited.

Any word from the girls btw about what they thought of the shots?
I'd definitely be interested in "workshop" style sessions where someone who knows what they're doing (either pro or a forumite) goes through something "niche" (like pets, kids etc) - although I have no idea if that would be cost prohibited.

Any word from the girls btw about what they thought of the shots?

will chase them up and see what they thought.

yeah it would be nice to arrange a pro in, something i will work on, would like to set a calendar of events through the year, i have a lot on at the moment but will start research at some point and get them organised. I feel costs may rise once we start getting pros involved.
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apologies for not posting any pics up yet.. i am loathe to do any editing on my work PC as;

1. the screen is way too dark
2. it tends to crash when i work on RAW files

i edited a couple last night at home in a spare half hour, so i'll get a few up when i get chance to edit some more.
Hi, I'm new to the forum and a beginner at photography. I'm interested in getting into studio photography as I have two young children and want to capture them growing up.
I'm thinking of investing in some studio equipment but have no experience of what I'd need and how to set this up. Would love to get some ideas around the basics, get some tips and see what it involves.
Do you think this would fit in with what you are planning at these meets? I'd interested in the meet on the 19th July and only live 5 minutes down the road in Birchwood.
Hi, I'm new to the forum and a beginner at photography. I'm interested in getting into studio photography as I have two young children and want to capture them growing up.
I'm thinking of investing in some studio equipment but have no experience of what I'd need and how to set this up. Would love to get some ideas around the basics, get some tips and see what it involves.
Do you think this would fit in with what you are planning at these meets? I'd interested in the meet on the 19th July and only live 5 minutes down the road in Birchwood.

The last sessions had mixed abilities so its good to see what kit can be used and how it can be used to get an idea of what you may want to purchase. It may be worth seeing what those that attended thought.
I'd say it's worth coming along. The guys that came last time all had different skills, different experiences and everyone was very chatty and swapped info, stories and light-hearted abuse ;-)

As well as the studio gear that Carlo has available, I'll be bringing all my gear to the July meeting again, so you can have a play with hotshoe flashes/brollies/softboxes and the popup background - that might be a better "fit" for what you want to do because you can use it anywhere and it packs away to next to nothing, but you can have a play around with both and I'm sure everyone will pitch in with their opinions.

One thing I would say though, if you're a complete beginner at photography then you maybe don't want to jump straight into off camera flash photography, it's a whole different ballgame and there's a lot to learn on top of your normal photography skills.
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Cheers for the response, please put me down for the July meet.

I would clarify that I'm not a 'complete' beginner but work and children don't allow much time to practice and most improvements are by happy accident. Had my DSLR for 2 years and also have a 430 Speedlite Flash.

My interest in studio photography came about as we were offered a studio session for our first child and looked interesting but ended up being very pricey. This time I've sold the Mrs that it would be better to spend the money on getting myself the equipment/toys and doing it myself. Happy to experiment and see what I suits.
Due to new regulations being discussed by TP admin staff, these sort of threads might be limited, so to tie in with something i was already planning, i will advertise these evenings via Facebook.

I will add a link to the Facebook page so that you can view for future events.
Boo.. I don't use Facebook.
Me neither
i've liked it (y)
slight issue, the Facebook page which i created was for a studio name, and bizarrely there is also a studio with the same in name in Warrington, i thought it was quite obscure, apparently not.

I will need to rethink my studio name and then repost the link, in the mean time pm me with your email addresses and i will keep you upto date with studio sessions.