Was that our summer, then?


Pugh Pugh Barney McGrew Me Dibble and Grubb
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Hello everyone, not been here for what seems like ages :-(

work has been completely nuts and my motivation for turning my computer on has only just returned (i work on a computer all day).

These have all been taken over the last couple of months, seems like a long, long time ago i took the beach shot (#6) - i remember walking across the seafront in my tea shirt, we were out until about 10:30 and it was still wonderfully warm. seems like we really didn't have much of a summer this year at all - i just can't believe how quickly the daylight goes once we get into september.... but at least we've got all the lovely autumnal colours and sunlight to look forward over the next month or so.

c+c always very welcome.

1 Sigma 85 1.4

2 Canon 135 2

3 Canon 135 2

4 Canon 35 1.4

5 Sigma 85 1.4

6 Canon 135 2
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7 Canon 35 1.4

8 Canon 135 2

9 Canon 135 2

10 Sigma 85 1.4

11 Sigma 85 1.4

12 Canon 135 2
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I always look forward to opening your threads Mark! Just wonderful as usual! :)
Really love all of these - hard to pick favs but poss 4 and 6 stand out for me. The whole set is delightful though!
Mark. Fabulous set. But for me #2 is a real standout.

Sort of shot I wish I'd taken.
Beautiful as usual Mark, you have two delightful children, and a plus is they look like they like having their picture taken too. My fave's 4 and 12. Look forward to your Autumn stuff.
What a simply wonderful series of shots....can't pick holes in any of them....

Two great looking children and, whether it's your skill as a photographer or their natural comfort in front of the lens, they are all great portraits!

Love the varied processing styles too

Great set (y)
Fabulous set of images with delightful children to boot. If I had to choose it would be 4&7 but I believe they are all outstanding.
great set, 4 & 7 are my favourites, the joy on her face on #4 and the inquisitiveness on #7 (y)
4 & 7 for me as well Mark.

4 is just magical. Real sense of anticipation.

How are you getting on with the 5dmk3 over your trusted mk 2?

Simply wonderful. I started thinking which numbers I would like to say I prefer, but I can't, I love all of them. Really enjoy seeing your work.
Great set of photos.

Love the colours and composition of the first one.

Really couldn't choose a favourite with the children's photographs - they are all really nicely done and the children themselves are, of course, beautiful.
I hate you - you are just too good by half.

Unless you are very good at whatever you do on a computer you should give it up and take photos full-time, as these are all charming shots that I would think would sell by the boatload.
number 2 is gorgeous, i even like the fact the little girl has her eyes closed. adds to the shot. great set.(y)