Water drop photography: best kit?

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I am beginning to explore water drop photography and cannot decide on the best, and arguably, the simplest system available. I have so far seen the Splash Art Kit and also the MJKZZ kit. My budget is limited to £200 max. Any advice?
I did some research into water drop photography a while back....wanted to upgrade from the 'bag-with-pinhole-secured-with-clothes-peg' method, which relied heavily on timing the shot.

I never managed to get the 'umbrella/mushroom' effect manually (unsurprisingly) but seriously considered this:


It looks like a decent bit of kit, sells for £179 through his eBay shop, and is easy to set up apparently.
I haven't bought one yet because I don't (won't) use eBay....but I would love one - such magical images!
It's possible to even build your own using Arduino tech for a lot cheaper, but that's beyond my tiny brains!!:D

You could check out Adam Karnacz YouTube channel First Man Photography:


He has a lot of guides and tutorials relating to water drop photography, and I think he uses the same gear as above.
I used to have the Splash Art kit. Very good it was. I believe it has been improved since my early version.
The TP kit @andrewc mentions above is also very good. Might be worth snapping his hand off!
I used to have the Splash Art kit. Very good it was. I believe it has been improved since my early version.
The TP kit @andrewc mentions above is also very good. Might be worth snapping his hand off!

There could be a fight for it if the price is reasonable!!:D
Anyone here used the Pluto trigger set-up ?
$160 odd dollars with drop valve
I personally much prefer the "bag with a hole in it" approach - for me it gives the most interesting shots:


Using a kit (at £200?) just gives the same images which I can see everywhere.

Fair enough. I like your shots too Peter, nice tight closeups and interesting shapes - I assume you're not using any thickening agents? There's certainly more 'splashiness' in your shots.

I started adding small amounts of vegetable glycerin to my mixes (I mix my own vape liquids, so usually have a couple of litres hanging around) and found it makes a tremendous difference and way easier than the guar/xantham gum method.

I concede that there are quite a lot of shots using trigger systems that look similar, but I was hugely inspired by Corrie White


....whose work is arguably a lot more creative than the usual fare.

Personally I'm fascinated by all water drop photography, but getting hold of a trigger system is another string to one's bow....and I happen to love the amazing shapes created by the drop collisions.

Anyone here used the Pluto trigger set-up ?
$160 odd dollars with drop valve
A chap i know on an astro forum uses one that he bought this year, he's taken some incredibly good water droplet images with it.
A chap i know on an astro forum uses one that he bought this year, he's taken some incredibly good water droplet images with it.
Cheers been looking at them for months and just not sure
Cheers been looking at them for months and just not sure
Here are few he did with the Pluto trigger, i'm sure he won't mind.
Credit for these images goes to Johnfosteruk a member of stargazers lounge.
5a6e2c286cd07_stagesofimpact.thumb.jpg.fd1fbc907fc23fe3af4065636129a32f.jpg 5a6e1e3c65bde_bluedropletsonblack1.thumb.jpg.d26d24075a7a2d67681c80115ac1c108.jpg 5a7121e88f5d5_3in1reflections.thumb.jpg.118bfc8e407dc4900186e44adcb17e7f.jpg
Dam it, I'm blaming you ;), just ordered the pluto and droplet valve 20% off at the moment.
Dam it, I'm blaming you ;), just ordered the pluto and droplet valve 20% off at the moment.

Mark told me about this thread so I thought I'd join up - Don't blame him btw, blame me Scott :) you won't regret it at all mate.

It's a cracking little device that's come in handy for lots of other work too.

It also has intervalometer/timelapse/startrails modes which are simple and intuitive
It has a handy ND calculator which takes the shot at the correct exposure for you once you tell it your exposure length without ND and how many stops of ND you're using if you stick the camera in bulb mode.
The sound trigger is useful too (I'll post a few images once I have 3 posts) and there's a laser trigger with it as well as various other modes.

For the droplets, you have 6 variables on the app - first drop size (in ms - that is, how long the valve stays open), flash delay (how long after the first drop is released before the flash is fired) and second drop delay & size (how long after the first drop the second drop is released etc), then the same for a third drop.
You want your valve about 18 inches above your surface
Once you get those dialled in the 5th variable to play with is the viscosity of your liquid. I've used glycerol, xanthan gum, cornflour and all sorts to thicken the liquid, all to great effect.

I'm starting to sound like I work for 'em now, but I'm just easily pleased :)
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Mark told me about this thread so I thought I'd join up - Don't blame him btw, blame me Scott :) you won't regret it at all mate.

It's a cracking little device that's come in handy for lots of other work too.

It also has intervalometer/timelapse/startrails modes which are simple and intuitive
It has a handy ND calculator which takes the shot at the correct exposure for you once you tell it your exposure length without ND and how many stops of ND you're using if you stick the camera in bulb mode.
The sound trigger is useful too (I'll post a few images once I have 3 posts) and there's a laser trigger with it as well as various other modes.

For the droplets, you have 6 variables on the app - first drop size (in ms - that is, how long the valve stays open), flash delay (how long after the first drop is released before the flash is fired) and second drop delay & size (how long after the first drop the second drop is released etc), then the same for a third drop.
You want your valve about 18 inches above your surface
Once you get those dialled in the 5th variable to play with is the viscosity of your liquid. I've used glycerol, xanthan gum, cornflour and all sorts to thicken the liquid, all to great effect.

I'm starting to sound like I work for 'em now, but I'm just easily pleased :)
Well you've convinced me John but it will have to wait, got my eye on a Sigma 180mm Macro.
Mark told me about this thread so I thought I'd join up - Don't blame him btw, blame me Scott :) you won't regret it at all mate.

It's a cracking little device that's come in handy for lots of other work too.

It also has intervalometer/timelapse/startrails modes which are simple and intuitive
It has a handy ND calculator which takes the shot at the correct exposure for you once you tell it your exposure length without ND and how many stops of ND you're using if you stick the camera in bulb mode.
The sound trigger is useful too (I'll post a few images once I have 3 posts) and there's a laser trigger with it as well as various other modes.

For the droplets, you have 6 variables on the app - first drop size (in ms - that is, how long the valve stays open), flash delay (how long after the first drop is released before the flash is fired) and second drop delay & size (how long after the first drop the second drop is released etc), then the same for a third drop.
You want your valve about 18 inches above your surface
Once you get those dialled in the 5th variable to play with is the viscosity of your liquid. I've used glycerol, xanthan gum, cornflour and all sorts to thicken the liquid, all to great effect.

I'm starting to sound like I work for 'em now, but I'm just easily pleased :)

So it’s your fault, I’ll apologise to @Kodakkid (I’ve given the wife johns details :D)
Some great pics mate, I’ve been looking at it for months and thanks for the simple advise on use, going to make a stand type thing so everything can/will be set up and then just see how we go, I have a BB and air rifle (not sure about this in the kitchen, but I’m sure she won’t mind) :eek: so in all honesty I think that’s going to be my first thing, breaking stuff for scientific purposes (y)

How does the laser work ? Any good ?
So it’s your fault, I’ll apologise to @Kodakkid (I’ve given the wife johns details :D)
Some great pics mate, I’ve been looking at it for months and thanks for the simple advise on use, going to make a stand type thing so everything can/will be set up and then just see how we go, I have a BB and air rifle (not sure about this in the kitchen, but I’m sure she won’t mind) :eek: so in all honesty I think that’s going to be my first thing, breaking stuff for scientific purposes (y)

How does the laser work ? Any good ?

Ha, tell the wife all you like mate, I'm sure you'll get yours in due course :)
I just screwed 3 bits of batten together for a stand and lashed the valve on with an elastic band, does the job nicely.
Speaking of breaking stuff, see attached. My wife has vetoed firearms in the kitchen so it'll have to be done elsewhere :)
Ref the laser, the trigger has a sensor, and you point the laser at it, when the beam breaks it triggers. You can change the delay/sensitivity in the app, does the job nicely.

Well you've convinced me John but it will have to wait, got my eye on a Sigma 180mm Macro.

Funnily I'm eying up the Sigma 105 macro.


  • A Smashing Time copy.jpg
    A Smashing Time copy.jpg
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post some pic of your results and let us know what kit you bought
Ha, tell the wife all you like mate, I'm sure you'll get yours in due course :)
I just screwed 3 bits of batten together for a stand and lashed the valve on with an elastic band, does the job nicely.
Speaking of breaking stuff, see attached. My wife has vetoed firearms in the kitchen so it'll have to be done elsewhere :)
Ref the laser, the trigger has a sensor, and you point the laser at it, when the beam breaks it triggers. You can change the delay/sensitivity in the app, does the job nicely.

Funnily I'm eying up the Sigma 105 macro.
After much faffing i decided that out in the field the 180 may be a bit unwieldy handheld with no OS so i just purchased a used Sigma 150mm with OS from camera jungle.
I was going with the non OS version (hearing of OS issues) but as they are part of the Jessop group and offer a 12 month warranty i'm happy.