Water Droplets: have they improved?

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I know your probably all fed up of these posts as I see there's been loads just recently, so I apologise now :bonk:

I tried this for the first time a couple of months ago, and posted some pictures: http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=264289 and I thought I'd give it another go and take on some of the advice :)

DSC_0201 by Lornamower, on Flickr

DSC_0134 by Lornamower, on Flickr

DSC_0187 by Lornamower, on Flickr

DSC_0216 by Lornamower, on Flickr

DSC_0211 by Lornamower, on Flickr

Thanks for looking :)

I think they're fantastic! Focus is spot on, and angle, very nice. Perhaps just decrease the aperture if possible to get it in focus front to back?

Also... that last one is a collision ;) A low down one, but a collision non-the-less.
Great set well done (y)
Any chance you could post your set up...there seems to be various ways of doing this and I'm keen to try out some new ones.
They all great (y)

Not having tried this, in No1 is the droplet at the top a second droplet come down to meet the first or the result of the water rebounding and throwing the droplet up?
very good takes...this seems to be a fetish and i can assume not really easy to do
I think they're fantastic! Focus is spot on, and angle, very nice. Perhaps just decrease the aperture if possible to get it in focus front to back?

Also... that last one is a collision ;) A low down one, but a collision non-the-less.

Really!? I thought it was just a weird crown that had happened, I did get a few other collisions, but they weren't quite in focus. :crying:

The weakest shot is the second one, the rest are excellent.

Yeah I would have to agree with you on this, like Ash said decreasing the aperture to get a bit more depth of field maybe would have improved it, but thank you. :)

Great set well done (y)
Any chance you could post your set up...there seems to be various ways of doing this and I'm keen to try out some new ones.

Thank you Marc. :) :)

I've taken it down for now otherwise could have taken you a picture, will do it next time I get it put together, but ill try to explain.

I filled an old lunch box to the brim with the liquid, and had my camera on a tripod that I could clamp to my desk (don't know if it has a specific name?) and had a flash gun to the left of the tub level with the top of the water. For a background I was using the white side of a black out window blind. For the dripping mechanism I used a drip bag that I was given when I worked in a vet surgery for a while, and it has a little wheel bit that will let me control the rate of the drips, used a 50cm ruler to suspend it over the top of the tub and away I went. :)

They all great (y)

Not having tried this, in No1 is the droplet at the top a second droplet come down to meet the first or the result of the water rebounding and throwing the droplet up?

Thank you Sturart. I think its the top of the water being thrown up. :)

i need to try this so much... what do you use for releasing the water droplets?

Yes you definitely do need to try! :) To create the water droplets I used a drip bag, mine was from the vets, but the same as the ones you get in hospital :) and they have a wheel to control the frequency of the drips.

very good takes...this seems to be a fetish and i can assume not really easy to do

Thank you Geof :) it does at the moment, was a bit apprehensive to post but thought I might as well. Once you get the set up right, and you've got them in focus its more straight forward than you think, just gotta get the hang of the timing. But it is so addictive!

Sorry for the essay of a post.

Really!? I thought it was just a weird crown that had happened, I did get a few other collisions, but they weren't quite in focus. :crying:

Yep, it is :) Just a very low one! Which means you need to increase the depth of your pan and/or slow the drip rate down slightly to get some proper ones :D

Thank you Sturart. I think its the top of the water being thrown up. :)

It is that indeed (y) As the top of the spout has gone flat as it rebounded after the droplet was released and shot upwards.
Water droplets are ridiculously addictive...

I really like 1 and 4 for what it's worth, not sure I can add any technical advice. Not a fan of plain water though.

Oh and if you've a spare dropper with adjustable timing I'll take it off your hands, it sounds tailor made for this!
Definite improvement on the last set, and while no.2 isn't quite there the rest have come out brilliantly - although I would agree with the earlier comments about DoF.

Not quite sure that it's a fetish :LOL: but these are definitely addictive - and with the rubbish weather outside, it's something fun to do in the warm and dry.
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