Critique Waxwings part deux

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Guys clocks a ticking there might be light tomorrow so briefly more from our first and second days with this cracking bird

A classic kinda shot, a two tailer because that tail and vent area is stunning when seen like that,although I don't think the pic is great it's cool to share not edited at all. A landing shot, and for good measure another facet of why I find this bird so cool,they are just plain silly They make me giggle that crest is brill when used:cool::D

_70F3417 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

_70F3190 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

_70F3140 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

_70F3420 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr


super set stu
Well done Stu :)
very nice pictures I like the last one with the tuft lol
Thanks guys very kind I'm still stunned by them in the flesh as it were,ok feather:). It was all the other stuff we saw behaviour wise that got me . So much in the first time ever of seeing, Just wish I knew that courtship can start here,leastways some form of pair bond is being reinforced ,and they feed each other or one sex does? I'd love to have caught that moment when the food gets passed,saw it but was just too slow

'ere Russ just back in from a day trying hard but not getting very far,caught a glimpse of me in the mirror as I came in

...he won:D

It's seriously cool that crest guys,every time it see it it makes me smile.

why is there always one twig in the wrong place?:rolleyes:

many thanks

Another great set Stu got love the last one though it a corker with that crest up :)
good shots Stu, lucky to get them

they are OK as they are but with more pp they would be improved ,,,,,,,,, they are not "great" or "super" as some suggested, but they are good

just trying to push you to get the best out of the shots that you take

You must have done something right, Stuart!
…just can't resist #3! :)
Crack'n set there and I love the one you captured with the wings open (y)

Sorry slow on the replies folks didn't clock this at all,ha ha trying to work out how to use a 2Xext in crap light and evaluate the consequences has been and is absorbing. I've been a bit distracted of late I'm so sure there is a way to make that 2X work :D

Thank you Paul they were very kind with the chances
Nice set Stu, you're right they always seem to be able to hide behind at least one twig!

What that going on just behind him in the first?

ha the one twig syndrome thought it was only me mate;)

Mike in all honesty I am unsure I think it's that OOF twig returning,but even at 100% I can't figure it,it would be dropped,cut, cloned,:Dhey ho mate made you stare,good eyes, guess what Steve got it too,I was slower:):whistle:

Bill push away mate:cool::) ,I know there is more and frankly want more at capture. I'm incredibly grateful if something I post gets any response.But know now due to yours and Steves Mikes all those reposts there is a whole other side unaccseed as of yet in post.

Bill I just can't upgrade at this time, so have to make do with this. But please push Bill,I want to be better how ever long that takes. It matters not how fast Bill it matters I want

I always want honesty mate. this experience is incredibly special to me that kid,which I've tried to convey in the two posts,but there is work to be done bro i know it,so crit just make me want to try harder

You must have done something right, Stuart!
…just can't resist #3! :)

Thanks buddy
little steps Daniel,very slow little steps,but having so much fun exploring. 40 plus years I've wanted to see this bird Daniel it's beyond mystical too me,and they gave me all this as a first go so cool mate what a day,ha I built houses there funny as!!

Another great set Stu got love the last one though it a corker with that crest up :)

Mick sorry bro running out of steam, thank you,wish that shot had your IQ mate ;)

But what a little star he was . Lovely just being with that one away from the feeding me and him and a couple of others, a drinking preening spot gift of a day Mick

Cheers all hope I haven't missed anyone it's interesting which shot is liked by different folks,it's difficult being detatched and objective when it's a special bird but I guess in many ways I am well retaining the joy of finally. seeing them

bring it on
