WCMUT....what cheered me up today

Watching a two southern hawker dragonfly larvae emerge from our garden pond
Saw that 3 had emerged yesterday so got up early this morning to see them
Very nice what a result for them as well (y)
Very nice what a result for them as well (y)

Thanks yes so pleased
I realised about a week ago when I started to thin out the oxygenating plants and there were dragonfly larvae in there so kept an eye out for them emerging
Nowhere else to post this but thought it worth a mention.

My wife was in her car this afternoon on a busy road and went to a local police station to report that there were two dogs running amongst the traffic. She returned to the car and as she was about to drive off saw a man, on the pavement, holding his small dog...a poodle..clearly not knowing what to do because the two dogs were encircling him. An Alsatian and a Pitbull-type. My wife wouldn't know the actual breed but that type, she told me. She drove forward, sounded the car horn and beckoned the man to get into the car. He was so pleased. He lived close by so she drove him home.
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For those who have wives who just missed out on pension age 60 to 65 before getting the state pension..the group fighting this has won the court case which has been backed by many MPs. There's three months between my wife's birthday and her friend's and her friend was the right side of the 'red line' and got her pension at 60.

It seems that it was the final decision 5 days ago so no more appeals. It's estimated that awards ..back-dated,will be in a range from £100 to £10,000

I can't find any reference to it but she was told about it today. This article dated April 3rd so,I assume it was the result of this Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman's second review. https://www.pensionsage.com/pa/PHSO...-women-state-pension-investigation-report.php

Edited Tues 0816 re pay out sums. I misunderstood what I was told about the sums involved. Now changed to £100-£10,000. Also, the government can't affiod to pay the full amount. Some will have lost £40,000 but Moneysavingexpert say average is £6000. I expect different figures will be banded about. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/reclaim/married-women-missing-state-pension-boost/
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I spent a couple of hours at a lake fishing this morning. Haven't been fishing for a couple of years, but simply float fished bread and took 6 carp, largest of which was about 12lbs. Lost my first two, I think I was out of practice....

Going back again later in the week.
Good news-bad news.

Good news: We're having a bedroom re-decorated.

Bad news: The painter/decorator starts at 7.45am :eek:
I ordered a rollator from Amazon for mum, but she hates it as it's heavy so I arranged its return. There's no way she can repackage it and take it to a post office so I messaged the seller to ask if they could arrange collection.

Got a response about 2 minutes later saying that they're based in Holland and it would prove too costly so they're going to issue a refund with no need to return the rollator, suggesting we donate it to charity.
That's a right result @Marc (y)
A funny animal vid.

View: https://BANNED/Figensport/status/1666492338267381793

Whatever he is he's so intelligent. He knows he's done wrong and plays for sympathy and I love the look up to see if he's been seen before playing dead again.
Hoggy is now a frequent visitor eating pretty much what I put out for him.
Mealworms, sunflower seeds peanuts ( not the salted kind) meat, dog food,
He even clears up things I throw out late at night for the early "birds" in the morning,
so far baked potato skins and old cake.
Taken recently around midnight under halogen floodlights

Managed to get the car washed and waxed before the sun got round and too hot ... now, watch it rain :LOL:
Its not due here until tomorrow, and then a shower, looks like I'll be topping up the pond myself after all.
Managed to get the car washed and waxed before the sun got round and too hot ... now, watch it rain :LOL:

Its not due here until tomorrow, and then a shower, looks like I'll be topping up the pond myself after all.
Well it rumbled and banged for about 2 hours ( Sunday, yesterday) and rained for about 10 seconds, despite the yellow warning for flooding.
Another "Deluge" forecast for today around 5pm ...
Well it rumbled and banged for about 2 hours ( Sunday, yesterday) and rained for about 10 seconds, despite the yellow warning for flooding.
Another "Deluge" forecast for today around 5pm ...
Good sweet FA here, went dark for a short while but that was it.

Cars covered in tree sap and pollen now, so looking forward to the rain :LOL:
We had a deluge around 4/5 then back to hot n humid
WCMUY (yesterday)
In an effort to hunt down and kill the rat that moved in, last year, I sadly killed 2 adult mice that had live down the side & under the shed for a few years.
I was actually sad to see them "go" I thought that was that. ( Yeah I know I've gone soft since retiring :D )

Yesterday, I saw an adult nip out, raid the birds ground feeder and go back down the side.
I'm guessing there may have been youngsters that survived, and now built their own little community.
Home from work early today, sky is turning black and rumbles to the south.. could be a good one :love:

It's banging and crashing out there, the weather map is saying it's hissing down ..
Its lying :(
Chucking down, will be with you shortly.

Scrap that ....Clouds are leaking now, winds blowing your way Chris (y)

Hail too

Hail now, can hardly hear myself think!
I'm sure you guys are winding me up, Yeah there is a drop of rain, and strong winds, I guess its going to blow past me,
at this rate I'll still need to get the hose out later.
yes'n'no ... rain and hail, didn't last.
Its got very dark here, almost "pea green" skies.
Maybe it'll rain "properly" after all ...
But I'm not holding my breath
A good old fashioned thunderstorm, daylight lightning (the sort that lights up a room even at daytime), proper rumbles and bangs, rattling the house at one point and proper, bouncy rain.
It was short lived, about 40 minutes, a power shower but as we don't get many here, I'll take it.

It's brightened up, it's hot but looking at that sky, the thunder might not be done with us yet.
A good old fashioned thunderstorm, daylight lightning (the sort that lights up a room even at daytime),
I've got a very faint flicker of sheet lightning way off in the distance (West by north-west)... lots of noise and, as above, a drop of rain.
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Look at the cluster South East Wales (Cardiff), Bristol and up into Gloucestershire. I can hear thunder as I post. I'll go and see what the clouds are like. The sun is shining,too.
Well it rumbled and banged for about 2 hours ( Sunday, yesterday) and rained for about 10 seconds, despite the yellow warning for flooding.
Another "Deluge" forecast for today around 5pm ...

It's all very local. Someone a couple of miles down the road will get a deluge.
It's all very local. Someone a couple of miles down the road will get a deluge.
And its also 5 o'Clock somewhere too :D
Its got very dark here, almost "pea green" skies.
Maybe it'll rain "properly" after all ...
But I'm not holding my breath

You might recall that I mentioned the 'green' in my clouds post yesterday evening (which you kindly gave a 'like' to). I first saw this phenomena on my US storm chase tours and that's what I was told. Everything is scaled up over there (as you see in the link below) so when there are green-tinted clouds it's time to take cover. The meteorologists aren't really sure why it happens. They think it's to do with light refraction.

"Bohren submitted that sunlight behind the thunderstorm is attenuated and scattered by the rain and/or hail shaft to yield a bluish hue. If this thunderstorm occurs around sunrise or sunset, when the sun takes on a more red/orange/yellow look thanks to a longer trip of the sun's rays through the atmosphere, that thunderstorm could instead look more green".Fraser, on the other hand, suggests sunlight ahead of the storm is the key. The sun shining on a thunderstorm with the combination of sunlight scattering in clear air - typically yielding blue sky - and the red/orange/yellow colors of a sun low on the horizon can lead to the greenish sky, Fraser wrote re the photo here... " An approaching hailstorm in Wylie, Texas on April 12, 2016, takes on a bluish-green hue.
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You might recall that I mentioned the 'green' in my clouds post yesterday evening (which you kindly gave a 'like' to).
Yes I do remember (y)

I first saw this phenomena on my US storm chase tours
That's where I first became aware of "Pea green" also.
And that usually gave way to one hell of a storm.
Thankfully no tornadoes but I did see a little rotation, very occasionally.

I was fascinated, and would often stand outside, but under shelter, watching the performance,
And I would often hear my host saying, now what is that daft f*****g Brit up to?
We've had discussions in HT on the inappropriateness of Drag Queen Story Hour for young children but I had to laugh at this, especially in a country where an atheist would never make President and each speech by one concludes with "God bless America."

A district in Utah (north of Salt Lake City.....Mormom land)) has banned the Bible from primary and middle-school classes after a parent complained that it contained too much sex and violence. :LOL: The complainant , who described it to the education authorities (the Davis School Board) as "one of the most sex-ridden books around" citing, incest, prostitution, sodomy and rape, adding that, "You'll no doubt find that the Bible has no serious values for minors because it's pornography by our new definition" . It's not the first time the Bible has been the target of such a complaint. It was temporarily removed from libraries in Texas and Missourri last year. This same Board is also going to get itself into hot water by filing a complaint about the Book of Mormom.(Church of Latter Day Saints).Salt Lake City is the home off Mormons and is one of the most religious states in the US.

Just realised after posting that this is in WCMUT. I meant to put it in the Jokes/Memes thread.Maybe here is ok as it;'s not 'a joke' It's real. :)
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