WCMUT....what cheered me up today

Can anyone beat this ?

Yesterday, at 12 mid-day, I ordered some Chanel perfume for my wife for Christmas through a large retailer,Fenwick, in Newcastle upon Tyne .I did it online. I expected it to arrive on Monday but more likely Tuesday. It arrived, via DPD, at 2.00pm today. 26 hours from order to delivery.It was free delivery because of the cost and normal delivery time not 'next day' delivery.
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Yes! I ordered a watch strap from Amazon a couple of weeks ago and it arrived well within 24 hours. Ordered it at tea time one day and it was here just after lunch the next day. (Tea time is around 18:00 and lunch is around 12:30.)

I was using a free Prime trial because I had needed something that was only available (at the special price) to Prime members.
WCMUT was catching up with a couple of friends after a good lunch (roast turkey and trimmings - in November! So, shoot me!!!) and a visit to an interesting bike collection.
A beautiful if slightly chilly day and a lovely walk along the beach and as an unexpected bonus this,

now while I fully expected to see the seals the pup was a little bonus.
Yesterday... (sorry for the long post...)

Me and Mrs WW took the train to Newcastle for her Citizenship appointment and we had a successful day. The email waiting for us when we got home said that everything was fine and that our application had been forwarded. If successful this (after a local ceremony) will be the end of a long, expensive and at times stressful immigration process. Mrs WW already has her Indefinite Leave to Remain and citizenship isn't strictly required but she wants it anyway,

I haven't sat and totalled up the total expense but it is an expensive process involving one "Spouse" Visa, two Further Leave to Remain(s) and then the Indefinite Leave to Remain and now the optional citizenship. There's also been the English Language test and the dreaded Life in the UK test which imo is largely irrelevant to modern life in the UK. I certainly wouldn't pass without a great deal of study. The money all this cost luckily isn't a worry but the wording used is sometimes opaque, open to interpretation or even contradictory leading to worries about the answers we've supplied and then there's been the missing information which definitely had been supplied, for example as a part of the process I had to supply details of my finances for each visa but during one visa application I was asked to supply them twice more. This lead to stress and anxiety as I thought something may be going wrong but in reality I think it more likely that someone was simply losing the data. Oh, and here's another example. For each Visa both me and Mrs WW had to supply photographs of all of the pages of our passports but during the citizenship application process there was a limit to how many we could upload so what about the additional pages we couldn't upload? Would this lead to the citizenship being declined? Thankfully at the interview / document check the staff checked and copied every page of her passport. It was a worry though.

So. Another milestone passed.

Also, at our local train station we saw a little boy, maybe 3 years old or so, with his mam and dad and he was so excited to see the trains he just couldn't contain himself and when it came to board the train he was almost overcome with excitement. It was a scene which was a joy to see and who knows, he may remember that day forever :D
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Can anyone beat this ?

Yesterday, at 12 mid-day, I ordered some Chanel perfume for my wife for Christmas through a large retailer,Fenwick, in Newcastle upon Tyne .I did it online. I expected it to arrive on Monday but more likely Tuesday. It arrived, via DPD, at 2.00pm today. 26 hours from order to delivery.It was free delivery because of the cost and normal delivery time not 'next day' delivery.
What on earth are you doing man?
Every bloke knows christmas eve is wife present buying day.
Get a grip. :D
What on earth are you doing man?
Every bloke knows christmas eve is wife present buying day.
Get a grip. :D

I'm late this year,I usually start in October.

By the way, when she mentions this or that through the year, or sees something in a shop window, I get it and hide it because it's a pain thinking what to get as Christmas nears. I do wonder,sometimes, if she's caught on :) She'll see something in a shop window and tell me how lovely it is..adding.."not saying I want it, it just looks really nice " She mentioned Chanel No 5 a couple of months ago when she was given a bottle of Chanel something and said, as she opened it, she'd hoped it was this Chanel No. 5 . She'd done a massive amount of admin work for a friend organising a 3-day stitching workshop..12 came from ther US..I digress..So, I remembered that and bought the No. 5. I've had to take out a 3 year loan and it's only a small bottle :D

An after thought. Years ago we stopped at a set of traffic lights here in Gloucester. My wife was in the passenger seat of our car and was able to spend the time, before the green light showed, looking into the window of the furniture shop at the junction. There was a lovely, tall (8') walnut, glass-fronted piece of furniture. It had glass panes with lead criss-cross diamond -pattern pieces and glass shelving in the top which was sitting on a wider cupboard. She pointed it out to me and I agreed it looked very nice. We were there the next day and it's still in our dining room. I've always thought that I'm just thankful it wasn't a BMW or Mercedes showroom :D
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Chat with our son, asking if he and his family can come to us for Xmas, which means we get to see our Grandson on Christmas day. Well happy with that, especially as it's my Birthday too....
I'm late this year,I usually start in October.

By the way, when she mentions this or that through the year, or sees something in a shop window, I get it and hide it because it's a pain thinking what to get as Christmas nears. I do wonder,sometimes, if she's caught on :) She'll see something in a shop window and tell me how lovely it is..adding.."not saying I want it, it just looks really nice " She mentioned Chanel No 5 a couple of months ago when she was given a bottle of Chanel something and said, as she opened it, she'd hoped it was this Chanel No. 5 . She'd done a massive amount of admin work for a friend organising a 3-day stitching workshop..12 came from ther US..I digress..So, I remembered that and bought the No. 5. I've had to take out a 3 year loan and it's only a small bottle :D

An after thought. Years ago we stopped at a set of traffic lights here in Gloucester. My wife was in the passenger seat of our car and was able to spend the time, before the green light showed, looking into the window of the furniture shop at the junction. There was a lovely, tall (8') walnut, glass-fronted piece of furniture. It had glass panes with lead criss-cross diamond -pattern pieces and glass shelving in the top which was sitting on a wider cupboard. She pointed it out to me and I agreed it looked very nice. We were there the next day and it's still in our dining room. I've always thought that I'm just thankful it wasn't a BMW or Mercedes showroom :D
We've been quite fortunate, there's very little we want for, so it's difficult to buy.
Her nam is Kaye, we live at no.4 and she's Sheffield Wednesday mad. Some years ago I got personal plates (K444 OWL) for her and wrapped them. When she opened them she was more giddy than in all the years I've known her.
It's good when you get it right. ;)
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We've been quite fortunate, there's very little we want for, so it's difficult to buy. In the past I've spent fortunes on top class jewellery, she's always enjoyed it but we dont go to formal do's for her to wear it, they live in the safe in the loft.

Her nam is Kaye, we live at no.4 and she's Sheffield Wednesday mad. Some years ago I got personal plates (K444 OWL) for her and wrapped them. When she opened them she was more giddy than in all the years I've known her.
It's good when you get it right. ;)

That was a lovely thought..the personalised number plate. I won't get my wife anymore handbags. All Ragleys...really good quality. Boots, full length and ankle boots, different colours. I raid her cosmetics drawers for anything that is running out ...lol. She uses L'Oreal and Loccataine products. I'e just gort that No. 5 so far. Goodness knows what else. Maybe nothing and I'll tell her I've donated to the less-fortunate. :)
Maybe nothing and I'll tell her I've donated to the less-fortunate. :)
My ex left jewellery catalogues all over the house one year.
Great, I thought I'll get her a ....

Magazine rack
WCMUT? Finding out that the Mustang will be 60 years old next year! (March 1964) I don't feel that old now :eek:
I've just insured a car and it was cheaper than last year.

I insured a car a few months back and at that time quotes had shot up and not just for me as I googled it but they seem to have fallen back again. I wonder what's going on?
It's funny how a comparatively small thing can brighten the day. I woke up feeling a bit under the weather, made a cup of tea, went on this forum and saw the two lovely landscapes mstphoto had posted. :)
Well not today, but last week the new full fibre broadband installed. I wasn't worried about the speed so went for the slowest available 150 Mb/s ( I don't need 8000 Mb/s)

YouFibre at 19.99 a month fixed for 2 years, much cheaper than my old vodafone and double the speed.

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A couple of bears, 2 red squirrels, 2 wildcats, 4 wolves and a burger!
Not as bad as Escot (Wildwood)!
Probably more dangerous than the animals! Easier to get close to...
Not as bad as Escot (Wildwood)!

I went there once to see their red squirrels but it wasn't like seeing them dancing in the trees in Scotland. Been tempted to go and see the wolves and it's not that far down the road for me, but....
I'd rather not see wolves circling when I'm out walking in Scotland :LOL:
As for the burger - definitely the most dangerous of them all ;)
I'd wait until the bears are more active, Jan. We were lucky that the Sun came out and the 2 girls (they have a male as well, at the moment - looking after him before he moves on to his new home at (?) Jimmy's Farm) came out for a late wander. Their house and small enclosure are closed off for general viewing to let them settle down for winter torpor but we could see them from a distance without disturbing them.
What has further cheered me up today is getting my hearing aids retuned. Mildly annoyed that I got the time wrong so arrived 30 minutes early for the appointment... I now have sibilants back!
What has further cheered me up today is getting my hearing aids retuned. Mildly annoyed that I got the time wrong so arrived 30 minutes early for the appointment... I now have sibilants back!

I have the special ones, with "wife filters" :LOL:
One of our enclosed toilet systems had lost the ability to flush properly. I tried all sorts of fixes but nothing worked. Eventually decided to replace the outlet valve, not an easy job but I think I have succeeded. I have replaced inlet valves before but not out outlet ones. If it floods overnight I won't be so pleased.
I have the special ones, with "wife filters" :LOL:

I can sneakily open the battery doors a crack which switches them off...

Can ask if these were private or NHS? I gather the latter are very good these days. I am reaching the point where I need hearing aids.

They came from a place called Chime, who do both NHS and private - I got mine on the NHS. Took a while to get referred to them by a succession of locums at the GP practice but once I saw one of the resident GPs, I was referred and seen pretty quickly. A friend who went private has exactly the same aids as I have but paid a small fortune for them. He has to pay for his batteries too.
Can ask if these were private or NHS? I gather the latter are very good these days. I am reaching the point where I need hearing aids.
Mine are NHS. I suffer terribly with tinnitus, and whilst these don't take it away, the better audio does mask it. My BiL has better ones which have rechargeable batteries, but they were private. The NHS ones have bluetooth, so they work as "earpods" with your phone and there's an app to keep tabs on the battery usage as well as controlling the volume.
As I could find a WSMT (what surprised me today) thread, I'll add it here.

Passed a new housing estate being built, and the sign said coming soon, 2 and 3 bedroom houses and bungalows. I did think they bothered with them on estates any longer, more money in a house covering the same plot.
As I could find a WSMT (what surprised me today) thread, I'll add it here.

Passed a new housing estate being built, and the sign said coming soon, 2 and 3 bedroom houses and bungalows. I did think they bothered with them on estates any longer, more money in a house covering the same plot.
Bungalows are more expensive around here. Lots of older people with no mortgage after a place with no stairs.
Having said that my DiL parents have just moved to one, there are 12 bungalows in the road and 8 have loft extensions ;)
An honest repair man :)
This morning I realised that a jumper I wanted to wear needed washing, did a handwash and put it in the machine to spin dry.
Didn't happen, drum wasn't spinning and I was left with a soaking wet jumper.
Thought it might be a blocked filter so set about emptying the water, not much came out and the lock light went out
so I could get the said jumper out at least
Rang a local repair Guy who told me it was an uneven load and I needed to balance it and try again, apparently my machine has drum sensors so it doesn't damage itself, said if that didn't work he would come a have a look
Got to admit I was sceptical but I put it on a rinse and spin setting and.......................... It worked :D
An honest repair man :)
This morning I realised that a jumper I wanted to wear needed washing, did a handwash and put it in the machine to spin dry.
Didn't happen, drum wasn't spinning and I was left with a soaking wet jumper.
Thought it might be a blocked filter so set about emptying the water, not much came out and the lock light went out
so I could get the said jumper out at least
Rang a local repair Guy who told me it was an uneven load and I needed to balance it and try again, apparently my machine has drum sensors so it doesn't damage itself, said if that didn't work he would come a have a look
Got to admit I was sceptical but I put it on a rinse and spin setting and.......................... It worked :D
Yes, it means that days of the washing machine 'going for a walk ' are/were over.

FWIW fuzzy logic controllers have also come into play, this means (based on our Samsung machine) that it will keep trying to rebalance the load but will shutdown if it fails.

But glad the advice worked for you with no charge(?)
Yes, it means that days of the washing machine 'going for a walk ' are/were over.

FWIW fuzzy logic controllers have also come into play, this means (based on our Samsung machine) that it will keep trying to rebalance the load but will shutdown if it fails.

But glad the advice worked for you with no charge(?)
Unless you get a cheap Hoover machine that vibrates most of the kitchen and emits a loud noise when it spins! It also moves but not too far across the floor. I doubt balance is part of its specs. I bought it from Currys during one of the lockdowns, they were quick with the sale and delivery but failed to answer any calls/emails when I tried to return it.
FWIW fuzzy logic controllers have also come into play, this means (based on our Samsung machine) that it will keep trying to rebalance the load but will shutdown if it fails.

But glad the advice worked for you with no charge(?)

Mine is samsung too, would get another without a moments though, great appliance.
The problem, as he explained it, was that I had put a heavy, wet jumper in to just spin
and the machine couldn't balance it so wouldn't spin the drum to prevent damage, clever idea.

Exactly that, NO CHARGE.

I have used him before and his charges are very fair
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Mine is samsung too, would get another without a moments thought, great appliance.
The problem, as he explained it, was that I had put a heavy, wet jumper in to just spin
and the machine couldn't balance it so wouldn't spin the drum to prevent damage, clever idea.

Exactly that, NO CHARGE.

I have used him before and his charges are very fair
Agreed, nice machine:)

FWIW we sometimes have the misbalance weight issue. For example fleeces, we end up draining > open door > hand wring/squeeze out as much excess as possible> put back in machine but spread the garment out as much as possible > most times the machine does get going and spins out nicely.
Comfort food, diced steak, sealed in a pan with onions and garlic, left to sit, then slow cooked for a few hours. Made a gravy with the juices. Mashed, butter potato, roast potato and the beef melted in the mouth. (y)
Comfort food, diced steak, sealed in a pan with onions and garlic, left to sit, then slow cooked for a few hours. Made a gravy with the juices. Mashed, butter potato, roast potato and the beef melted in the mouth. (y)
I've eaten .... and now I'm hungry again Thanks a bunch :D