WCMUT....what cheered me up today

This is not a hedgehog Ruth but a Madagascan Tenrec, the one in the picture is fully grown

If your hands are nice and warm it will just curl up and go to sleep :)

Indeed it is!!

Beautifull little fella! I had the delight to go to a kids party where a chap was booked to show off some birds or prey and some insects and reptiles and this little fella was his own pet. put it in my hand and because I have warm hands it slumped down and started to warm itself up and went to sleep and was snoring within a few minutes.......How trusting it was! made me feel very privelidged at the time and this little picture has just reminded me of it!

Thanks for posting - cheered me up too!
The diversity of them is amazing.
So many that look to different.
Madagascar is fascinating place.
Full of endangered species from deforestation and probably not helped by demands for pets from the pet trade. Its Monday. I'm in a grump ok. ;)

Grump away, mate.... Grump away. (y)
Full of endangered species from deforestation and probably not helped by demands for pets from the pet trade.
And not to mention its bloody hot out there and friggin cold over here, no wonder they curl up and go to sleep ;)

Its Monday. I'm in a grump ok.
What's Monday got to do with it? :p
The seemingly abandoned Renault around the corner has gone and the BMW that's been there for a couple of months has been clamped for no tax and will hopefully be taken away soon.
And THIS, even more so!
We are in the process of having some major building work done including a new loading bay for the lorries at work.
They have just finished the concrete platform and fencing that looks like something HM Prisons would be proud of.
Yesterday all the big bods came down to inspect and a lorry was there to demonstrate.................................how to hit and take
a chunk out of the concrete platform :LOL:
WCMUT was a delicious steak for "dinner"!
Book ordered months ago is finally going to be delivered this week, Yay!
Double Bass - Lonely This Christmas.

Oh, what fun.
Finally after months and months of being without, I have a working oven! :banana:
Phoned surgery at 08:30. Dr called back at 09:15. Have appointment to see her at 11:45.

Of course, the reason for needing to see a doctor is an annoyance but the system working as it should is a reason to be cheerful (part 3!!!)
Finally after months and months of being without, I have a working oven! :banana:

Now you'll have to learn to cook as I see the take aways have been taking their toll:exit:
Now you'll have to learn to cook as I see the take aways have been taking their toll:exit:

FO :p...

I'll have you know I always managed to cook and plus we can't get takeaways here, only one Chinese delivers and even then only had 2 :p
Wcmut receiving a room upgrade to the top floor suite with its own dedicated lift. Shame it's only for one night.
WCMUT: My cat discovering Newton's Third Law Of Motion. I think her attempt to leap from the chair to the desk would have been quite ambitious anyway, even if it hadn't been a rolling swivel chair...
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The Pistorious murder verdict from SA.

Great news and justice at last.
I think if we are honest, once her family took out a private prosecution, he didn't have a leg to stand on
You goin' ter heyull fer that wun buoy!
I think if we are honest, once her family took out a private prosecution, he didn't have a leg to stand on

Wasn't talking about the bladerunner :)
A nice cold can of Vimto :)

You do know what Vimto is an anagram of, don't you? ;) Not often I say something's too sickly sweet for my taste but Vimto qualifies!
You do know what Vimto is an anagram of, don't you? ;) Not often I say something's too sickly sweet for my taste but Vimto qualifies!

Yep, and not my usual tipple either. I was falling asleep at my desk, and its helped me keep going :D
WCMUT: The TP christmas decorations, love them :) Can we have some snow as well please?
WCMUT is Mrs Nod still going "Ooh!" every time her wrist vibrates when her Pebble gives her an alert. Pressing a couple of pints of apple, beetroot, carrot and celery juice (don't knock it 'til you've tried it!) then using the pulp to make some stock for mushroom risotto later. Being alive!
Getting Skype working again :D

It took a fit of the sulks last night and despite the help of a good friend [ living 400 miles away ] using Team Viewer we could not get it working - no way - no how.

We decided to leave it for the night after about 2 hours and try again today.

He's missing for a good part of the day today - so before I got down to some work on other more pressing stuff I fired up Skype - shoved in my password and

WE HAZ SKYPE :runaway::banana::runaway::banana::runaway::banana:

didn't do anything - it just stopped sulking :D
Getting Skype working again :D

It took a fit of the sulks last night and despite the help of a good friend [ living 400 miles away ] using Team Viewer we could not get it working - no way - no how.

We decided to leave it for the night after about 2 hours and try again today.

He's missing for a good part of the day today - so before I got down to some work on other more pressing stuff I fired up Skype - shoved in my password and

WE HAZ SKYPE :runaway::banana::runaway::banana::runaway::banana:

didn't do anything - it just stopped sulking :D

Yes I've come to the conclusion that Skype is..........

......a teenage girl!