WCMUT....what cheered me up today

Almost. ALL computers and software can behave like teenagers!
More a case of old Adult who haven't got the foggiest about what they are doing but magically blame their computers...Hmm a bit like how Teenagers would see those comments as well ;) :p
but magically blame their computers...
As I've said many times, to err is to be human, but it takes a computer to right royally screw things up (y)
Well, sometimes when a computer is turned on or woken up, it's a little less willing to cooperate with the user. Similarly software is occasionally slow to start or even fails to open. That's before any user input!
Well, sometimes when a computer is turned on or woken up, it's a little less willing to cooperate with the user
Sounds like me TBH
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Well, you're just a teenager several times over!!! :p
Well, sometimes when a computer is turned on or woken up, it's a little less willing to cooperate with the user. Similarly software is occasionally slow to start or even fails to open. That's before any user input!
Unfortunately it isn't....it doesn't magically just change things or one day be a bit slower to start up than the next day....It's not human....
Unfortunately it isn't....it doesn't magically just change things or one day be a bit slower to start up than the next day....It's not human....

... but it is magic, isn't it? I think we can all agree that it is magic :)
More a case of old Adult who haven't got the foggiest about what they are doing but magically blame their computers...Hmm a bit like how Teenagers would see those comments as well ;) :p

You saying I haven't the foggiest ?

I still can't work out why I couldn't get it working yesterday. I'm signed in permanently never have to enter my password !
New shaving brush that's softer than Alan Carr pushing a pink pram full of Andrex puppies.
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Not to mention the operators ;)

Getting older is hard to avoid (although I did give it a damn good try...) but growing up is entirely voluntary! :p
It's not a return of carpal tunnel, yay.

Nice one, got my scan next week.tried to put it off till after xmas as I'm too busy, but they won't, damn NHS make you wait when you want things
More of a 'what cheered me up last night' really. Played guitar in front of an audience for the first time ever, as part of a student gig for the music school I get lessons with. 3 songs absolutely flew past! Bit of a rush actually :woot:
More of a 'what cheered me up last night' really. Played guitar in front of an audience for the first time ever, as part of a student gig for the music school I get lessons with. 3 songs absolutely flew past! Bit of a rush actually :woot:

Harlow's Got Talent! (y)
More of a 'what cheered me up last night' really. Played guitar in front of an audience for the first time ever, as part of a student gig for the music school I get lessons with. 3 songs absolutely flew past! Bit of a rush actually :woot:

Been a long time since I gigged. Love to do it again tho.
WCMUT: Found the 'under a fiver' secret santa presents, like it so much I bought one for myself and got a pound off :)
WCMUT was the realisation that the "missing element" of today's breakfast was the antibiotics I've just finished taking. Only a couple of days before I can have a drink! (Why is it that although I'm not much of a drinker, I've fancied a drink several times in the past week and haven't been allowed one? [Metronidazole is one of the ones I was taking and they're very much a DON'T drink one.])
Working central heating!!!
Wcmut waking up next to a beautiful lady.
Cat quite obviously feeling better. Had a cough for a couple of days and was looking and behaving off colour so took her to the vet. Whether it was the trauma of being caged up, the manipulations of the examination, the sharp intake of breath as he took her temperature (without even being formally introduced!) or the antibiotic/anti inflammatory medicines she's on, she's almost back to normal. Still an occasional cough but not the wracking and laboured breathing that she had yesterday. As Alf Wight said, "If only they could talk"!
Be thankful she can't talk - just imagine what she would have said to the vet :D
She's a tart, she liked it!!! ;) Always shows off her rear end.
People hammering past me on the M25 with a 40 mph limit and a HADECS 3 camera on the side.
Many still don't seemed to have realised that not all camera's are on over head gantry's ;)
Not so much cheered my up as making me :rolleyes:
WCMUT? Sure as f*** wasn't my sodding golf! I've seen people get lower scores on an 18 hole round than I managed on 9. Never mind, the walk in the dry but windy outdoors DID CMU! :)
Wcmut Joe's Southern Kitchen & Bar. When I leaned that we were going to a fried chicken shop for our works Christmas meal I wasn't impressed. I was imagining a KFC with table service. But oh boy was I wrong, very wrong.

Joe's Southern Kitchen & Bar in Covent Garden is amazing. Absolutely fantastic food, the beer can chicken especially is brilliant. Comes out on the beer can roasted and they roughly carve it up at the table. The sundries are fantastic. Can't fault a single thing. I would highly recommend it to anyone. Well priced as well.
Finally having a working hob and oven and enough of a kitchen to be able to make real food not just microwave something in a plastic tray.