WCMUT....what cheered me up today

BBC1 right now.
The selflessness of others restores one's faith in humanity (and makes me more than a little ashamed of my life).

watching that too, but I must admit I've done nothing in my life that would make me feel ashamed.
watching that too, but I must admit I've done nothing in my life that would make me feel ashamed.
It was more what I've not done, when I watch something like this. Kudos to him.
Knowing the Owl that was screeching on my roof last night, friend on another forum says its a Barn Owl. Fantastic, made my day.
Knowing the Owl that was screeching on my roof last night, friend on another forum says its a Barn Owl. Fantastic, made my day.

Get out there and make some noise whilst he tried to sleep, see how he likes it! [emoji35]
A buzzard dropping out of a tree about 25 yards away. Not sure what it was after but it stayed on the ground for 10 seconds or so before flying off.
After the issues with Windows 7 update becoming so flakey and failing to perform I knew I had to bite the bullet of upgrading to W10.

The WCMUT was that I learned via another forum that the ISO I downloaded of the "free" W10 offer should still install and activate AOK............................and it did, though only after I initially disabled my ESET Smart Security/AV program :)

PS this might also cheer others if they are in the same dilemma and have the ISO I mention ;)
How far back will immigrants' heritage be traced before they we are labelled as such? 100 years? 2 hundred? What degree of foreignness will result in repatriation and to which of our antecedents' homelands will we be deported? Can we get rid of the Scotch beggars that harangue us on the streets?
How far back will immigrants' heritage be traced before they we are labelled as such?
Well in my genetic days, 21 generations brother x sister matings were then classed as identicle / pure.
That's Norfolk sorted, not sure about the rest of us though?
It really was a PMSL moment this morning at Maccy'Ds Thetford.
I was a little to late for my usual breakfast wrap at the poor man's Tiffany's today, by about 20 mins. ( Bugger :( )
( some stop breakfasts at 10:30 some at 11:00 )

But the guy behind the counter "offered" to sell me a bacon & egg Mc Muffin, that had been sat there for about 20 mins.
So I said will you sell that as a meal? Oh no sorry, can't do that he said, we are out of Hash browns.
So, ( now I'm getting into the swing of things) I said, you want to sell me an old McMuffin at full price, and a coffee at full price, because you have run out of hash browns?
Well I can't sell you it as a meal, as we have no hash browns ( for those that don't know you can save £1.50- £2.00 buying a meal instead of single items)
I said OK sell me a meal, and hold the hash brown.
I can't do that he said it comes as a meal :D

What are you going to do with the McMuff's that you don't sell I said?
We throw them away he said.

Throw one at me and sell me a cappuccino, says I.
Oh I can't do that as they are not fit for human consumption ...

This guy was a classic, he didn't seem "speshal" at all, but his responses were very special indeed.
(Product training at its best? )

I was very nearly wetting myself at this point, Its fun playing chess with a pigeon at times, but I had to admit defeat.
Its OK, I said, there's a burger van down the road,
I'll get a freshly cooked bacon roll and a coffee, that is actually hot. And I'll save 2 quid into the bargain.

I turned to leave, Oh Ok he say's, do you want this McMuffin then?
I fear a small tear may have trickled down my leg :D
Cobra if you had asked me nicely at the beginning I would have let you have it whilst it was still warm

WCMUT ,. just thinking of what went though Cobras mind when he started to read this. Feel much better now. Retirement is great!
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Cobra if you had asked me nicely at the beginning I would have let you have it whilst it was still warm
But it was still warm, slowly incubating a myriad of bacteria on the warming shelf thing.

WCMUT ,. just thinking of what went though Cobras mind when he started to read this
What'll cheer me up in about half an hour?
That chilli that is gently simmering on the stove (y)
#1 was the Jag specialist we use finding me a pair of tyres at a much better price than I've found in 3 years of looking (for the real. original spec tyres.) #2 is the chap who's had my "good" watch in for a repair has it ready for collection. Slightly miffed that I could have slid up the mile and a half to collect the watch while the tyres were being fitted but first world problems!!!
Watch collected after a free repair, even though it's over 12 months since they did the service on it. Great service from Gunters in Newton Abbot.
An unexpected last minute day off, went to "waste" it at ZSL
What really cheered me up, virtually everything was on view, Lioness's up trees, baby panda out and about Elephants disassembling trees, in another paddock, right by the fence
And much more ... :)
Took me a moment to figure out what that was and which end of it it was!!!
But a Tilley hat will go through a heffalump undigested...
I bought a Keeter garden storage unit (1300L 'Store it Out') from Homebase a couple of days ago. The unit was at least £20 cheaper than anything I could find on the net and of a better spec for £99. I was expecting to pay a tenner for delivery as it wouldn't fit in my car. They didn't charge for delivery, said it would be with me at 3pm that afternoon, it was about 10am when I paid. The driver turned up at 2.58pm and helped me carry it some way into position.

What fantastic service and value, it's good to see a major retailer competing with the internet, its just a shame it had to take a foreign company to take over Homebase to achieve it!
WCMUT was being reminded that we're going out for a curry with some of Mrs Nod's course mates from her yoga training years. Online menu means that I've already chosen what I'm having - and drooling!
ebay offer last month which came at right time:)

Latest invoice amount (15-Nov-16): £6.00
Includes promotional savings[View details]
Insertion fee promotions:
Final value fee promotions:
Advanced listing upgrade fee promotions:

Total Saved:

”Total saved” is an estimate and may not include all promotions credits or reflect changes in your eligibility for promotions
I shall miss tipping point, the chase and bargain hunt
It sounds like you are getting out of the rut just in time :D

And (y)
A lovely drive to Watford to visit my mum. Bright sunshine and the tree colours were fab.:)

.... sadly not so good on the way home! :rolleyes:
Getting a job offer finally after 7 months of unemployment. I shall miss tipping point, the chase and bargain hunt but will welcome a wage packet I can start blowing on camera gear again.

Pretty good feeling isn't it?
Hammond's dig at Boris in the Autumn statement. Nothing like using a public platform to settle scores :)
+1 ^ to that question.
Philip Hammond pays tribute to former chancellor George Osborne, saying:

"My style will be different from his. I suspect that I will prove no more adept at pulling rabbits from hats than my successor as foreign secretary has been at retrieving balls from the back of scrums...

Which of course is a reference to Boris response to being asked if he wanted to be PM;

"If the ball came loose from the back of the scrum, which it won't of course, it would be a great, great thing to have a crack at."
My "Speshal" little soldier finally going solo about 2 months after she should have done (y)
I know she is now wearing a leash, but come on 6 solo flights ( and a couple of crap landings) at your first attempt, isn't bad (y)

My "Speshal" little soldier finally going solo about 2 months after she should have done (y)
I know she is now wearing a leash, but come on 6 solo flights ( and a couple of crap landings) at your first attempt, isn't bad (y)

I am so interested in the story behind this. Care to share a bit more or have I missed it elsewhere?
I am so interested in the story behind this. Care to share a bit more or have I missed it elsewhere?
I've been posting snippets around and about, but the abridge version is that she was supposed to have been bred in an open fronted mews on a farm.
the way she re-acted she was bred in an exclusion mews, ie no human contact fed through a chute etc etc.
This makes the initial training much harder, as they are totally wild, and scared to death of humans, when they come out of an exclusion mews.

She was supposed to be 9 weeks old, I got her Mid July (this year) and according to the A10 she was 12 weeks old, and starting to get border line for "easy" socialising.
She should have been flying free in 4- 8 weeks. ie mid Sept. latest.
But due to the fact that she was a very slow learner, slow in accepting me, slow at sitting steadily on the fist and not baiting at everything,
she also should have known how to regaining the fist after 2-3 days, or at the very least,
regaining the block in 1-2 days, not 10 days, from then on, I started to call her "speshal" ( the swear filter takes out her real name :D)

That's it in a nut shell.