WCMUT....what cheered me up today

These were both adult males...

And tell that to the woman, that lived in a thatched cottage, from where I "removed" 30 in the course of 10 days.
( a personal best)

But then again, there can be only one :D
I had a job where the homeowner wouldn't kill them so I had to catch them and transport them far enough away in a live trap!

They seemed to like salami and I have no idea if the two I relocated were male, female or one of each, but they were very stroppy.

Trap reset for a further 2 weeks but no sign of any more.
I had a job where the homeowner wouldn't kill them so I had to catch them and transport them far enough away in a live trap!
You do know you broke the law don't you?
You do know you broke the law don't you?

I know ... but I'm no good at killing things either.

I used to spring or let the grey squirrels out of another mans trap because he thought it was ok to leave them in there until his neighbour was in to dispatch them ... sometimes not until the next day. Barbaric.

No objection to the trapping and dispatching but not torturing them.
Getting the news that my youngest daughter got a first in her degree cheered me up no end today, I'm genuinely tearful.
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How is Joe Public supposed to dispatch them?
If they aren't fully conversant with humane dispatch, they shouldn't be using live catch traps.
Fen MKIV or MKVI traps would be the way to go.
We've just had some double glazed windows replaced. With most the seals had gone and one had never been right since it was fitted many years ago as it was skew whiff all over with gaps in the frame and there was always a draft so I got that done as well. The new guys gave a good quote and they turned up on time and seem to have done a good job. There was just one gripe, they said they'd sealed up all the gaps but when I looked there was a small gap at both ends of the sill in one bay so I filled it up with some filler I had.

I know I shouldn't be surprised when a tradesman gives a good quote, turns up on time and does a good job but it dose seem to be a rare thing thee days :D
Going on the noise and the PA system coming from the local school, it's sports day.

Why did that CMUT?
As regular as clockwork, its drizzling that fine all soaking rain.
WTF, you may well ask.

Well, I have Nematodes to apply later, and it's best done if the plants are damp.
Result (y)
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I can't stop laughing at this one, I thought it only fair to share the mirth
I got banned from a FB group recently.

It was a local "moan" group, it was all good light hearted banter, from crap parking, late cold food deliveries, the price rise of taxi's during Eid, you get the idea.
More recently there have been a lot of new comers that have started a post with "this is not a moan but"
looking for recommendations for plumbers, where to get their nails done and of course has anyone seen my cat?

I commented about why post on a moan page if its not moaning The admin guy posted they can post what they like.
I suggested there was plenty of other groups for that, so whycall it a moan page if its not really a moan page ...
And that's how I got banned :D

And then realising when logging in to face book, how much crap was actually missing from my feed, I had inadvertently been sucked in to so much crap, that it was untrue.
Happy days :)
So now you can't moan on the moan page, about not being able to moan on the moan page.
Even I would moan about that.
Moan over.
That about sums it up (y)

I was given 5 minutes to delete my post, or I would be deleted.
I said that's OK I'm posting this on a forum with over 65,000 members,
1) I doubt that he believed me
2 I doubt that helped
WCMUT? Well all weekend really, after a week in North Wales, we returned home on Friday and were then visited for the weekend by my son & his family to mark my Wife's 60th last week, and our 35th anniversary today. Two days surrounded by generations of the family, with great food, wine, and of course, cake!
Finally the tops of milk cartons denote the colour of the contents.
You can't imagine how many times I was disappointed when I bought a blue top, only to discover the milk inside was white, not blue.
WCMUY - Went for a demo of one of THESE yesterday. Not only did they price match, knocking £300 off, but also offered to come to my home to set it up. Also, as I need it for when we go away in 2 weeks and he wasn't 100% sure it would arrive in time, he'll loan me the demo model if it doesn't.
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Em has more or less been given the all clear at the Breast clinic, just waiting on a lab test to make 100% the lump is nothing, but the surgeon and nurses seemed happy today :)
That's absolutely brilliant news Gav (y)
WCMUY - Went for a demo of one of THESE yesterday. Not only did they price match, knocking £300 off, but also offered to come to my home to set it up. Also, as I need it for when we go away in 2 weeks and he wasn't 100% sure it would arrive in time, he'll loan me the demo model if it doesn't.

Saw a woman with something similar to the TriRide on holiday. It was getting her up quite a steep hill.
Saw a woman with something similar to the TriRide on holiday. It was getting her up quite a steep hill.
The SmartDrive will do similar. The issue with the Triride is that it's rather cumbersome when not in use. Have to take it off when you stop off for something to eat or drink. Also would take up a lot of space in the car. Great for getting around parks and woodlands though.
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After over 4 weeks of doing something incredibly stupid, and getting badly hurt, I now have a note from the Dr, to say
that I am now allowed out without adult supervision...
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Friends of ours celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary today. :)

And yes, they received a card from the King and Queen :)
After over 4 weeks of doing something incredibly stupid, and getting badly hurt, I now have a note from the Dr, to say
that I am now allowed out without adult supervision...

How much did you pay them :p:LOL:
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After over 4 weeks of doing something incredibly stupid, and getting badly hurt, I now have a note from the Dr, to say
that I am now allowed out without adult supervision...
....and what,exactly, did you do ? Promise I won't tell anyone..just between you and me...:D
Oh dear. That's awful.. Tbh..I think you've been a bit harsh on yourself.....opening comments.
I thought it was a pretty fair assessment TBH.

In fact the whole thing was my brother's fault, he does the electric here, but he was on holiday, and I needed it done.
Yes, in hindsight it was entirely his fault.

:LOL: I did post it awhile back,

Oh dear.That's awful. I think you're being too harsh on yourself in those opening comments because it's too easy to do when concentrating on the job at hand. It's happened to me a couple of times. Coming down not realising I have a step down to go and it's why I move any object near the step-ladder,away from it. I run my life in the basis of "what can happen,will happen"

On two occasions I could have lost a limb. It was a relevant reason why we had the conifers one side of the garden and an 8' hedge..like honeysuckle..on the other,removed. On both occasions I was using an electric hedge trimmer..the larger one..not the 12" small one. The first occasion the A-frame 6' ladder was opened up and on the lawn . The garden has a slight slope. The ladder tipped and I threw the trimmer away onto the lawn as I fell.The second occasion the ladder was standing on the border...so soil..and I was trimming the 8' conifers. The ladder started tipping over. I can still re-live this,seeing it in my mind's eye as I relate the tale to you. It was like in slow motion. I didn't care about the fall per se but that I was unable to release th start/stop trigger. I held the trimmer at arms length and when I hit the ground I was able to release it. I recall immediately looking at the the back of the house..kitchen and dining room windows to see if my wife had seen what happened..if so I'd be banned from doing such jobs and we'd have to get someone in. I like to do jobs like that myself. I do them when she goes out but I leave it 10-15 minutes these days as one day she'd forgotten something and returned and caught me out...lol.

I'm banned from going up to the gutters to clean them now and to make sure, we're selling the 6.3m. double ladders. My wife said I don't need them anymore and if she says I don't need them I don't need them...:D
I thought it was a pretty fair assessment TBH.

In fact the whole thing was my brother's fault, he does the electric here, but he was on holiday, and I needed it done.
Yes, in hindsight it was entirely his fault.


Good-oh...that's the spirit.....lol..

Something went wrong with my original reply when I hit 'post reply' and it was deleted. I've just had to re-write it but I see it went into the forum. I always have problems when using my iPad. My new password was rejected three times this evening when I logged on. It was correct. So..I got up a TP from my history and tried again and it worked. The mind boggles.

Could you please delete any duplicate. I wasn't even able to do that as you can probably see. Time to call it a day and turn in....lol.
we're selling the 6.3m. double ladders. My wife said I don't need them anymore and if she says I don't need them I don't need them...:D
I hate ladders, and I thought I'd be safe on "steps" obviously not :rolleyes:
Em has more or less been given the all clear at the Breast clinic, just waiting on a lab test to make 100% the lump is nothing, but the surgeon and nurses seemed happy today :)
The Breast clinic care nurse called Em today, the lab results came back, she gave her the all clear, she is entitled to surgery to remove the lump if the pain and size doesn't reduce naturally.
One less worry for now :)
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The Breast clinic care nursed called Em today, the lab results came back, she gave her the all clear, she is entitled to surgery to remove the lump if the pain and size doesn't reduce naturally.
One less worry for now :)
Brilliant news for both of you (y)
I've put this here because of Gav's post. I can't recall in which thread the original post was .

Does anyone know how KIMAX is getting on ? I couldn't access his blog re his chemotherapy for prostate cancer after his first appointment for it. A few responded to his initial post which he used as a heads-up for us chaps who won't go to the doctor when they should.
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Workmen turned up very early this morning. I didn't hear the door as I may have been outside but even after getting no reply they just started work anyway.

That's twice recently workmen have turned up on time after giving a reasonable quote. It's all very.... nice :D
Hearing that the court case has finally ended for the cruelty to that lovely dog I used to look after.
9mths sentance suspened for 18mths,years before they can appeal and no pets for life.

At the least the lovely lad has anew home and is doing really well