Web site finished

No RPS logo on your site - its on your TP sig?

Only asking as I assume you display it here because you've been awarded a licentiateship or higher recognition, so why not put it on the front page of your website?
No RPS logo on your site - its on your TP sig?

Only asking as I assume you display it here because you've been awarded a licentiateship or higher recognition, so why not put it on the front page of your website?
good question I need to remove it here as I have not renewed my membership :LOL:
The serif font you are using for the body copy and menu labels isn't the easiest to read, I personally would use a nice crisp sans serif font instead. Or alternatively you could stick with a serif font but choose one that is less like handwriting
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I agree about the typeface. It's especially hard to read your mobile phone number on the Bio page.

I've spotted a few instances where you have random capital letters that shouldn't be there. For example, on the home page at the top:

For all your photographic needs Covering Devon, Somerset and Cornwall

On the Bio page, this paragraph is very inconsistant with the use of capitals. Tbh, I don't think you need any of them apart from the first capital W:

Whatever the event, be it; Black Tie Ball, Birthday Party, Fund Raising Event, School Fete, Sporting Event, Actor/ Model portfolios, indoors or Out
I'll echo the font issue. Not the easiest to read.

On the gallery page, the wedding thumbnail is rotated to landscape from portrait, so the happy couple are horizontal! (Maybe that's why they're happy!!!) IMO, the thumbnails could do with being larger too - they're bait to lure the viewer deeper into the site and IMO, there's not enough to tempt me.

One last point, while we're nit-picking, the accent in giclée is an acute on that first e rather than a grave, (Ctrl+Alt+E gets you the é).
On the gallery page, the wedding thumbnail is rotated to landscape from portrait, so the happy couple are horizontal! (Maybe that's why they're happy!!!)

Not sure you looked at the photo :)
IMO, the thumbnails could do with being larger too - they're bait to lure the viewer deeper into the site and IMO, there's not enough to tempt me.
Yes I thought same but not sure how to change it as its a NexGen plugin I am using will try and find out how to change.

One last point, while we're nit-picking, the accent in giclée is an acute on that first e rather than a grave, (Ctrl+Alt+E gets you the é).
Well spotted thanks sorted now.
I agree about the typeface. It's especially hard to read your mobile phone number on the Bio page.

I've spotted a few instances where you have random capital letters that shouldn't be there. For example, on the home page at the top:

On the Bio page, this paragraph is very inconsistant with the use of capitals. Tbh, I don't think you need any of them apart from the first capital W:

OK looking in to it now (y)
Those galleries are all to (I nearly used a rude word) - you click on a thumbnail, and the chosen image does it's rather tiresome and yawn-inducing swoop down the page, and settles half in view, half "disappeared" off the bottom of the screen, so to see the whole picture you have to scroll - click on the "next" button, and the same thing happens! - enough to send anyone screaming away from the site......
I'd also agree about the "grainy" image on the front page.
It also screams this is yet another Wordpress photographer's site (unoriginal, and essentially pretty boring) - sorry, you did ask!
Not sure you looked at the photo :)

You're quite right, I didn't click through - the thumbnail doesn't look like a dip but the full size image shows it to be just that! (Where is that street BTM? Looks like the back end of Tiverton but I don't know that town too well (despite having been down a couple of VERY narrow dead ends last weekend after misdirections from people who were certain I was goind the right way! Thanks to the council for the simple "End Of Diversion" in the depths of the side streets too...)
There's also the misleading three "photo headings" at the bottom of the front page - they look as if they should be clickable, and aren't............
Those galleries are all to (I nearly used a rude word) - you click on a thumbnail, and the chosen image does it's rather tiresome and yawn-inducing swoop down the page, and settles half in view, half "disappeared" off the bottom of the screen, so to see the whole picture you have to scroll - click on the "next" button, and the same thing happens! - enough to send anyone screaming away from the site......
I'd also agree about the "grainy" image on the front page.
It also screams this is yet another Wordpress photographer's site (unoriginal, and essentially pretty boring) - sorry, you did ask!

Can I see your site please
No, I'm retired and don't any longer have a "public" site, but have had and designed websites since the late 90's from early "html" jobs through to database based sites. You've obviously got the hump because I've pointed out some basic flaws in your site (like needing to scroll for the pictures in the galleries) - you asked for comments, I gave you some straight ones based on experience..........
No, I'm retired and don't any longer have a "public" site, but have had and designed websites since the late 90's from early "html" jobs through to database based sites. You've obviously got the hump because I've pointed out some basic flaws in your site (like needing to scroll for the pictures in the galleries) - you asked for comments, I gave you some straight ones based on experience..........

no just like to see other web site and how they do it..
Fair enough, I'll see what I can find as good examples...... (later, just off out with the dogs!):)
You're quite right, I didn't click through - the thumbnail doesn't look like a dip but the full size image shows it to be just that! (Where is that street BTM? Looks like the back end of Tiverton but I don't know that town too well (despite having been down a couple of VERY narrow dead ends last weekend after misdirections from people who were certain I was goind the right way! Thanks to the council for the simple "End Of Diversion" in the depths of the side streets too...)
Lacock :)
I agree about the typeface. It's especially hard to read your mobile phone number on the Bio page.
I've spotted a few instances where you have random capital letters that shouldn't be there. For example, on the home page at the top:

Missing . now fixed
On the Bio page, this paragraph is very inconsistant with the use of capitals. Tbh, I don't think you need any of them apart from the first capital W:
if in normal writing I agree but some time rules are meant to be broken L:)
It also screams this is yet another Wordpress photographer's site (unoriginal, and essentially pretty boring)

Did you see what it was like before? In any case it's the content and the usability that's most important, rather than whether it's 'boring' and 'unoriginal'
On the home page under 'People Photography', 'what ever' should be one word rather than two:

Events, Live Gigs, Model Portfolios what ever your needs I can capture your images.
Ok, dogs walked, tea and chocolate biccies to hand, I'll witter on for a bit in the hope that it helps!

Firstly, I think it's probably best to start from where we are, rather than suggesting a complete rewrite. SO, you need it to look as if it isn't "yet another boring WP site" - so get rid of the WP plugs, even if it means paying a small royalty fee.

This is your shop window - you have to make an impact within seconds, or the mug punters will be off somewhere else in a couple of clicks (assume they are totally stupid, have the attention span of a goldfish with ADD and are on a hefty dose of methamphetamine), so you have to hit them with a striking image (yes it's a "sweet" shot - is that the image of your company you are seekimg to project?), if it looks like it should be "clickable" make it clickable (like those three "subject headings at the bottom of the page) - and keep it all really simple - try not to duplicate "headings" and pare them down to a minimum (I'd get rid of the three "boxes" and make more use of the menu at the top)

Then we have to assume that your punters haven't all got vast computer screens (this is 1440x900), so you want to avoid them having to scroll if at all possible (on the front page particularly) - yet another reason to dump those 3 lower subject headings - keep it all very pared down and simple (all you need under the main photo is the copyright notice!)
Then "lose" the phrase "For all your photographic needs" - we know you are a photographer, the domain name is a giveaway, and some pedantic sod like me will say "ok mate, 3 rolls of Reala, a box of printing paper and do you keep brollies?"

I think that's given you a "classier" front page, it'll load faster, look good and more professional.

Then there'as the matter of those blessed galleries - they're using "Flash" (of which I am no great fan) - the "flying" pictures are really annoying and grate, especially when they land half on the page, half "hanging off the bottom" - if there's another display method, I'd use it (even a simple html thumbnail gallery would be preferable), and ideally don't keep the pictures in a separate area, have some wedding photos in the wedding section, event shots in the event section etc..........

Hope that helps a bit - "getting it right" is hard graft, and good designers really earn their money - one of the hardest things is to get that "first impression" right - if in doubt, chuck it out!:D
Ok, dogs walked, tea and chocolate biccies to hand, I'll witter on for a bit in the hope that it helps!

Firstly, I think it's probably best to start from where we are, rather than suggesting a complete rewrite. SO, you need it to look as if it isn't "yet another boring WP site" - so get rid of the WP plugs, even if it means paying a small royalty fee.

This is your shop window - you have to make an impact within seconds, or the mug punters will be off somewhere else in a couple of clicks (assume they are totally stupid, have the attention span of a goldfish with ADD and are on a hefty dose of methamphetamine), so you have to hit them with a striking image (yes it's a "sweet" shot - is that the image of your company you are seekimg to project?), if it looks like it should be "clickable" make it clickable (like those three "subject headings at the bottom of the page) - and keep it all really simple - try not to duplicate "headings" and pare them down to a minimum (I'd get rid of the three "boxes" and make more use of the menu at the top)

Then we have to assume that your punters haven't all got vast computer screens (this is 1440x900), so you want to avoid them having to scroll if at all possible (on the front page particularly) - yet another reason to dump those 3 lower subject headings - keep it all very pared down and simple (all you need under the main photo is the copyright notice!)
Then "lose" the phrase "For all your photographic needs" - we know you are a photographer, the domain name is a giveaway, and some pedantic sod like me will say "ok mate, 3 rolls of Reala, a box of printing paper and do you keep brollies?"

I think that's given you a "classier" front page, it'll load faster, look good and more professional.

Then there'as the matter of those blessed galleries - they're using "Flash" (of which I am no great fan) - the "flying" pictures are really annoying and grate, especially when they land half on the page, half "hanging off the bottom" - if there's another display method, I'd use it (even a simple html thumbnail gallery would be preferable), and ideally don't keep the pictures in a separate area, have some wedding photos in the wedding section, event shots in the event section etc..........

Hope that helps a bit - "getting it right" is hard graft, and good designers really earn their money - one of the hardest things is to get that "first impression" right - if in doubt, chuck it out!:D

First of all Show me the flash...... then tell me how I have SEO with nothing but a photo on front page? as for screen I guess your on a laptop?
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My apologies - it's Javascript, done to look like "Flash" - go for simpler! The gimmicky flying photo grates a bit at first, after three or 4 images you get fed up and go elsewhere...........(especially when it hangs off the bottom of the page)

SEO? - I was of the impression from some of the WP proponents that it was utterly magic, did it all for you and ensured you no 1 in all the listings - back in the days of html sites we'd put what we wanted the search engines to see in black type on a black background to save being seen as being over-verbose on the front page.......SEO is important, but should not override that first good impression - can one of the SEO experts not suggest a way round it?
"as for screen I guess your on a laptop?" -nope, my laptop is even smaller, my netbook even smaller than that! - You're not writing this for yourself (with probably a sodding great Photoshop-ready screen) - you are writing this for "Joe Public" the guy running the function, or the girlie wanting wedding pics looking in from "work" - assume they have a poxy little screen, and be running an outdated browser, sod's law your best potential client will have one.......design as far as you can for everyone, but aim it solidly at "everyman"

As Jez has just pointed out the "average" screen is smaller than mine, and the pics are still falling off the bottom..........
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I was actually trying to point out that most screens are bigger, and joe public is likely to have a big screen rather than a 'poxy little screen' ;)
Joe public is more likely to be looking at a smartphone screen these days!
Well the link you gave clearly said "The 1024×768 became the leading monitor size in 2004 and has only just been dethroned by a (slightly) larger screen resolution of 1366×768" - yes there will be larger screens than 1366x768, but that's the average........... Many "corporate users" have smaller screens, and are still running XP2, as do netbooks - and as I said, one of the first things I learnt about webdesign was to design for the average sized screen and smaller...........
As far as screen size go or smartphone the page is meant to adapt and also change for smartphone. I must say I have not seen it on a phone yet my old one worked ok.
As for the images dropping down I seen it is only upright image that do that so I am looking into that.
I test it on both my screens as I work with two main screen is 24in
1920 x 1080 and my other one 19in 1280 x 1024 (small by todays screens)
It's a little unfortunate that a Google search for Chaz Photographics brings up the .com variant rather than your .co.uk one, although the content of the .com is far from displeasing to my eyes!!!

On a Blackberry, there's far too much scrolling needed to navigate the site IMO.
Something on that page is causing my iPhone safari to expand and contract every second?

I've just deleted the themes footer copyright message for Chaz as it was doing the same for me.
And you're still promising 'iconic' images of weddings?

Even if you do want to advertise wedding services, you might want to build your portfolio before you promise 'great' and as I said before, hit the worlds top 10 list before you start promising 'iconic'.

As I said before, I'm a wedding photography nerd and I can think of one iconic wedding photo, (princess Di leaning towards bridesmaid).