Website critique please

Edit My Images
I recently took a chance and changed from a template based site to run my website as a social style blog as I wanted to try and improve the social networking side of things. I am working on a better solution to the gallery which is coming but I wondered if the risk hadn't worked and it looked a bit amateurish. I would just like some honest feedback from an outside perspective.


PS the link is below in my signature!
Bump would appreciate the input. Is it a really bad idea? Should I go for a more popular flash based site or something completely different? Anyone any ideas?

If you can't see it from a mobile
Hi Rob,

Couple of picky things from me to start with - and please bear in mind this is just my opinion. It 'aint necessarily right!

"Welcome to the new & improved interactive website/blog of Rob Richards Photography". I would remove "new & improved". Not sure what you mean by "interactive" - unless it's the social bookmarking buttons! Keep your welcome simple.

I'd also make your mind up whether it's a blog or a website rather than the "\". It just looks a bit clumsy to me.

Also, your logo doesn't look very professional to me. It seems a bit blurred and "hand-drawn".

I think the blog idea is great. It adds content to your site (helping with SEO) and allows clients to get to know a bit more about you. Consider articles around recent client work you've done. "Last week I went to a wedding in Royston Vasey for Edward & Tubbs. Here are some photographs from the day" (for example) adds keyword related unique content (wedding, photograph, yourlocation) that relates to the sort of work you want to be getting. You don't need to put a ton of photos up, or even write copious amounts of web copy, just a short paragraph and a couple of images would do wonders. Don't forget to keyword your images too (if the blogging software allows it)

I think the site itself is simple and easy to navigate. I think you need to get a gallery/portfolio sorted through, because linking to Flickr doesn't look very professional.

To be honest, overall, it looks fine to me, if a little rough around the edges (from using a simple template I guess). A bit of fine tuning could make the difference.

And that's my tuppence!


P.S. As to Flash... It can look "flashy" :) But I personally judge a photographer on their images, not their cool web skillz. No clue how the "general public" view it though.
Too much going on, looks like a cheap template blog thing? Sorry....

I gave up halfway down the first page :(
My first impression is that its a blogspot site with a low quality logo, content wise is good but the first impression doesn't fill we with a sense of professionalism
Thats excellent, thank you all for taking the time to give feedback! I know the link to the images is pants and I have a plan - just in the process of sorting it!

Tori, dont apologise I wanted honesty - if you feel like that so will others.

Simon thanks for the comment re content - that is encouraging but do understand where you are coming from.

Ian thanks for the detailed response I will take positive action!