Website Critique - What do you think?

Edit My Images
So I've finally decided to make a website for myself. I'm using and I'll buy a suitable domain name for it to redirect to. Some parts are a little rough (need one decent photo of myself, more graphical flourishes etc.) but the layout and overall look is there.

The splash page image is just a place holder until I make either a suitable image or some nice graphics.
Just a blue pic of sky with some hard to read writing.. tried clicking on it but nothing.
The menu on the homepage just appears as a short white line at the bottom left of the page - in both Firefox and IE7. If you move the mouse carefully you can select the various options.

Oh, and I hate Flash sites.
The site displays fine here... In both FF and IE7...

Here's what I see - note the URL in the status bar; the cursor was over the white line but doesn't appear in the screenshot.

This was FF3 but it's the same in IE7

Since you can see it but I, and others, can't I'd hazard a guess that it's something to do with permissions etc. on the web server (you, as owner, have more perms than we mere mortals :wink: )

Ah-ha - just worked it out. Looked at the page source and the images used for the menu/links are hosted on flickr. I'm at work and sites like Flickr are blocked.
That's better (y)

One minor niggle, 'NAVIGATION:' is a clickable link to your homepage, I'd either remove the link, or change the label to 'HOME' - the link should do what it says (IMO of course )