Website HTML: Top bar and side bar help please

Damian Brown
Edit My Images
So I desperately need to sort my "diy" website out.. to start with I want to get a fixed top bar, or basically my logo and contact details permanently at the top of every page in a more efficient and space economic way... and a side bar, ideally left, with the links so they are not at the bottom..

Later this evening when I'm home I want to give this some good reading and find out the code etc that I need to concentrate on...

And at a later date I've got to standardise the galleries again, I tested one or two more and haven't finished changing them all to one!

If anybody is a whizz and wants to give some pointers, I'm braced for your help. Ta.
You're using tables. If you want to keep them, then add a row at the top containing a td with colspan="2" for your logo etc. In the next row, the first td is valign="top" for your sidebar at the left. The links can be styled as blocks with borders and hover colour change (no need for JavaScript). The second td (the second col that has been spanned by the td in the row above) can contain a nested table with your thumbnails.

That's prolly as clear as mud, but it dates back to the steam-powered t'internet, where we hack at the code-face in Notepad and EditPad Pro . . .
So I desperately need to sort my "diy" website out.. to start with I want to get a fixed top bar, or basically my logo and contact details permanently at the top of every page in a more efficient and space economic way... and a side bar, ideally left, with the links so they are not at the bottom..

Later this evening when I'm home I want to give this some good reading and find out the code etc that I need to concentrate on...

And at a later date I've got to standardise the galleries again, I tested one or two more and haven't finished changing them all to one!

If anybody is a whizz and wants to give some pointers, I'm braced for your help. Ta.

you should take a look into css - google free css templates and css tutorials, take them apart put together your own experiments.

take a look at my website - i think what are describing might be something like i have with the links.
i think maybe the contact link needs to be on the same line as all the other navigation links
i think maybe the contact link needs to be on the same line as all the other navigation links

It is on my screen, on chrome, ff, and ie ? Assuming you're using a regular set up, how would you correct it mate? I'll check the code but it should all be there.
Dreamweaver all the way. Also, the top bar and fixed side bar that you are describing are best produced in a frameset, frame templates are freely available from the web and the dreamweaver exchange.
Cheers guys.. a bit happier for the time being.. really want to update my galleries etc... Need to get some sleep before I embark on that next phase though! I find myself up to crazy hours whenever I do something like this :)