Website opinions please

LongLensPhotography's all folks!
Edit My Images
I have finally done it - is live.

It is a wordpress based on a customised free theme. It looks alright to me (I can't say I miss any fancy premium features for now), but I really wanted your feedback, particularly as there maybe issues with other browsers or devices.

The photo content is what it is right now and will certainly evolve quite a lot over the next year. However if you find some odd pic should better find a place in the trash can please shout it out :)

The "blog" posts are there barely as a google SEO content fillers, but maybe I will eventually bring myself to write a couple more paragraphs. The "about" and "pricing" bits are written in a rush and some feedback would be nice to have.

Hi. Nice clean layout, some great images. Takes a while to load. Not sure about SEO - no 'meat' for google, just a load of extraneous stuff including:

<!-- All in One SEO Pack 2.1.1 by Michael Torbert of Semper Fi Web Designob_start_detected [-1,-1] --><link rel="" /><link rel="" /><meta name="" /><script>
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which I have no idea about!
looks decent enough on mobile. Needs proof-reading though, I spotted a lot of errors on a quick scan through.
I've put it through CloudFlare CDN and added Lazy Load plugin. I wonder if that helps with speed at all.

The slider will need some work. Would anyone know if I can re-use my zenfolio galleries to make a slideshow (not their Flash thing though)? Failing that is there a simple clean slider that will resize several versions for normal browser, retina browser and small devices?

Some comments on the text (pricing and about) would be great too. I think it is too boring? What would be the most effective way to add some graphics and make it look more interactive?
i'm wondering if a cdn really helps - have never used one myself

I have no idea, but every web development blog tries to sell them including the report you found. It could depend how good or bad your host is?
Just clicked on the site now from my home PC which has a download connection speed of around 10mbs and images took 5-7 seconds to appear - just the timer circle spinning until loaded. As others have said off a mobile device this would take even longer to load. Nice clean layout and good quality images.
80mbs connection and very slow loading :(
As others have said, the homepage slide show is very slow to load. Although the photo's below this have loaded, I can't see them until I scroll down and don't know that they're there.

The slide show is centred, but the posts below are left aligned, which I find distracting.

The landscape and commercial menu item takes me to a different site, with no obvious way back, other than the back button. If I clicked this by mistake, or just passing interest, it would put me off.

Having said that, well done and much better than I could have done