Wedding photographer EPIC FAIL!!!

Ouch - he was probably screaming: "Grab the kit! Grab the Kit!"

I feel for the poor sod, but I'd be just fuming at all the people standing around, any one of whom could have warned him sotto voce: "psst! watch the pond behind you!"
the second camera he was carrying got a complete ducking in the water, the one he was shooting with didn't go under all the way
Poor chap. Youtube can be really rather cruel.

And how many pictures of walking down the aisle do people need? I get the feeling that he was taking as many as possible so that he might get one shot that worked.....
I have to ask myself why is he walking backwards like that in the 1st place surely his 70-200 would have sufficed and zooming to suit...

This was added 8 hours ago according to youtube:

"**POSTSCRIPT: the cameras and all the pics were fine, the guy changed clothes and kept on shooting for the rest of the night, and the couple were such good sports about it. HILARIOUS!** "

Now that's impressive!

Funny vid though :D
Probably his first wedding. Very unprofessional to have been spoiling the newly wed couples first walk together by getting in their face like that. God moves in mysterious ways..he got what he deserved............feel for the equipment thought, they can't control who uses them:D:D:D
With a long lens like that he could have stood at the back of the church and got some pics of them walking down the aisle.. I'm surprised the church let him do the paparazzi thing, blasting the newlyweds with a flash.

id get camera & lens in for service straight away, & double check my insurance is current

Maybe he was using a Pentax, 77 weather seals. LOL
I must admit I had a laugh at this and don't feel so guilty now that everything was ok in the end. Suppose we never stop learning :LOL:
You know your into your photography when you feel like crying rather than laughing after seeing that.

Sums it up for me. I really felt sorry for the guy.
I wouldn't have thought so - it doesn't show the photographer, who presumably the advertisers would like you to empathise with, in a particularly good light.

But it's made us think 'Canon', and that the cameras are rescued before the person.
Laughed and cried. Feel so sorry for him, more embarrassing than anything else. But the Bride and Groom just carry on walking, probably laughing all the way to there honeymoon! Its certainly a unique memory to have on your wedding day.
Probably his first wedding. Very unprofessional to have been spoiling the newly wed couples first walk together by getting in their face like that. God moves in mysterious ways..he got what he deserved............feel for the equipment thought, they can't control who uses them:D:D:D

Far from it. I'm not naming him but he is a VERY good photographer.

And I remember watching Dennis Reggie shoot like that on the Masters of Wedding Photography DVD. I doubt they even noticed him amongst the 100+ guests each side.
hahaha fantastic, incongruity theory at its best, i figured he was going to bump into the camera man, didnt see the pool coming at all!
Ouch! :shake:

Far from it. I'm not naming him but he is a VERY good photographer.


By any chance, if you do know him, let us know what's come out of all that! I am sure many here would love to know how well things have turned out.
I don't know him personally, but I'd imagine he's not too thrilled at seeing it online. I know who he is though.

For all of his possible future clients to see....
I bet the videographer laughed the loudest, and was probably the one to put it online.

Relationships between videographers and photographers can be difficult at weddings but the photographer clearly didn't care about the videograher getting a nice recessional shot in this case.

I feel sorry for the photographer, but really dislike the way he shoots the recessional, each to their own though and good on him if he managed to keep it all together and carry on shooting the rest of the day.

I think if it had happened to me and there was no negative effect on the wedding (i.e. cards were ok and backup gear worked out ok) I would have probably posted it on my blog myself .... just spin it so that, "this is why we have professional lenses and bodies" etc.
This is clearly fake; the bride and groom just carry on walking. Surely they would be concerned that they have just lost the person making a photographic record of their day?
I can see some one fallin in the water just to make a funny video and possibly get £250 on you've been framed.

I would love to know the outcome though.
Had to laugh, what a fantastic memory to have of your wedding day in a few year's time!

I hope he had a backup for his backup :D