Whale tails


Junior Member
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went to Oz to see whales...

saw whales...




thanks Chris
(there's nothing like support from your mates
and that was.......:naughty:)
(there's nothing like support from your mates
and that was.......:naughty:)

BTW DO NOT put Whale tail into gooooooogle!

edit naughty goooooooooogle
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thanks for all the feedback
(must go to google - what have I done?!?)

I think they were Humpback (or maybe Southern Right) Whales

oh dear unintentional double entendre there - sorry chaps/esses
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Cracking set - really enjoyed looking at those. Thanks for that.
like the angle in the tail of number 4, like a plane banking. Looks like you had a good time down under

indeed yes
after she submerged we saw her swim under the boat
scary as she was bigger than the boat
re-appeared the other side - phew!

and yes v v v good time dununda!
They look rather close :eek: Can't wait to go whale watching once I'm in Canada... it looks fun! Great pics too.
They look rather close :eek: Can't wait to go whale watching once I'm in Canada... it looks fun! Great pics too.

oh yes almost touching distance!
don't expect to see them breach (leap out of the water)
apparently it's quite rare and togs have to wait for days if not weeks to catch one

oh and you're not supposed to get closer than 100m to them
so the trick is for the boat to head towards one then cut the engines and "let it drift" in the right direction
often the whales, being inquisitive, coem over to see what the noise is!
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I now live in Sydney and will be going whale watching next weekend. I'm mostly curious about lens/filter recommendations?

I'm planning on taking my 24-105 and 100-400 on my 450D

1) Will I need something wider? i.e. Did the boat regularly get right alongside them? I might take my compact just in case I have the wrong lens mounted

2) Will I need the length of my 100-400 at all? I was imagining seeing breaching whales in the distance (if I'm lucky!)

3) Did/would you use a circular polariser? I want to cut the glare off the water, but am concerned that I might need a fast shutter to catch any breaches?