What are peopels views on trespassing?

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Right after reading a recent thread, i thought i would ask what your views are on on the matter?

Well last year me and my friend Matthew were out walking and decided to talk a stroll thru the school playground i looked over at the road running next to the school and saw a police van driving down the road. Well about 5-10 minutes later 2 big coppers jump out and shouted to us to stay there so we did, well he took our details down and radioed our names thru to control, and they start bringing my dad into things and i say its nothing to do with you now and i don't see him no more. Well he says if we are caught there again we will be arrested. But i said isn't it three cautions and then down to the station, and he said not in this case or something along those lines!

So if there are no "No Trespassing" signs and no locked gate to keep you out would you class this as trespassing, and do you think its wrong for him to use my dad. Since then well every police officer looks at my weird!

Just after your views on it :D

you extremely naughty person. you should be taken away and have your nipples twisted.i bet you wear a hoody.:LOL:
policeman maybe over reacting a little, and "i'll tell your dad" is a pretty standard police comment. are you , i suspect , a little young?
if there arent even any gates, and its comonly used as a shortcut, i would imagine they would have a hard time charging you with owt.
maybe you look guilty.
String the little begger up I say... lol

Now the serious question is did you have one of thos really big professional looking cameras hanging around your neck, cos we all know that's what the police view as real evidence of intent to do wrong ;)
I once got told off by the cops for playing football on the street! OH and I dont see that as trespassing as there was no locked gate or sign!
Thats really silly though matt the police these days must just be bored...
Yeah i only wear a hoddy when i do photography outside, i wasnt wearing a hoddy at the time they stopped me, i only was wearing 2 shirts a jumper and parker...

Now you tell me if these hot guy looks dodgy:nuts::LOL::thinking:
Thanks, i did edit the caution slip they gave me to under the terrorism act 2000 :D :naughty:

And if you are being serious this is a hoody the jumper with a hood im wearing in this pic

Trespass is as I understand it a civil matter not criminal. And the legislation is pretty toothless - you have to be told to leave and its only if damage is caused that things escalate.

Schools however are a bit of a special case. Lots of schools suffer major problems with vandalism and break ins. Many schools ask their neighbours to call the police if anyone is seen on the grounds. Our local primary regularly has issues with youths on the grounds. They've had football posts broken, play equipment broken. Broken bottles/used condoms/etc left in the reception class play area.
And of course the school grounds are private property.

I'd guess that the school in question has had 'issues'. Asking the police to move anyone off the grounds does help reduce the problem - and it means that they have got ID if they find that there has been any damage or a break in.

Edit: I'm fairly sure that there is specific legislation against football in the street though. Now, where did I leave those stocks...
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Well i don't know if this changes things but its a community school/facility for like the community to use?
i would shoot them :LOL: :D
Well i don't know if this changes things but its a community school/facility for like the community to use?

Nope. No such thing as public land in the UK. Nearest thing would be village greens/commons and public footpaths.

All land is owned. It is extremely unusual for school grounds to be open to the public - in general the reason given is insurance; the landowner is responsible if someone hurts themself on private land, the liability insurance that schools have doesnt cover unsupervised public so the schools use that to say no access.

Most schools have a notice somewhere saying no access without the permission of the governors.
Well i went to this school when i was younger and there were no signs then and there are no signs now!!
There are no signs, apart from "Please do not let dogs of there leads" that's its
There are no signs, apart from "Please do not let dogs of there leads" that's its

report them to OFSTED....

I can only suggest you raise it with the school directly - that notice would seem to imply that access is permitted.
Funny enough they have one of the best Ofsted reports in Peterborough from what i know...
Does it say public footpath or public access allowed ? i dont have private land signs on my flat or my parents dont have signs on their house, but its still assumed its private ?


Sometimes a little common sense can go a long way, something else that's not taught in schools, or it would seem, at home any more :(