What birds or bird have you seen today – communal thread, I hope!

Mallard chick on the River path

Don't think that way Steve, your'll fall into a bloody great money pit, that its hard to crawl out of :D

Nice image and yes I'd say pied wagtail. (y)
Pied wagtail 100% Steve

Crawl into that money pit fella - better gear usually equates to better images, I've not looked back since I went Sony a7Riv + Sony 200-600mm G lens and ditched the Sony DSLR's

It's only money :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Les :)
I feel like I have the devil on one shoulder and an angel in the other :LOL::LOL:
It’s maybe a....... or a......I really don’t have a clue, having a guess at a juvie Pied Wagtail

Juvenile Chaffinch
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Always lovely to see a LEO owlet branched and get a record shot or two.

Poor light light under the tree canopy so settings were quite extreme @ 1/200th, f6.3, ISO 25,600

1024 owlet.jpg
It is Ingrid, thanks (y)

it feels like I’ll never get the hang of this Bird ID.

You will, I don't know them all, just the common ones
That's a stunning shot Glynn and a great set on Flickr(y)
A great shot of a beautiful bird, Glyn (y)

If ever a picture was worthy of it's own thread this is it.
Wow that's an absolute cracker [emoji122]

Les [emoji6]

Thanks Guys,

This and the 'Little Owl' (earlier post) were taken with the Nikon 500mm f4 G ED, that I bought on here last week......it's a monster of a lens, which I won't be hand-holding, any time soon!
it feels like I’ll never get the hang of this Bird ID.
LBJ ( little brown jobbie) covers it Steve (y)
( well I think so anyway :D )
Could anybody ID this bird? It was taken at the bottom of my garden and unfortunately on my mobile and not my Nikon. So please excuse the quality.

Craig IMG_20200702_200544.jpgIMG_20200702_200541.jpgIMG_20200702_200536.jpgIMG_20200702_200533.jpgIMG_20200702_200530.jpg
Thanks Phil, the only thing that I could find in my book resembling it was a type of flycatcher. But didn't look exact, I'll try again tom for a better pic there was a pair of them.
1st is a male Linnet :)

Thanks Roger, it did briefly cross my mind because of the image a few posts up, but I didn't follow through. Now I've looked it up, its pretty obvious. I thought it might be a juvie Chaffinch because the colouring looked patchy. At least its a finch :LOL:
PM me your address and I'll send you a bird ID book that I've had collecting dust for a while if you want it
Thats very generous of you Ingrid, and if I've ever been snarky to you in the past on this forum I take it all back and offer an unreserved apology. To be honest, I'm not convinced it would help. I've just joined the RSPB and they sent me a book out on British birds but I'm still clueless.
Thats very generous of you Ingrid, and if I've ever been snarky to you in the past on this forum I take it all back and offer an unreserved apology. To be honest, I'm not convinced it would help. I've just joined the RSPB and they sent me a book out on British birds but I'm still clueless.

I'm pretty thick skinned if you have but I don't remember :)
It has photos rather then the drawings many books have
If you change your mind let me know
I'm pretty thick skinned if you have but I don't remember :)
It has photos rather then the drawings many books have
If you change your mind let me know
You know what, I’m gonna take you up on that offer. I need all the help I can get!
You know what, I’m gonna take you up on that offer. I need all the help I can get!

Cool got your address and I'll post it tomorrow (y)
Hope it helps you as much as it did me
Looks like a Cuckoo to me!