What do you do when you're bored waiting in a car?

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Well I do this...




Terrible angle, terrible light but damn I still love it LOL, I love all the mess and the stary street lights, is it me or do they actually look cool?
Really like the last one of the set. The strong light beam works really well for me, I like how it bends and changes angle. The reflection on the wet tarmac looks good also.

I'm the opposit of you on the stary effect though. I really like long exposure shots, however, dont like the star that streetlights give off. Just my personal preference though.
It's cool, some people like them some people don't but I honestly think they're so cool, I actually wanna go out and shoot them without car light trails or light painting :p
Hmm... thats the thing though. I think that without the car trails, the stary street light then becomes acceptable (in my eyes/taste of course)

I just think that they dont go with light trails. Feel like the shot would benefit from just light trails. However take them away and you can get some cracking shots of stary lights.

So many different possibilities to explore I guess, some work, some dont. All part of the fun. :)
It makes sense.

You're right, i'd like to get them to look much bigger and also get a star out of the sun, I still dunno which setting to use :(
I like starry street lights or indeed anything bright and dazzling ... I even have a bunch of star filters that makes any bright point into a star. I only wish someone would use one on me when I'm singing under the shower ...:banana:
It's years since I bought one, mainly for creating 5 pointed stars on candles at weddings and the like. Have no idea what you'd pay today - you'd have to ask a camera shop dealer. But under the shower they won't make you into a Rock Star, Salma!
I like the first one best, but the others aren't too shabby. Try it in the rain too - light reflections off the road and the rain drops on the windscreen. Also try it in a stationary car with the wipers turned off so that the water is running down in a good steady flow. You can get some interesting distortions given a good background.
thank god i'm not the only one!

during the recent batch of snow at the beginning of Jan, i was subject to waiting in traffic for hours to and from work. so i reached onto the back seat, got my cam ready and held it on the dash and generally messed about with timings, f values, iso etc... i thought there were some good results, but decided to keep them to myself just in case the rest of the world laughed at me. next time i need to be a little bolder!
Fantastic Captures I Really Like No.1 And No.3 Very Sharp And Crisp And Great colours Very Well Done

Oh yes! he went postal :wacky: and the person below kirk09 has made 98 posts in the last hour or so ;)
I see you fell prey to Kirk's powers of observation here too. I missed it first time round.
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.....and the person below kirk09 has made 98 posts in the last hour or so ;)

I wondered why I've just had a shed load of subscribed threads just appear in my User CP page. There's the answer.
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Oops, he's been suspended ;)

No getting past these beady eyed mods even in the early hours. They've probably got some system rigged like a string attached to a toe in bed that tugs to wake them up when there's a sniff of a transgression.

I've just looked at the Photos for Pleasure forum. Usually only one or two new ones. Currently standing at 3 pages courtesy of Francismacao.