What do you guys think? Feedback?

Edit My Images

I'm more into macro photography, but am interested in landscape as well. Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated!
Nice shot there, but as above I'd say remove the branches and the flare too. The other thing to me is that little thing above their heads (plane?) I'm not sure about it maybe on a closer crop it would be more meaningful but from this distance not much.
Honestly, I'm not sure what you are trying to show us, what was your idea here? The lens flare, the random twigs, wonky horizon, bland sky, backs of people. Its taken from a low angle so you can't see what is behind the railings - is it water? Sorry to sound a bit harsh, but you did ask!
Nice foreground interest but to much of the photo is just empty for me.

And +1 fir removing the twigs.
Honestly, I'm not sure what you are trying to show us, what was your idea here? The lens flare, the random twigs, wonky horizon, bland sky, backs of people. Its taken from a low angle so you can't see what is behind the railings - is it water? Sorry to sound a bit harsh, but you did ask!

:agree: doesn't do anything for me either, its just a snapshot
I like the people looking at the plane and the fence but as per above comments the space above their heads and the twigs were a little distracting for me, as you have edit ticked, this is to me a far more pleasing crop and makes for a very relaxing photo, imo

keep going though

Thanks for all the feedback guys. Photo is garbage, I get it.
Seems like everyone on this site is "professional"!
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Photo is garbage, I get it.
Seems like everyone on this site is "professional"!

You put a shot up for feedback and people have taken time to given you an honest opinion. Just because you don't like what people have said does not give you the right to be rude :nono:
If you don't want honest feedback, don't ask for it!
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Photo is garbage, I get it.
Seems like everyone on this site is "professional"!

No one has to be a professional to know what they like..... You asked for people's opinions and they gave them :shrug:
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Photo is garbage, I get it.
Seems like everyone on this site is "professional"!

I've had that "How dare they not LOVE my photograph!" moments.

The 'faults' have been mentioned, but I'd add that it appears slightly OOF?

Anyway, before you read feedback, it's sometimes a good idea to take a deep breath and expect criticism as well as compliments...both have equal value; on second thoughts criticism, I suspect, will make you a better photographer...

Cheers and chin up...(y)
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Photo is garbage, I get it.
Seems like everyone on this site is "professional"!

The photo is not garbage at all, with any photo you will get people who like it and those who don't.

I only changed the composition in my edit, the main subjest is great and works.

Many a time have I taken a photo then gone back to it at a later date and changed things in it. don't get dis heartened photography is very subjective!
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Photo is garbage, I get it.
Seems like everyone on this site is "professional"!

5 out of 7 of the comments before your post above had positive comments and constructive advice.

If there's one way to scare people off giving further feedback its a negative response to the feedback that is given.

Now here's my tuppence worth....

I like what you're trying to do in the image, a slight straighten and lose the twigs and thats a good minimal image for my tastes - the flare and the plane add to the 'atmosphere' for me.