what happened before digital

Perhaps, but it was kind of like asking, "Dick turpin never complained about the price of unleaded going up. Did horses use petrol?" ;)

nothing like that at all!
look at the context the question was asked in and also the basics part of the forum it is posted in,
we all have to start somewhere but my knowledge is nill and i admit that
i find everything confusing hence why i shoot automatic and never post pictures,
obviously im not skilled enough for even the basic section here
I think he's right to a certain extent - not that digital hasn't produced 'proper' photographers either, but the majority of photographers whose work I admire were 'weaned' on film.
I still think shooting film instilled a discipline during training that's lacking with those wholly brought-up on digital capture.
I'm constantly amazed at the lack of what I always thought of as basic photographic skills and techniques exhibited by photographers I meet on my travels (mostly Press toggers, I have to say).

Agree absolutely with what you say here.

One thing not mentioned as far as I can see is that people like Charlie Waite used to - may still - do multiple exposures on one frame of film to get the silky water effect that people now use 10xND filters for. Doing it that way avoided the colour casts associated with reciprocity failure.

PS welcome to the grumpy old man thread......;)
nothing like that at all!
look at the context the question was asked in and also the basics part of the forum it is posted in,
we all have to start somewhere but my knowledge is nill and i admit that
i find everything confusing hence why i shoot automatic and never post pictures,
obviously im not skilled enough for even the basic section here

C'mon Shaggy, just taking the p*ss a little, love ya really.
If you didn't ask, who would ??
There will be peeps now glad they didn't ask but even gladder somebody else did....cos they now know the answer...:)
nothing like that at all!
look at the context the question was asked in and also the basics part of the forum it is posted in,
we all have to start somewhere but my knowledge is nill and i admit that
i find everything confusing hence why i shoot automatic and never post pictures,
obviously im not skilled enough for even the basic section here

Everybody has to start somewhere, this Forum is possibly the best place to start, post some pics, you may be surprised at how good they are, try shooting in AV instead, you should soon get an understanding of Aperture setting, and what they do.

I haven`t seen any ghost shots yet on digital. It used to be a fun thing to do.

There are a few out there.

Here's one I took a while back to signify the passing of 'real' signalmen. Modern signallers sit in front of a computer screen and set routes and signals using a computer tracker ball.

I love doing ghost shots on digital.
Apropos of nothing I used to frequently cheat nightshots. Include the sun in the picture, stop the lens down as far as it will go, set the fastest shutter speed and hey presto, a full moon. In the days of black and white movies cinematographers would often shoot day-for-night in broad daylight.
C'mon Shaggy, just taking the p*ss a little, love ya really.
If you didn't ask, who would ??
There will be peeps now glad they didn't ask but even gladder somebody else did....cos they now know the answer...:)

i know :) was a bit overly sensative due to bad day/bad news with lack of humour im afraid

Everybody has to start somewhere, this Forum is possibly the best place to start, post some pics, you may be surprised at how good they are, try shooting in AV instead, you should soon get an understanding of Aperture setting, and what they do.


am going to try AV as the sun goes down now and see what i come up with
as for posting.... mmm we will see