what happens at a camera club?

I have actually now found an excellent club. My wife has taken up photography (she has always been into art history and similar "cultural" issues), so we take the iPad to our local pub (which has free wifi) and have meetings with the two of us as the only members. Meets all our needs :)
with the wealth of knowledge one here, and I bet a lot of members are from the same sort of area, equipment wise everyone owns a camera, a bit of lighting, etc etc, I wonder why no one has set any of these clubs up? with members of TP?
Where should he be asking then? :confused:

well on a camera club homepage for a start .. have a look at whats on offer.. have a think if its of interest.. I appreciate diversity of opinion on here but bloody hell ... old blokes in cardigans film competitions grumble grumble... don't like it go play somewhere else.. but leave those who do like it alone... fgs live and let live
with the wealth of knowledge one here, and I bet a lot of members are from the same sort of area, equipment wise everyone owns a camera, a bit of lighting, etc etc, I wonder why no one has set any of these clubs up? with members of TP?

Time... or lack of it more precisely I should imagine.

w grumble grumble... don't like it go play somewhere else..

People are entitled to opinions... whether you like them or not. Don't like it... don't live in a democracy.
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well on a camera club homepage for a start .. have a look at whats on offer.. have a think if its of interest.. I appreciate diversity of opinion on here but bloody hell ... old blokes in cardigans film competitions grumble grumble... don't like it go play somewhere else.. but leave those who do like it alone... fgs live and let live

But in all fairness they could say that theirs is the best club in the world, and it very well may be cardigans and slippers, or pints of lager and fireworks up your uphill street,but I think to ask about camera clubs on here is a fair and valid point. Some may be ex-members and have left through other commitments but have first hand knowledge.
Time... or lack of it more precisely I should imagine.

People are entitled to opinions... whether you like them or not. Don't like it... don't live in a democracy.

very probably, other commitments etc.
But in all fairness they could say that theirs is the best club in the world, and it very well may be cardigans and slippers, or pints of lager and fireworks up your uphill street,but I think to ask about camera clubs on here is a fair and valid point. Some may be ex-members and have left through other commitments but have first hand knowledge

To be fair we don't all need the opinion of Talk Photography to decide the next step in life.. really.. do we?... only to gain the experience of it in the first place is to go find out.. and then decide.. hey its the way forward
No we don't but I bet a lot of people have not done a lot of things without looking on the net first? Shopping, nights out etc, its this sort of information gathering that allows us to try and make an informed decision? Just my opinion though.
To be fair we don't all need the opinion of Talk Photography to decide the next step in life.. really.. do we?... only to gain the experience of it in the first place is to go find out.. and then decide.. hey its the way forward

Can't really argue with that. For all we know, cardigans, beards and old blokes may be just want the OP wants. (shrug).
First I have to admit I haven't read all the posts.

I joined a club because I had no idea how good or bad my work was.

Ours, Axminster Photography Group, is mainly about helping each other improve our photography. We work toward exhibitions mainly. We do a competition with 2 other clubs once a year and a competition just within our club once a year too.

We have guest speakers and also have a lot of critique sessions were we either talk about our own work and then let others comment, or prints get moved around and we critique others work without knowing whos it is. We also have meets where someone will run through techniques that work for them on Photoshop using our projector.

I learnt loads from or club and they are a very good bunch and it was well worth joining.
well, I thought I'd put my 2p worth on the table too... ;)

I belong to two camera clubs... Southampton and Lymington (http://www.southamptoncameraclub.co.uk and http://lymingtoncameraclub.com)

Both are very very different!!!

Lymington is small (about 30 or so members) and yes, a lot of them are in the 55-70 age range, HOWEVER... it's very friendly, everyone is made very welcome, no 'new comer' is ever ignored!!! We have a good range of activities, speakers and judges, but the main thing is the social aspect - we always go down the pub afterwards, we all get on really well and have a laugh first and foremost, and I can honestly say I've never been so delighted when I see my fellow members get a 'seal of merit', a score of 10 or an award as each and every one of them loves photography... not in a competitive or showy-off kind of way, just in a straightforward honest love of photography kind of way :)

Southampton is a very large club, very well organised, and incredible amounts of talent. Quite 'competition' driven, but they also offer their members so much - each and every club member has been delighted to share their expertise and experience with me, and I'm happy to say my photography has improved with their input. Yes, I was very intimidated when I joined, and I sat in a quiet corner and didn't speak to anyone... but a few months down the line, and I know most of the 'regulars' and again it's a friendly club.
And of course, we have the 'Southampton International Exhibition' which runs every year - attracting about 15,000 entries from all over the world (and by golly, some of the entries are utterly awe inspiring!!! see some of the wining entries here : http://www.southamptoninternationalexhibition.co.uk/ImageGallery2014/ImageGallery.html)

Clubs may not be for everyone, I can only speak from what I've experienced, and for me it's been great :) Clubs have a lot to offer, but try a few out before you decide, as most are quite different!

And don't forget - you only get out what you put in! ;)
Can't really argue with that. For all we know, cardigans, beards and old blokes may be just want the OP wants. (shrug).

well its the empirical/ratiomalist thing.. but heavens the implicit assumption in your post....
And don't forget - you only get out what you put in! ;)

Very true Maria.

Although I kept away from camera clubs for years, mainly because most of them appeared to be obsessed with competitions, and little else amateur photography, I have entered the IMO sensible number (3) in the year at my club.

These I entered for the fun of it, and to be supportive as a club member.

However, I do not see them as serious competitions in the real sense of the word, as there is no defined winning line to be crossed.

They are subjective, and although judges attend judges courses, and from them learn the basic criteria, beyond that it is down to their personal preferences.

I'm not having a go at the judges, as they make reasoned decisions, but at the end of the day, this decision is theirs. If all the images obey all the basic rules, and are technically equal, then it comes down to the judges interpretation of artistic merit. As I said, its all very subjective.

I have seen the same print image, submitted on two separate occasions, and on each it was a different judge. The comments made, and the marking given was quite different. I say again, its subjective, and nothing more.

Its not the judges fault, they are human like the rest of us, and we all have our personal preferences when we look at an image.

Photography competitions = good fun, and we can learn from the judges comments, if only what to place before them next time around. Just give them your best shot (no pun intended :)), enjoy the evening, but just don't take the marking too seriously.

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yes Dave, you are completely right! I'd forgotten about the judges ;) The competitions are definitely very interesting because of the judges perspective... but that's part of what makes it a challenge - hearing differing points of view (that you might not have considered) when taking the image can only make us, as photographers, more subjective about our own work, and perhaps make us think 'outside the box' and try something we might not necessarily have tried before :)
Lymington is small (about 30 or so members) and yes, a lot of them are in the 55-70 age range, HOWEVER... it's very friendly, everyone is made very welcome, no 'new comer' is ever ignored!!! We have a good range of activities, speakers and judges, but the main thing is the social aspect - we always go down the pub afterwards, we all get on really well and have a laugh first and foremost, and I can honestly say I've never been so delighted when I see my fellow members get a 'seal of merit', a score of 10 or an award as each and every one of them loves photography... not in a competitive or showy-off kind of way, just in a straightforward honest love of photography kind of way

Sounds good... almost worth getting on a boat to get to it!!

EDIT: I'm on the Isle of Wight. I thought my profile information on the left showed that but apparently not. The boat comment appears a bit ridiculous without it!

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Sounds good... almost worth getting on a boat to get to it!!

EDIT: I'm on the Isle of Wight. I thought my profile information on the left showed that but apparently not. The boat comment appears a bit ridiculous without it!


and you'd be very welcome :)
Yes so my pics are rubbish I will enter them.. gosh I got zero..... I think anyone who is half serious about photography.. reads, learns and then attempts to put it all into practice.. yes comments will be different and opinion will vary but there is a point when subjectivity is fair but objectively most will agree that this or that is a good pic ( I avoid the word image)

why else would there be a canon of acceptable work.. pictorial art, literature are all subject to roughly the same critical concerns... doesn't mean that everything is equal in these worlds
As most clubs have a 'beginners' 'intermediate' and 'advanced' category, in my experience the judges take this into account and give their critique accordingly - many beginners are very grateful for the helpful advice judges give. And I've never seen a judge give a lower mark than 6 (out of 10) for even the very worst possible image ;)
Not read all the posts, but our club has a varied,year long programme of talks, practical sessions and the inevitable competitions. However you don't have to enter them and it's always interesting hearing the judge's comments, for better or worse. We also have a good summer programme where we go interesting local venues, often getting exclusive access which is great.

We're not all cardigan wearing old fogies. Some of us wear other things instead!!!

My advice,would be to look for a club in your area and give it a try. You never know, you might like it!
<cough> I hate to disrupt the flow of conversation here . . . and this is all very useful stuff for other members thinking of joining a camera club . . .

. . . but before anyone spends too long on a response to the OP, could I just draw your attention to the date on the first post? ;)
<cough> I hate to disrupt the flow of conversation here . . . and this is all very useful stuff for other members thinking of joining a camera club . . .

. . . but before anyone spends too long on a response to the OP, could I just draw your attention to the date on the first post? ;)

I dropped a hint in post 31 but I don't think anyone noticed! :LOL:
I've never been a member of a camera club. I did go to an (early evening), location meet as a guest, once, but shortly after arrival the senior members declared the light was "no good", and searched out the nearest pub. There, they talked a good photograph.

It put me off for good.

As and old ish member here with a beard and a penchant for cardigans I'm very worried that these appendages must be adversely affecting my photography.

I cant help my age....even the best of us grow old, but clearly I must do something about my facial hair and fashion sense as the hipsters seem angry.
So Steve Rees joined, and revived a 6 year old thread just to promote his camera club?

It's bad enough when people accidentally revive an old thread, but doing it to pimp his camera club? Did he think that would make anyone want to go along?
It's funny, I was looking the other day to join a local photo club...and damn I immediately go bad vibes just looking online...the hemel hempstead photographic society website looks like it was done by frontage in 1995, the big news item is that Richard is learning how to operate the projector for competitions.....sigh...

I'm sure they are lovely people but I'm annoyed even before paying them a visit....way way way too old fashioned...
As and old ish member here with a beard and a penchant for cardigans I'm very worried that these appendages must be adversely affecting my photography.

I cant help my age....even the best of us grow old, but clearly I must do something about my facial hair and fashion sense as the hipsters seem angry.

Quite. Equality and diversity in action. Good on you for highlighting such nonsense.

And there was an unbelievable TP post a few months back in another camera club thread that talked about camera club members just expecting females that attend to get undressed for the rest of the club to ogle. Lol. :) Dens of sexual depravity. :):):)
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Quite. Equality and diversity in action. Good on you for highlighting such nonsense.

And there was an unbelievable TP post a few months back that talked about all camera clubs just expecting females that attend to get undressed for the rest of the club to ogle. Lol. :) Dens of sexual depravity. :):):)
Don't they? Hmmm, another reason to avoid them then :)

Cannot really be arsed to read the whole thread to see but surely I cannot be the only one reading the title of this thread and completing in my head "Stays at camera club"
Really? I have seen lots of youngsters with beards and wearing tweed or corduroy!


Don't forget the skinny jeans and single speed bikes :)