What HDR software do you use?

Edit My Images
Seem to be a fair number of standalone packages which specialise in HDR. I am currently evaluating Photomatix and HDR Expose. So far HDR Expose seems to be doing a better job at aligning the images.

What are people generally using for HDR?

Before I part with my cash I would like to know what the experts are using?
I use Photomatix - do a search for vouchers before you buy, they always seem to be available.

Haven't tried any other software, but I'm happy with the results so far.
I've never had any trouble with Photomatix aligning... I do always use a tripod though.

Up to now all shots have been in the hand. Just bought a Red Snapper tripod so that should stop the alignment issues. For out of the blue shots though when a tripod isn't available it could be quiet handy to know you can process the shots.
I use Photomatix - do a search for vouchers before you buy, they always seem to be available.

Haven't tried any other software, but I'm happy with the results so far.

Thanks for that.
I've been aligning in CS5 and processing in Photomatix.

Seems to work fine for me..

Just using Capture NX2 which doesn't allow aligning functionality between images. Still need to decide on the main editing package. Thanks for the info.
Not really a fan of HDR but Nik's new HDR package might tempt me to give it another go... There's a short trailer movie HERE.
Photomatix. Had a go with the trial version and liked it enough to buy it - apart from my OS and games it is the only software I have paid for - I liked it that much.

A lot of peeps punting for Photomatix.

Personally I don’t get on with it due to so many complicated button & slider overload, way to many options for me. I use Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 to process my pics and do the HDR bits. I find it gives a more natural outcome, and only takes 3 clicks to do, simples :). (Most of my pics on my Flickr are HDR)