what software does what?

Edit My Images
perhaps a more pertinant question than, "which is best image manipulation software"
can someone give a beginner like me some pointers on what each different peice of software does...
e.g. lightroom, elements, cs2/3, photoshop etc etc
are they all pretty much one and the same, or do some have certain benefits for certain jobs over others..?

if it helps, most of my work will be landscapes, and i'll be hoping to experiment with some HDR imaging too

thanks in advance
For most photographic processing you probably need about 20% tops of what most packages are capable of.

By far the most important thing initially is to pick a package and stick with it until you know it reasonably well, at which time it will become a lot easier to make the switch to another package if you feel the need. Swapping about in the early stages is very confusing as many of these packages use different terms for what are essentially the same thing.

Photoshop was the first on the scene and has become accepted as the industry 'standard' and is used by countless people simply because the word 'Photoshop' has become synonymous with digital image editing. It's also hugely expensive, and very heavy on system resources, which is why I'm not one of it's biggest fans.

Having said that, if you're looking for on line help with a particular problem, and just using this board as an example, you're far more likely to find help using Photoshop as it's users just outnumber everyone else.

Another undeniable advantage is that a lot of 3rd party plugin filters are only available for Photoshop.

You're right in your assumption that individual packages will have advantages over others in some areas.

Not a huge help probably, but pick a package and get started - it's a considerable learning curve whichever you go with.
In the mould of Photoshop, there is the Photoshop Elements package which is around 1/10th of the price of the full package yet will do pretty much everything someone new to editing will need. There are still things I find easier to do in Elements compared to full Photoshop CS3 e.g. straighten horizons.

Elements also has an excellent photo organising facility and the whole thing is only £60 ish.

There are lots of books and guides to elements as well and for a beginner, I think is the best all round package I have experience of.