What was your first camera ?

Some kind of Polaroid when I was 7.:)

This was my first camera. Bought for me by my parents for Christmas 1959 and I still have it. It was used up till the mid 70s.

This was my first camera. Bought for me by my parents for Christmas 1959 and I still have it. It was used up till the mid 70s.

You don't fancy giving it a new lease of life and putting a roll of film through it??..I would!
The first one I had was some little plastic thing, with a plastic flip up viewfinder using 110mm.
Then used to have one of those Kodak Disc3000, but my first SLR was a Zenit from my dad :p
mine was a kodak instamatic 77 with 126mm cartridges
First slr was a Canon TX? Totally manual, still got it. Followed by a A1 which was joined by a few compacts. Seen the light again and now have a 550d .
A Kodak Instamatic in the 60's was the first I ever bought myself but I was given a Zeiss Netta by my father before that which I still have. The Instamatic did good service with trips across Europe and several IOM TT's to it's credit(?).
My first was some cheap black plastic slim-line thing, don't remember the name. It had a hotshoe for disposable flash-cubes and an orange shutter release button :)

My first "proper" camera was this, handed down to me from my dad:

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My dads old Contax 167MT
Then i bought my own 400D, 50D and i have a 5D mk2 on the way :)
Double post...
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Its amazing how many people have 'their Dads old....' as the first camera. I recently gave my son (not 3 yet) my old Nikon Coolpix something or other. He has already got a pretty good picture of Chimpanzees at the zoo, and a few of Mummy on the toilet. I wont go into too much detail about the hundreds of the carpet, his feet, macro finger shots, and god knows whats.
I wonder if he will remember that as his first camera, probably not.
My first camera was an Olympus D-390 compact (aka C-150), a 2mp basic model with no optical zoom. I do still have it in a box somewhere! After that...

Panasonic DMC-LX1 (still got)
Sony A200 (sold after 3 months ownership for the 40D)
Canon EOS 40D (just sold last week)
Canon EOS 20D (backup/second body, sold about 15 months ago)

And I currently use:
Panasonic DMC-LX3
Canon EOS 5D
Canon EOS 1D Mark II N
Can't remember my 1st camera it was a Christmas present just a small compact film jobby. My 1st dslr was a canon 300 d at a cost of £800 lol that was quite a few years ago now and it's still working.
Another Zenit E, in 1979 as far as I can work out
Then Olympus OM10
Nikon F401X
Nikon S10 Coolpix
Nikon D60
Nikon D5000
Nikon D90

Hopefully D300S sometime soon!
Kodak Instamatic.

I was helping my Dad clean his loft out a few months ago and saw it at the bottum of a pile of tat. Ah well, not one for holding onto old memories and just about everything was smashed on it. It went to the great camera maker in the sky.
Mine - Olympus Trip 35 21st birthday prezzy 1981. Currently being restored after years of use by "Streetshooters". Can't wait to get it back. First own purchase - Oly OM2n. Had three of em since. Best camera evermade.
My first camera was a Snappy Snaps snappit

My second one was a Halina Pix 110T

My third was a Canon sure shot 105
You don't fancy giving it a new lease of life and putting a roll of film through it??..I would!

I have thought of doing that,but you can't get 620 film anymore.
I have heard that 120 can be adapted somehow.
I have thought of doing that,but you can't get 620 film anymore.
I have heard that 120 can be adapted somehow.

Has the camera still got 620 spools in it?

120 format film can be respooled onto them...then you just use it as was originally intended.

120 spools can be cut/filed down if 620 one's aren't available.
The only difference between them is the diameter of the flanges.
The modern 120 spools are made of plastic which can be adapted without too much difficulty.

If you really want to put the camera to use and can't get sorted with film to fit then I'll try sort something out for you with the bits I have knocking about and send a suitably spooled film to you ....will only charge you the price of the film and the postage at cost unless someone who lives nearer to you can offer help.

Failing all that, I could be tempted into buying the camera from you and offering it a new sunny Rivierian life! lol
Film SLR ➝ Phenix DC303K
DSLR ➝ Canon 400D
Underwater Film Camera :')
Kodak if I remember correctly!
weybourne said:
I had never heard of the Phenix and so I had to google it! Interesting to discover that it 'was/is' the Centon K100 - a (Jessops?) copy of the Pentax K1000.

Perhaps ~ I've no idea! Mind, when I worked for Jessops they'd never heard of it & nor had any of my college lecturers. I've been shooting using the little Phenix since I was about fifteen & it's my favourite Film SLR to work with even if it is a little obscure.