What was your first......

As far as I'm aware the Sony Mavica was the first digital camera. Being a gadget man I had to have one. It took a floppy disk the type you used to put in ya computer and I recall it costing me £799, god knows how many years ago that was!


I've still got it but it's probably worth about 50p on ebay!
As far as I'm aware the Sony Mavica was the first digital camera. Being a gadget man I had to have one. It took a floppy disk the type you used to put in ya computer and I recall it costing me £799, god knows how many years ago that was!

I've still got it but it's probably worth about 50p on ebay!

I can remember using one of those. I never actually owned one though. Did Sony eventually bring one out with a mini CD intead of the 3½" floppy?
I can remember using one of those. I never actually owned one though. Did Sony eventually bring one out with a mini CD intead of the 3½" floppy?

I don't recall one with a mini CD, I don't think we had mini CD then anyway!
No they certainly didn't have a mini CD at the time, it was quite a few years later. But I may well be totally wrong. It has been known :)
As far as I'm aware the Sony Mavica was the first digital camera. Being a gadget man I had to have one. It took a floppy disk the type you used to put in ya computer and I recall it costing me £799, god knows how many years ago that was!


I've still got it but it's probably worth about 50p on ebay!

I've never seen one of those before - didn't know they did em with floppy disks - you learn something new every day :)
Coolpix 2100 still got it, still use it :)
Casio QV10a back in 1996!


A stonking 320 x 240 resolution - that's less than 0.1 Megapixels!

Remember paying £300+ for it too! Wowed everyone at the time.:naughty:

I remember these coming out - one of the lads at school had one when we were doing our GCSE's - everyone was really impressed by it - but the pictures he printed out were tiny - bit like the first camera phone shots!

As far as I'm aware the Sony Mavica was the first digital camera. Being a gadget man I had to have one. It took a floppy disk the type you used to put in ya computer and I recall it costing me £799, god knows how many years ago that was!


I've still got it but it's probably worth about 50p on ebay!

We got my grandad one of these - he still used it up until 4 years ago, when we got him a new 7mp sony cybershot!

My first digital camera was in 2003, it was a fuji F420, I also bought my first SLR at the same time - an EOS 300v. I was planning on buying a bridge camera, but decided on a film slr and a digital p&s instead.
I've never seen one of those before - didn't know they did em with floppy disks - you learn something new every day :)

Sony MVC-FD5 Mavica

1997 - I used one of these for a while. Pics were VGA 640x480 saved to 3 1/2" floppy. Was the biz at the time. Certainly drew a crowd when chimping if I remember :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Mine was also a Kodak, but i've forgotten its model number

Was a Kodak Easyshare DX something or other. 3.2 mega pixels, but it took a really really good shot, especially compared to my new Casio 7mp thing. Infact you can still see some of the shots i took with it online (posts some links)







although you can see that the d80 I've got does a much better job. these aren't bad for a point and shoot that I got about 6 years ago.
Canon Ixus 400 bought in 2003, still use it several times most weeks. Brilliant little camera.
My 1st digital camera, which I still have, was the Fuji 602Z Pro

A minor classic which gave full control, and was quite versatile. A wider aperture range than most cameras of the type, f2.8 -f11, and a shutter speed range of 15 sec to 1/10,000th sec. :eek: I'm not sure if any DSLRs can do 1/10,000th sec. (though I could be wrong)

The camera took Jpeg and Tiff, no RAW then. You got a 16Mb Smart Media card with the camera, and one Tiff image was 18Mb, so you couldn't even take one Tiff image (which took about 30 secs to write to a memory card btw) straight out of the box. I also got a 1Gb Microdrive, which cost £150, taking the cost of that and the camera to £550+. :eek:

I'm now onto my 5th digital camera. :bonk:
Mine was a Mustek MDC-4000. Bought it in 2002-2003. Mind you I wasn't into photography at the time, that little camera brought out the love :p
It was crap, it had a fixed focal length, fixed focus plastic lens, everything was auto, you just aim and shoot (no half press either since it didn't have any focusing capabilities at all!)

Second digital was a Sony W15. I still haven't found a compact that can take pictures that can match the quality of that little camera.
A Canon Ixus (not sure what type) back in 2001-ish. Great camera it was :)

When I left home in 2004 my dad kept that and I got a Fujifilm Finepix S 3500, which I loved to bits, my favourite pictures I've ever taken were with that camera. I still have it but have hardly used it since getting my SLR.
God knows, I bought it back in, ooo lets see...99/2000? But it was a rubbish camera, think it was 1mp if that, but back then I loved it! It took forever to turn on, and drank batteries like there was no tomorrow! My grandad still used it until about 3 years ago! Then I bought him something, and he needs a new one again! Might get him the same compact as I've got now! x
Mine was one of those Canon Ixus V2's (about 2MP, IIRC :thinking:).

I remember the day I got it :D. I was just about to move abroad and had also bought my first ever laptop computer to take with me. Whilst taking a photograph of my brand new lappie from above, with my brand new digital compact, I managed to let the little metal brick (it weighed a ton) slip from my sweaty hands :eek:. It fell against the hard edge of my coffee table (putting a lovely dent in the bezel around the lens :crying:) and then, bounced right onto the touch pad on my top-o'-the-range Sony Vaio :( (forever leaving an indentation in that too :bang:)!

Now, I only buy cameras that have rubber-coated grips :D.
A Sony DSC - something-or-other with 640x480 resolution and a floppy disc for picture storage !
Fuji DX-10 (Silver "Limited Edition" model :nuts:) courtesy of Tiny Computers (again) back in 1998. That and the P120 desktop that came with it cost me 2 grand :bonk:

The computer was in the bin long ago, but the camera is still going strong :)
Casio QV7000SX in 1998 in Singapore. 1mp for £650. It lasted a few months, developed a fault and Casio swapped it for their newly released QV2000 (or something with 2000 in it). I always liked the 7000, with its rotating screen, and about 3 years ago I got a little-used one off ebay for about £40. I can't believe how slow the screen refresh rate is. I swear I can draw the view quicker.
Mine was an Olympus C50Z, 5MP in 2001 (just came out in Italy then), and quite frankly thought it was a pretty good PS! Still being used by my son, although I had to replace the zoom mechanism after dropping it (by mistake obviously) in 2005.
Kodak DC240 1.2Mp 3x optical zoom. It's still in the loft working but with a broken rear screen.

I was the first person at my work with a digital camera, which we won in a photo competition. We had a digital camera at work, it was a sony the recorded onto floppy drives. We still have it and use it occaisionally
I had this beauty as my first:

2MP with 2X optical zoom!
Coolpix 2100 still got it, still use it :)

Mine was also the Nikon Coolpix 2100 which I thought took good pictures - but my god did it eat batteries! Can be seen here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nikon-COOLPIX-2100-Digital-3xOptical/dp/B00008PS6P

Think I still have it somewhere - it was a christmas present so not sure how much it cost at the time. Second was my Olympus MJU 725 SW which is still used regularly, and finally my current friend a Panasonic Lumix FZ8.
Nikon D70.

I went in at the deep end. Was away from photography for a few years and then bought the D70 when it first appeared.
Hated it - could not get the hang of things.
Got a Canon P&S - love that. Then my current Pentax. Got the hang of the Pentax quickly. Still had the D70 and have since got comfortable with it. Damned glad I kept it.
Fuji finepix 602

I was the first person to enter a digital camera picture into a competition at out local camera club a few years back. All the old hands were picking holes and sort of saying that its not proper photography.
I Visited the club last year with my old canon AE1 Film camera as i'd been taking some film pics, only to find I was the only one who was interested in film photography, they had all switched to the latest DSLR's

some times you cant win, And some would say if you cant beat them join them.
I cant even get that right

Links to some pics taken with that camera.
1: got caught taking pics at the BODYWORKS show but managed to swap card before they made me delete everything.
My first digital camera was a Fuji s7000, I still have it. The thing that I remember most when I brought it was the cost of a 340mb microdrive £100 from what I remember and that was discounted.
My first digital camera was an EOS 400D almost exactly a year ago. I upgraded to an EOS 40D in December, having previously used 35mm point and shoot jobs when I was a kid and a couple of years with an EOS 35mm SLR.
Mine was a Casio Exilim EX-Z40 4.0 Megapixels, still got it and use it now and again (when I don't need to use the dslr).
Slightly digressing for the benefit of newcomers to the black art, I still have a 512mb CF card bought in 2003. I paid £128 for it.
My first digital compact was a Nikon Coolpix 3100. Still got it and still use it occasionally. Got an optical viewfinder so if I turn off the rear screen, the batteries last a reasonable time. IIRC, it came with a 16 MB CF card - 3 or 4 JPEGS on the D700!
Pentax EI-C90, really odd, two piece camera, the viewing screen was seperate and clipped on if needed. Sub megapixel and was a bit dire for image quality, also the batteries lasted about 10 minutes.
I only got my first Digital camera last year :eek:

Kodak Easyshare M753, hated it after a couple of months, so bought a Fuji after[which isn't a bad camera on the whole] :LOL:

Before that I'd used a mobile phone :shake: or even further before a std film camera :LOL::wacky:
my first digital camera was two years back when i bought a vivitar which i hated so then i took it back and bought a 7mp sony w35 point and shoot. then i got a samsung s1050 which i had for 8 months and then i bought my a300
My first was a Fuji MX1700 zoom, a mind numbing 1.5mp and a massive 64mb card to go in it, all that for the princely sum of £500 and even had to wait a week for it as nobody had one as that was a "special offer" price...
First Digi I owned came with my first PC, it was a Finepix A602 (I think) that had an unfortunate run in with sand at the beach one year. The first digi cam I ever used however actually took floppy disks (but not the Sony one that's already been mentioned here)