What you listening to RIGHT now?

Almost forgot about this gotta be played LOUD

Now you've done it...


Got to love that "Listerine and Broken Windscreen" voice...
Just let Ozzie outta the box for a quick airing :D

Lets slow things down a little ;)

[YOUTUBE]cKI0d6TMlhM&feature=fvst [/YOUTUBE]
And how about Wigwam - the best prog rock band ever to have come out of Finland!

And how about Wigwam - the best prog rock band ever to have come out of Finland!

OK if we are going weird,
How about this mob From the land of the Daffodils,

I actually was there ( at the rainbow 1973) ;)

The whole album was good - but that track was the best.

OMG am now going to have to spend loads of hours on the Tube reliving my past.

Lynard Skynard here I come :LOL:

I do like this track :)

I was sooo tempted to reply with a link to radar love ;)

Nothing wrong with that either (y)

And as its wind down and bed time,
a nice little soothing ditty to close (y)
(yes they really did do some)
