Whats the hardest subject youve had to caputre?

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Went out at the weekend to photo some mates Wake Boarding. I was in a separate boat so going along side them but was so hard to focus on them and not the back ground or water spray when bouncing around in a speed boat and trying to steady a 70-200 at the same time.

So just wondering what other situations people have been in when you underestimated the task :D
Well I find differential calculus quite challenging :LOL:
The circus I had to shoot last Sunday was quite challenging. Generally very low and often single colour lighting with fast moving subjects going from light to dark and back again. Great fun though, and we got to spend the day with the lovely circus folk and their doted on animals.
Swallows in flight. - no success so far.
Hummingbirds at a feeder using a fast shutter speed to freeze their wing movement.
Loch Ness Monster

Swallows in flight come a close second. I've got a few I'm happy with over the years but I'd love to do better.
A black lab puppy at dusk approaching C... While it would have been lovely to have succeeded, the bloody thing was moving so fast that I couldn't keep up with it so the camera had no chance! By the time it (the puppy) was worn out, light had completely gone and I didn't bother getting any shots of a sleeping pup with flash.
A cute, cuddly kitten belonging to a friend. It had a habit of sitting in her shopping bag with a cute expression on its little face and she wanted a photograph of it.

This was back in the days of film and three rolls of film, a collection of scratches, multiple escape attempts and two nervous breakdowns later I still hadn't got it in the pose she wanted. We decided to call it a day (although I called the cute little kitty a few other things!).

As I was leaving, there it was in her bag in exactly the pose she wanted.
This is easy to answer!
Last Autumn I was asked to cover a theatre event where as an experiment the audience had been invited to arrive in fancy dress.
Sounds straightforward, but time, lighting and the subjects all conspired against us.......

There was only 40 mins from doors open to curtains up, people were keen to get to their seats.
The theatre had four separate entrances joined by a rabbit warren of corridors, so we couldn't simply grab them as they went past.
Not many people turned up in fancy dress, so we ended up having to hunt them down after a sighting.
The lighting in the corridors was horrendous, f1.4 ISO 3200 was typical.
We were asked not to take wide shots including the auditorium and not to shoot while the curtain was up.
We were also asked to gain permission before taking any shots - no candids.

Like I said - horrendous....
But the two of us still managed to get some cracking shots.
Four ferrets in the studio. Loose. All over the place, even under the paper roll creating a moving lump, up my trouser leg. Ferrets, fun but bonkers.
Lightning was my nemesis for a while, every time I knew we had a storm I was out. I'd either find it was sheet lightning, or by the time I'd got to a suitable viewpoint it had finished. For years I was unsuccessful.

Then last year I managed to capture a storm, I was delighted.

I went to Croatia last week and photographed 3 separate storms, it was the easiest thing ever!

Lightning On The Adriatic - Explored 22/05/13 by mark_mullen, on Flickr
Getting a good shot of a bat has always proven difficult. Best I have is this v.poor shot.


However I did my first house interior shoot recently. I really underestimated how difficult that would be to get the result I was looking for.


I'm really hoping that darren and the b other good folk at phototriggers are going to come with either an IR trigger or a two part break beam which can be used to fire a flash as a bat flies through it
Bloody kids - I remember an afternoon spent with some vile little swines who had never, ever been taught any manners or what good behaviour meant (thereafter I refused any new "kiddy portrait" clients) - how I longed for an electric cattle prod, or a swift return to the times of applied psychology (round the lug 'ole!:D)