When does it all stop?

I now understand how but not why I have 43 camera bodies.

I have just counted 68 cameras in my collection. I'm sure there are a few more hiding somewhere.

EDIT: I have just found three more. It's worse than I thought.

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I have just counted 68 cameras in my collection. I'm sure there are a few more hiding somewhere.

EDIT: I have just found three more. It's worse than I thought.


You should see some one

How big is your camera bag
In the begining I went out and bought gear and accessories I didn't need, but now I find myself getting annoyed because I don't have the stuff to which I initially thought "pffft I don't see the point in that".
Just had a raise in work this week and the first thing I though was what I can spend the extra £1500 a month on was a new camera

I'm not that bad with GAS nowadays, too many responsibilities nowadays, but my trouble is my hobbies all cost a fortune..motorbikes,mountain bikes, fishing and photography...oh and the pub, my local tackle shop re-labels stuff for me to save some of the grief but if she moans that much I mention the fact she has 3 wardrobes stuffed full of clothes and shoes(and still nothing to wear)
Ah but she " needs" that stuff - wheras your stuff is an expensive extravagance. :LOL:
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At the moment have to many cameras,the problem is they are not worth that much the ones I could move on,so they just sit their :)

And I just brought another body
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It'll stop when you figure out what you want from photography. I was lucky enough to figure out what I needed after two lenses, camera-wise.

Lighting-wise I probably buy at least one modifier a month. Still haven't found that exact light quality I'm after, so the purchasing will continue. Most of it I never use. It's just piled up in the studio.
My name is Chris and I too suffer from GAS. Up until last year it wasn't too bad, however since I upgraded to my 60d my passion and also illness has grown tenfold. This year started with upgrading to a 150-500 for my wildlife images, this then brought about a need for a new monopod oh and a Black rapid strap, oh and yesterday I finally decided to buy a set of filters. My biggest issue is that one of my clients is next door to WEX in Norwich :)
If I didn't have a sensible, rational and understanding better half, I'd probably up to my eyeballs in pro kit and knee-deep in threatening letters from credit card companies. As it is, we share a love for landscape photography, and have pretty much the same kit.

Apparently, I'm a gear whore.

That's a pretty good summary, and has applied to anything I've ever had an interest in, from Lego (aged 5-10), computers (11+), mountain bikes (13+), hi-fi/DJ kit (15+) cars and probably a few other things...
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I must be the only good one amongst us then :) I done a sensible thing & just sold my 85/1.8 & Sigma 70-200/2.8 as I never hardly used them* :)

*I needed the funds as I bought a 135L
I'm pretty new to photography but I think I'm slowly starting to fall into this trap.

I bought my first DSLR in January with a kit lens. Then I had to buy a bag for it. Then I bought a hood. Now I have a second lens, second hood, just got my first filter and a new bag and it's only bloody April!