when i use raw my photos always come out wrong

Edit My Images
ok when i edit a raw photo and save it as a jpg or png the photo comes out different to how it does on photoshop. also when i upload them to any website i get the same result. any help??

here is a preview: the photo on the left is the look im after but if they go on either facebook, my website or even just looking at them at home offline on my mac they look wrong :(
Comes out wrong? You mean on a print? If it's print you need to calibrate your monitor. If it is web related then I think this might be a colour space issue.

If you upload to a website, it may work better if you go to Edit>Edit Colour Space and choose sRGB.

It's probably to do with your working colour profile. You need to match the colour profile you're using in your editing app with the working colour profile of your graphics card (display settings - colour profile)... Set both to sRGB or whatever profile you work to.
RAW files always need tweaking to get the best from them. They also have an embedded JPG which will have some tweaks already done to it, so what you see on the back of the camera is the jpg, but when you load it into your computer, you'll see the raw.
the photos look bad offline on my mac as well as on the net. i was looking at my settings and its all on sRGB

Well then it's likely to be the options you're using when you export from your editing app... Still probably colour profile related. I seem to remember getting the same sort of results in the past when using "Save for Web" in CS4. Now I always use the normal "Save" option and manually select jpeg.
My guess is still that your embedded (windows) colour profile is not sRGB. That's pretty much the only reason you would get what you're experiencing. While you have Photoshop open, it uses the working colour profile set within the application. When you open what you've saved in Photoshop in another application, it will use the colour profile of that app, and if that app is IE, Windows Image Viewer, and other such apps, they will all use the Windows default colour profile.
That's what you need to check...
When you save the photo, what happens if you reopen it in Photoshop. Does it look the same as it did when you saved it? Do you get any miss match warnings when you reopen it
Are those two window screen shots on the same computer? How does it look on other computers?
Looks like the images have been saved with an AdobeRGB colour profile and not sRGB which is required for the web or general photo lab printing. This will result in washed-out images like this.
Can you confirm what settings you are using in the camera and Photoshop.
As every one has said , images for the web are best saved as sRGB files. Save a test image as sRGB ( don't use the "Save for web" option) and upload the images, and view them on the same computer you edited them on ( Eliminates any differences with screen match etc.)

Do they still look different? If they do I would guess that the site(s) software is doing something odd.

Another trick would be to save them in Colourmatch RGB colourspace. This is a monitor colourspace, not unlike sRGB but with a slightly wider gamut and a different white point.

Forget the technicalities, see if this makes any difference
If you don't understand colour management, use sRGB all the way through from capture to final output, unless you have a very good reason to change it.
You are sending your images to the web embeded with the adobe prophoto rgb colour space instead of srgb....end of story. :)

As everyone has said, convert to sRGB which can also be done in the save for web box. I had the same problem a few months ago.
ok to everyone. im using sRGB from taking the photo on my camera to the saving part after editing. also the photo dont just look like that on the web also offline when i view it on my iMac using a preview app. its killing me because its a paid photoshoot and she is collecting the photos at the end of the week. ive always had this problem using RAW files to jpg
1) check that the monitor has a correct profile installed and calibrated

2) check that all your work flow in all your applications is in srgb!!

I bet is a profile problem...

my workflow is profile in adobe98 and i print jpg with adobe98

... ONLY before go live on my website or forums I resize the pic and change to srgb ..........