Where do you buy lenses from? Nifty fifty issue.

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Hi all,

I'm looking to buy a Canon 50mm 1.8 lens, and I was all set to buy it for £75 on EBay (from Wolu Digital) - however after Googling reviews is seems they don't have the best reputation, so I'm not so sure where to go now. I've also seen it on Amazon and Warehouse Express, but I'm
not sure if these are Grey Market as well, so whether it would really be worth the extra cash.

I was just wondering where people here buy their lenses (online that is) - to buy it elsewhere I've seen it for around £90 - is it worth paying more for a lens like this?

Obviously if it was a more premium lens I'd want to get it from a local shop I trust - but I just didn't know whether it would be OK ebaying a sub £100 lens (especially as I'm skint!)

Thanks for any help :)
I bought one from 'photodigital' on eBay for £74 without any problems the other week, and it's fine. Price included delivery via DPD as well.
I'd also recommend Kerso. There are plenty of threads on this site relating to his excellent service.
I've had two from Kerso also, fantastic service, and good prices. PM him for a price list.

I have bought a few bits 2nd hand off eBay and the classifieds here. So long as it looks likes gear has been taken care of I have no issues buying used.

via TP Forums for iPhone
If you don't fancy Kerso, you could also try camerapricebuster.com i purchase most of my kit from Fixation
I've purchased from Kerso in the past and he was fine, also used Digital Depot as they are based in my hometown and they've been great if you'd prefer to buy from a bricks n' mortar shop.

.....I've also seen it on Amazon and Warehouse Express, but I'm not sure if these are Grey Market as well

As it seems that no-ones actually answered the question to that part... WE & Amazon are UK sellers they are NOT grey market.... Maybe some of their market place sellers may offer "grey" market items they (Amazon & Warehouse Express) actually dont!!


I've brought from Amazon many a timesand even after 10mths when something has gone wrong they have replaced the itemin question - wasn't a lens thou it was a manfrotto tripod
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It's kind of pathetic that someone can't make up their own mind these days about where to buy something. I blame it on the internet.
It's kind of pathetic that someone can't make up their own mind these days about where to buy something. I blame it on the internet.

:thinking: isnt the OP asking where the best place to buy in order to get a bargain:shrug:
Jackwow said:
It's kind of pathetic that someone can't make up their own mind these days about where to buy something. I blame it on the internet.

I don't think that finding out where other people have good experiences and deals from is pathetic. I'd call it being savvy.

via TP Forums for iPhone
Well I bought a Canon 50mm f1.8 from the classifieds on here last year for about £60 and it is perfect.

Over the last 2 years I've saved myself a lot of money by buying S/H on here and the one good thing is that they are all used by other photographers who know how to look after them.

petersmart said:
Well I bought a Canon 50mm f1.8 from the classifieds on here last year for about £60 and it is perfect.

Over the last 2 years I've saved myself a lot of money by buying S/H on here and the one good thing is that they are all used by other photographers who know how to look after them.


Who else other than photographers would you think would use a lens! :p haha

It's kind of pathetic that someone can't make up their own mind these days about where to buy something. I blame it on the internet.

pathetic? bet she's really glad she asked the question now

As a forum, we try and make it clear that people can ask anything they want, don't be shy / put off / afraid that you'll sound silly... just ask and we'll answer between us.

i can't believe you even took the time to put that as a response :wacky:
Yeah, thanks Jackwow, really useful input.

Anyway, a less sarcastic thankyou to everyone else for their responses - it was much appreciated as I want to spend my money wisely, and I've bookmarked the sites mentioned for future purchases :)

For this lens anyway I've bought off Kerso - he sent a really quick response and it's already been dispatched, so I'm really glad for the recommendation - thankyou!