Where shall I go this Sat to take pictures?

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Got the day to myself - other half off to relatives!

Live in Cambridge and was thinking of jumping on train to London with bike and heading round central London for the day, some of the normal tourist stuff like Westminster, parks like Hampsted etc...

Then again I do have Cambridge on my doorstep... any other suggestions within an hour or so...
cycle into the country side? go round a few villages? Tour de Villages...

...or London, sounds good :)
Follow the other half and take pics, you sure she is going to relatives :)

Sounds like the worlds your lobster ... so its up to how you feel when you get up .... wow .. thats true freedom to go shoot.

What i love is that your best shots could come from just outside your front door or 100 miles away.

I would just throw a dart in a map and go play ....... the great unknown .... what a buzz :)
get a map of the local counties, stick it to a wall, get a dart, get a blindfold, tie the blindfold, throw the dart, go to the place it lands on!
if in london a couple of ideas could be:

the east end for some gritty street photography
south bank for tourists, architecture (tate modern, westminster etc), buskers
if in london a couple of ideas could be:

the east end for some gritty street photography
south bank for tourists, architecture (tate modern, westminster etc), buskers

east end is good, not so gritty any more, it's been gentrified by art students...

southbank's been done alot!

how about bloomsbury, the brunswick center, further up the thames path (could walk all the way to fullham if your mad!) hampstead? lots of interesting things hidden there.

sorry, these are all NW london, not the best if your traveling in from the other side!

erm, mayfair? soho? that doesn't get done loads ive noticed!

just ROAM!

the actual "city" -where the buisness happens is amazing on the weekend, but you need time to crawl around all the small alleys et al!

hope it helps!
You could always come over to sunny Suffolk and try out Bury St Edmunds. Loads to photograph - historic town centre, ARC shopping centre (the new one) - Abbey Gardens, Cathedral, St Marys church, river Lark - all are within easy cycle distance of the station :shrug:.