which photoshop tool?

Edit My Images
Which photoshop tool would it be best to use if you want to add selective bits of colour to a b+w image. Also any tips on the best method of using this tool would be much appreciated.:thinking:
One of the easiest methods is to desaturate the image then use the history brush to paint back in the areas you want in colour. TIP: Zoom in big to get accuracy!
Depends which version of photoshop you have. If it's elements use a Hue/Satuation layer to turn the image B&W then select the layer mask for the H/S layer, choose the brush tool and the colour black and start painting over the bits you want to turn back into colour. If you paint too far, you change the brush colour to white and paint it back to B&W again.
Turning the image to greyscale created a flat looking B&W image. If using Photoshop I create a new layer above the background and use a channel mixer adjustment layer to create a good B&W image. then i paint black on the mask to hide the top layer reveling the colour beneath.

There's lots of ways to do everything in photoshop.
That's what I love about Photoshop, 101 ways to do everything! I do like the sound of your technique though EOS JD, think I'll be giving that a try over the weekend (y)
You might like to try using a mono layer of your pic, overlayed onto a colour layer of the same pic, then click on the layer mask button on the bottom of your layers pallette, which gives you a layer mask (white box next to the thumbnail of your pic in the layers pallette). Click in the white box, choose a soft edge brush of suitable size, then make sure your colours are the black and white default, then paint over the area you wish to make colour. This then adds or subtracts the mono layer, leaving the colour to show through. Being a mask, you can undo any mistakes.
Don't forget that layer masks aren't available in elements unless you have a 3rd party plug in and she might not have those options yet.
Thanks for all the tips, the only problem is that the image I am starting with is one that I shot on black and white film so no colour version to play with. But will still be able to use the other helpful tips you all gave me. Thanks again.
You can still add some colour to your b/w image Jamie. Add a new layer on the image, set the blend mode to "colour", select the brush, chose a colour and paint on the new layer. With the colour blend mode it will give the effect of re colouring the image. You may need to adjust the layer opacity to get the degree of saturation you want. Also, I would advice putting each colour on a seperate layer so that you can control them individually
You have that right Glendel. Again there are otyher ways but this is about the best for control.

I've coloured a few images like this but it's hard to get the skin colours correct.