Which praktica? Pcl 3 or ltl?

My first serious camera was a Praktika LB2 in 1976.

With a non TTL light meter, visible as a black rectangle in the picture. Similar to the Zenith E around at the same time. Except it had an amazing 1/1000 shutter speed with a metal vertical focal plane shutter. You turn the black ring on the rewind knob to match 2 needles. The dial then shows the aperture needed. Whilst matching the needles I habitually shaded the selenium sensor with the same hand to block direct sunlight from outside the frame.
Note it had the same Domiplan 42mm thread lens as the Nova pictured above.

Praktika have some odd numbering schemes for cameras.

Just saying.
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The LTL has always appealed to me for purely aesthetic and literary/cinematic reasons..


(from The Unbearable Lightness Of Being)

I've never been able to find an original LTL in black though.
Wow, that was some film wasn't it? First time I fell in love with Juliette Binoche!

By the way, if you've never read the book ... don't (I gave up halfway through, it's so dense - and I couldn't visualise the movie).
Oh guys, Im not troll :) it was serious question. I bought mtl5 and wanted to buy second praktica so I could shoot with two different iso film at same time. Like in day and night. So I bought plc3. I am beginner just to film photography, as I always shot only on digital before.
With the colour shift removed from the 4th I like this, and for B\W.... the 5th shot is my choice.(y)
The umbrella shot is an absolute cracker, the shot of the guys with the trolleys also had great potential but you needed to feature the trolleys more. But you have a really good eye.
#2 is grossly over sharpened
#4 would be very good if the cyclist was in focus compared to the background
#6 is quirky and I like it, but wish it was more in focus?

However, I agree with everyone else - #5 with the umbrellas is a real winner.
Thanks all. I like umbrellas picture most too. Glad I was able to capture it, it was really stressfull. And yes, focusing is issue now :( I should use higher appertures I think. And forget about bokeh in manual focus street photos.
Thanks all. I like umbrellas picture most too. Glad I was able to capture it, it was really stressfull. And yes, focusing is issue now :( I should use higher appertures I think. And forget about bokeh in manual focus street photos.

Well if you are using one lens and the distance scale on the lens is accurate maybe you could judge the distance of your subject then set distance on your lens and memorise the depth of field for a few apertures that you use OR if you have a good memory all of them :eek:
I tried to crop second with trolleys because of horizont. And to male it little bit cleaner. This is original. Image1464076481.552475.jpg
Well maybe it would have been better to crop the man (with newspaper) out as he is looking out of the picture and doing nothing.....all the others are going the same way.
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