Whipsnade (and an Animal ID please!)

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I went to Whipsnade Wild Animal Park Today.

The weather was working against me - a very dull day, but gave me the opportunity to test out the D200 at higher ISOs and also practice using fill flash.

Full gallery is HERE

My favourites (any comments/critiques welcomed :)) -

All shots taken with my D200 and 70-200mm f2.8 VR lens.


Red Panda 1

Red Panda 2

Tiger 1

Tiger 2

Finally, can anyone tell me what this animal is??


Very nice series of shots, I like them alot :)

The penguins pic is an excellent capture :thumb:

Chez:- Excuse me, which way is it to see the tigers?...

Penguins:- That way!! :whistle2:

Chez:- :ponders: :suspect1:

Love the penguin shot! Tiger 2 is good also. Have no idea what the rabbity thing is :ponders:
Just looked at the full gallery - I like the 2nd shot of the lion.. looks well p*ssed off. Did you wake it up? lol
Looks like you had a great day with the D200:thumb:

Looking at the lion shots........is there a greenish cast to both of them?
Well the top one is Peter Andre and his twin.
caraboo or some such sillyness, Mrs Matt will know, i will ask later if no-one else has sussed it
Red Panda 2 is lovely! I think it would take a bit more of a sharpen and add a little pop etc. but is a great shot none the less.

Andy Rouse would be chuffed with the penguin shot, brilliant.

The animal in the last photo is from Chernobyl Municipal Zoo...a kangaroo.
Great shots there, I really like the pose of the two penguins.
Do you think with the penguins they're both thinking 'I'd stretch out my other flipper if HE wasn't taking up so much bl00dy room!'

Oh my God, are you all thick??? It's clearly a lesser-spotted angolan tree goat! :thumb:
that peguin shot is fantastic lol. really caught the moment, as for the last animal, i'm sure they had them at newquay zoo too, can't remember what it's called, though 'mara' sounds farmiliar.
there, told you it was a mara.....
whats the mara eh! :D
its a geordie rat
The pengiuns are brilliant - how did you get them to pose like that? :D

I love the 2nd red panda too :) I like how he reflects
Thanks for all the comments guys and gals :)

minimeeze said:
Just looked at the full gallery - I like the 2nd shot of the lion.. looks well p*ssed off. Did you wake it up? lol

Funny you should say that, I still had the flash on for the previous shot and I don't think he liked it much!

P-E said:
Looking at the lion shots........is there a greenish cast to both of them?

There was - I think the wall behind him was the cause - have corrected it. Thanks :)

SammyC said:
Red Panda 2 is lovely! I think it would take a bit more of a sharpen and add a little pop etc. but is a great shot none the less.


Thanks SammyC - I've added a little more USM...


So, that strange rabbity guinea pig is a Mara! Strange animals...funny little things though..