Whitby for new year

Rascle McPherson
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Hi guys,

We're off to whitby for 3 days for new year. About 14 of us. Can anyone suggest places to eat/drink, things to do, and stuff to photograph?! I'm coming up a little short on google!

the "shambles" near the old town clock is great on a night, and if your young enough then theres the night club (cant remember name ) next to were the boat trips are.
indian restaurant next door to the bus station (not the one in the station its crud)
cheers peeps! seems fish and chips are the dish of the day in whitby! Glad to hear there are lots of photo opportunities. Sadly your photo link isnt working. :(
There may be some goths as well, as New Year has been slowly developing into a third Gothic Weekend in the year.
Nightclub is the Angel, best place for fish'n'chips is probably Hadleys just over the bridge on the corner - they've just expanded so have a bit more room. We used to go there all the time now go to the other one on the left past the newsagents as they have more 'buggy' room.

If you can't find anything to photograph in Whitby there's something wrong. lol.

Oh btw, good luck on finding somewhere to park unless you are going by train.

Plenty of pubs, but there's a nice café in Sanders Yard (near the health food shop down Church Street)

Going thee myself with our lass and the young'un on new years day - was going today but couldn't be bothered.
As mentioned, there's plenty to photograph, for food and drink though, Magpie is supposed to be good, but be prepared to queue for a table. If you fancy a take away, i've never tried Mister chip or Hadleys, but i like Stuart Fuscoes ther place, Revolution i think it's called, they do crinkle chips :D. Shambles do a nice fillet steak sandwich with fries and salad, which i order everytime i go for lunch.

Angels (or Big A's as it's also known) is an alright night out
abbey and church with graveyard , piers, view back from the pier, harbour, and if you go exploring there is a park and some old architecture/buildings to shoot.
Panet Park that would be. If you walk out with the park on your right towards the roundabout - straight ahead you will see an old mucky brick bridge. Go down there and you will join onto the old railway line. If you have a walk down there you eventually come out at the viaduct (no idea if the barriers are still up to stop you crossing it after blocks were thrown onto the railway below but some kind folks have opened it up in the past with oxyacetylene torches). Nice long walk if you are up to it.