Who really rules the roost???????

Our lass says she can't stand me faffing around when I take a pic. Always says to me now when we go out for a walk that I shouldn't take all my kit (I ignore her).

I stood for half an hour in Boots the other day while she looked at smelly stuff, picking ut up carrying t around putting it back, choosing something else, doing the same then going back to what she picked up originally.. ARGH!!

I make a point of being bored shi useless.. so she doesn't want me to go with her.

My mate has got interested in photography so if we go out anywhere as two couples we go wandering off with our cameras while our lass lags behind with his wife gossiping. Sorted (y)
I rule the roost in my house.

(I just hope that my wife doesn't know my login details for TP otherwise I'm dead and probably out on my ear :bonk::rules:)
Management rules here (aka My beloved) ;)

It's all aboot compromise...........

............coming dearest!
I do. When we got married I said to her the first night, "Put my trousers on." "Why" she asked. " Because that the last time you are going to wear the trousers in this house." Job done, now she knows who is the boss. Anyway the next night as we were getting ammorous (sp) she said to me, " Put my knickers on." Blimmey o thought, as I was putting them on I asked her, " Does this turn you on?". "No." she said, " It's the last time you are getting in my knickers."

So as I said at the start of this reply' she does. :D
For heavens sake you men!! Whats wrong with ya? :LOL:

If you dont want to be dragged around M & S why do you go in the first place? And why on earth do your wives want you tagging along anyway? Youre a pain in the arse!!

I dont get it.......

OMG, would ya listen to that bucket woman going on... :D.

The reason the wives drag us around m&s is so they can watch the agonising looks on our faces as they spend spend spend. Ever wonder why you don't see the hubby's with their wifes in Netto or Aldi? It's cos there's nothing of value in there to have agony inflicted with. :LOL:

PS: DaveC223 - loved the post. Very funny... (y)
I actually like being under the thumb. means i dont have to think about making decsions about things. :LOL: